15. Love?

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Jihyun POV :

It was 8 in the morning when I woke up. My mom made breakfast for me and she went off to work. I was eating when I heard a knock on my door.

I went and opened to reveal haejin. I was utterly shocked. "Haejin-ah when did you come to korea? You didn't even say me" I said as I gave her a bone crushing hug.

"Lemme first breathe" she mumbled. "I came here yesterday I wanted to surprise my best friend" she said smiling.

I invited her inside my home. As we were speaking time flew by.

It was 10 when I received a text.

Hey are you coming or
not? Everyone are waiting for you..

Can I bring haejin with me?

Sure! Come soon!

"Hey! We are going somewhere" I announced as I stood up.

"Where?" she said curiously.

"To meet my brother" I said while smiling.

"You mean NCT?" She asked.

"Only NCT dream. Get up soon we are already late" I said while pushing her out of my door.

We arrived at SM in 10 minutes. "Hey should I really come? You can go I will wait for you" she said.

"No you are coming with me" I said sternly.

I pushed her inside the practice room.

"Hey, jihyun! Is that your friend haejin?" haechan asked.

"Yeah haejin meet NCT dream and guys this is haejin" I introduced.

Everyone greeted her. We were speaking for a while.

"Hey guys did you eat your breakfast?" I asked suddenly knowing the habit of them skipping their breakfast.

"No" jaemin said lowly.

"I knew it. You guys wait I will get something to eat" I said while standing up.

"I will join you" haejin said and I nodded.

We left to buy food for them.

Jisung POV :

As they left jaemin suddenly asked, "Do you like jihyun?

I was shocked. Jeno said,"We are so curious jisung"

"You stare at her for a long time. You speak about her day and night. You like her right?" chenle stated the facts.

"I... I don't know hyung. I admire her. I like her personality. I like when she speaks with me. I loved every minute when I was in jeno's home. I badly miss her now" I said not meeting their eyes especially jeno's.

"Whatever you do your brothers will support you. Don't worry. Even if you like her we would support our dongsaeng" haechan said smiling.

"Really?" I asked widening my eyes.

"Of course jisung" jeno said while hugging me. And soon everyone joined for a group hug.

Haechan POV :

'Jihyun will remain as my first crush. More than my crush her happiness matters. And it is clear that she likes jisung more than me' I thought.


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