21. Scandal

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Jihyun POV :

I was sleeping peacefully until I got a call from my brother. It was just 7 in the morning. I sleepishly attended the call and said slowly, "Hello"

"Jihyun you have to check out the news" he said bluntly and cut the call. But the way he said was serious.

I panicked and the first thing I saw in my phone was an article from dispatch having the title,

NCT Haechan got caught dating?

Yesterday night haechan was spotted with a young girl who seemed around his age. The fans highly doubt that this unfamiliar girl might be his girlfriend.

After reading the article, I was shook. I decided to read the comments under it. Which might turn out as a very bad decision.


'Guys I don't think it is her girlfriend and all. Cause he is very busy with both 127 and Dream'

'Who the heck is that girl. Ew'

'Guys this is his life he can do whatever he wants. Be supportive for God's sake'

'That's it! I am gonna close my fanaccont of haechan. He betrayed me'

As I was reading the comments I got a call this time it was from, haechan.

I answered and he said, "My manager wants to meet you. Come here in ten minutes" he said and cut the call.

I got up soon and took a quick shower and went there in lightning speed.

As I went inside I saw all the dreamies, jeno saw me and came near me, "You guys must have been careful" he said in a low tone.

As I walked further I saw their manager who was speaking with haechan. He saw me and turned his attention to me "So you are that girl uh?" he asked.

I slowly nodded. "Yes hyung she is jeno's sister" haechan said. And their manager asked about last night. We both explained everything.

"So, you are saying me she just visited jeno in your dorm and you all fell asleep while watching a movie as it was late haechan just walked you home?" he said burrowing his eyebrows.

"Yes hyung it was all a misunderstanding" haechan said at last with a sigh.

Their manager just smiled and said, "Okay I understand now don't worry I will explain it to our CEO and he will solve it, now you guys can go and have fun. You just completed your promotions and now it is time for you to relax and chill" he said while patting both our shoulders.

"Oh thank you so much, we thought it would be a very serious matter and we thought we are gonna be in a big trouble" renjun said while hugging his manager.

"As an idol this dating rumors are so regular and normal. You guys shouldn't be distracted by it. Just do your best in your job and don't care about those. Always keep your chin up" their manager told cooly.

Me and the others were awestruck. "We love you so much hyung" chenle yelled while hugging his manager.

He hugged back and said, "If you let me go I will go and visit the CEO now"

Chenle chuckled and left his manager to go. As their manager exited the others started bombarding me with questions.

"Guys let her breathe" jisung said comforting me.

Jisung POV:

"Did you by any chance read any comments?" jaemin asked concernly.

I slowly nodded. "See me" I said while cupping her face.

"None of it is true. You are a pure gem. They just don't know about you. And I am so sorry that you got into trouble because of us" I said staring at her and trying to read her eyes.

She nodded and said, "Haechan oppa I am so sorry that you got in trouble because of me"

"No problem princess" he said smiling.

"Hyung don't call her that" I said looking annoyed.

"Ohh~I smell some jealousy" chenle said laughing.

I just rolled my eyes. As we were speaking our manager entered our room and announced, "I explained everything and the company gave an official statement declining the dating rumors. Check it out"

I took my phone and saw the article,

SM has officially declined the dating rumors of NCT's Haechan

The statement is as follows:

Hello, this is SM entertainment
About NCT haechan's dating rumors, it was all a misunderstanding. The unfamiliar girl is just a friend for her. And they are not dating. And we are not willing to reveal the identity of the girl it's her privacy. So we wish you would understand it.

We read the article at the same time.

"I am still sorry" jihyun said slowly. "It is all my fault"

"No jihyun it is none of your fault" renjun said smiling and we all agreed.


Feel free to leave your comments. I am so curious to know your thoughts about this book! I changed the cover! Do you like the new cover?

Also, I published a new book. It is a exo baekhyun ff. If you have time read that too! Have a good day/night!

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