05. Mark Lee

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Author's POV :

Jihyun opened her small eyes to see the person. It was.. Haechan.

She closed her eyes immediately that he didn't notice it. He laid her in her soft bed and pulled the blankets around and whispered a cute 'good night' and left her room.

She drifted to sleep. Feeling so blessed.

<time skip to the next day >

Jihyun was woked by her mother's call. She got up in her bed and thought of the last night and chuckled.

She took a quick shower and went down to hall to grab breakfast.

She saw her brother already eating. She went to him and wished a good morning. He wished her back.

"Hey if you are free drop by our practice room. The boys would be excited to see you. They didn't shut their mouths about you, especially jisung" he said. Jihyun looked up to him and asked , "Are you guys okay with it?". He simply nodded.

"Okay, can i come with you?" she asked. "Yeah of course wait a minute will grab my things from my room and we can go" he patted her head and went to his room. She missed her brother like crazy.

They went to the SM Entertainment building and stood in front of the practice room. She felt nervous all of a sudden. "Hey no need to be nervous they are still the boys whom you saw playing yesterday" he flashed his eye smile to his sister. She just grinned.

He opened the door and they were six persons. Wait did she see correctly they were six.

She was shocked to see mark.

"Hey mark hyung" jeno greeted with a wave. "And, this my sister jihyun" he introduced me. "Yeah i know the kids already said me about your sister."

He held a hand and introduced him. "hey, I am mark". She almost screamed. "Yeah i know. Actually i am a very big fan of you. You are my inspiration. Like in 17 years you debuted in 3 sub units. Woah! That was insane. I am really happy to meet you in person. I am seriously hella lucky." she said almost rapping.

Mark just chuckled and said"I am very happy that i am someone's inspiration. I am late guys i have to go to the airport for a SuperM concert see ya later, jihyun". He flashed a smile before disappearing.

I am such an dream trash. And i am an ot7 stan. I felt really bad while writing the first chapter as it was only 6 members. So i made a chapter with mark. My lion baby. 💚

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