28. Ice Cream Date

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Jisung POV:

I have been waiting to speak with jeno hyung. One time, thankfully we were alone. All others were inside their rooms.

I have never thought jeno hyung was scary. But, now I feel so scared to speak to him.

We both were watching a movie and munching some chips.

"Jeno hyung" I started.

"Hm?" he hummed still watching the TV.

"I have been wanting to say to something?" I said lowly.

"Is it about my sister?" he said while facing me. To which I nodded timidly.

"I love her, hyung" I blurted out not meeting his eyes.

"Hm. I know. Keep her happy. She have gone through many things since at a very young age. I don't want her to be sad at any cost. Do you understand?" he said seriously.

I gathered up my courage and replied,"Yes hyung I understand"

"So, can I date her?" I asked him with puppy eyes.

"Of course you idiot. I officially give you permission to date my sister." he said while chuckling.

"Thank you so much hyung" I said and ran to jihyun's room.

"Young love" jeno said and continued watching the movie.

Jihyun POV :

I was sitting on my bed peacefully with my phone on my hand scrolling on some random stuff.

While, haejin was sound asleep in her bed. Not worrying about a thing.

That was the time when someone bashed inside our room. It was none other than jisung.

I was afraid a bit because of the thing that I did yesterday. I am sure he is pissed off. But, he was different. He was all smiley when he bashed into our room.

"Aish. Can't you just knock?" haejin yelled at him.

"How will I know that you will sleeping on a bright afternoon?" he yelled back which made me chuckle.

Haejin sighed and went back to sleep.

"Your outfit is okay. So now come with me" he said while grabbing my hand.

"But, where are we going?" I asked in confusion.

"On a date" he said while winking at me.

"Seriously jisung you bashed to our room just to steal her for a date? And disturb my beauty sleep?" haejin said suddenly while rolling her eyes.

"Yeah" jisung said bluntly and dragged me outside.

As we were walking around the streets. Out of the blue, he interviewed his hands on mine.

"I think I like it this way" he said while looking at me. I was a blushing mess.

Before I could reply, "Look an ice cream shop let's go there. I have been carving for ice cream since ages" he said excitedly.

I nodded and we both walked to the shop and grabbed a ice cream each.

"Why are you so happy today?" I asked breaking the silence.

Jisung was busy eating the ice cream so it took him a while to say "Just in a good mood you know". He flashed a bright smile on me.

I nodded and we started to enjoy the ice creams which were starting to melt in our hands.

Jisung dragged me to different places and I must be honest I enjoyed every second with him.

It was around 7 when we decided to go home.

The weather was a bit chill so I hugged myself in order to keep myself warm.

Jisung noticed this and removed his jacket and slipped it around my shoulders.

"You can wear my jacket" He said in a deep tone.

"Thank you" I smiled at him.

"Today, I was really happy. Thanks to you" I said while interwining his hands on mine.

"Thanks to you too. I enjoyed a lot today" He said while hugging me all of sudden.

"Let's be like this for a while" he mumbled wrapping his hands on my waist.

I have never felt something like this before. My heart was beating so fast and I was a blushing mess. And I personally hoped we could stay like this forever.

"Let's go or the hyungs will kill me" he said while seperating.

"Okay" I nodded and we headed towards our home.

"Did you enjoy your date?" Haejin asked while slurping some noodles into her mouth. Everyone were eating their supper.

"Yeah we did" Jisung said while I blushed a bit.

"Finally, the God has listened my prayers" chenle said.

"Quit being dramatic" renjun commented which made chenle shut his mouth.

"It's already late. Now come and eat your supper you two" jaemin ordered us.

"Yes mom" me and jisung said together.


So, I personally like this chapter a lot! 💞

Do vote and comment if you like it too! 💙

Have a good day/night! 👣

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