20. Walk You Home

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Jihyun POV :

After a while, the movie was overed. I sat up silently untangling my hands from jisung. Mostly everyone slept.

As I took my phone and headed towards the door I heard a raspy voice "Can I walk you home?"

I turned and a saw haechan looking at me.

"It's okay. I can go by myself" I said assuring him.

"No it's already dark. I can't send you alone" he said sleepishly.

"Okay" I agreed.

We went out of their dorm. It was a very silent 10 minutes walk.

As we came to my home. "Oppa wait I will get you something to eat" I said pulling him inside my home.

And I noticed my mother and father were already asleep.

I made him wait in the hall and went to the kitchen. I didn't find anything except ice cream. So I grabbed it with two spoons.

As I went to my hall, haechan was not there. I went to my backyard to see if he was there. He was sitting there in a swing like a small kid.

I went near him and gave him the ice cream. "Thank you jihyun-ssi" he said.

I smiled widely and sat near him in another swing.

As the cool breeze hit my face it was so chill yet I was eating my ice cream.

"You know something? I am adopted" I said as I turned my head to face him.

He was not shocked he just hummed as a response.

"I was adopted when I was nine years old. I grew up in the orphange till my mother saw me and decided to adopt me. I was first shy and didn't speak with anyone. But as days went jeno became so close to me that we were inseparable. Then next came the hell, school" I said slightly laughing at the last sentence.

"When I first entered the school it was all good. But when the other kids came to know that I was apdoted they continously teased me. Not only my friends but even jeno's friends started teasing me. They said 'Your family doesn't love you' 'You are just a burden to them' 'Even jeno don't like you' I was very deeply hurt hearing those things. I thought I could manage and didn't say to anyone. One day I couldn't keep it to myself and broke out to jeno. At that time I think he was around 14 years old. He then said to our parents. And they decided to send me to taiwan where my grandma lives. I had no choice but to accept it. I know my parents did it for my own good. So I spent 7 years in taiwan and finally I am back to korea" I finished while bitting my lips, controlling my tears though it fell down.

Haechan got up from his swing and sat in front of me and he grabbed my hands and squeezed it a bit.

"If you are family for jeno, then you are family for all of us. Don't worry you are not alone we are always with you" he said smiling widely.

I suddenly hugged him and sobbed a little. "I think this is my first time saying this to someone except haejin. I am so lucky to have you guys"

As we got separated I said a bit sadly, "Sorry I just felt like saying this all to you. Sorry for being a burden to you"

"You are no burden to me. Okay let's meet later it is already late I have to go. Bye. Take care" he waved at me and left.


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