16. MV Release

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Jihyun POV :

It's been 1 week since I saw dreamies. They got so busy fully packed up with the practice. I am literally so excited for their comeback which is on today.

Today I was hanging out with haejin. We went to shopping and got so many stuffs. I got a minion plushie.

We decided to do a sleepover at my home and also the see the music video together.

We ate and headed to my room, "Aren't you exicted?" haejin asked me.

"I am damn excited and did you see the posters? They were wearing suits. BLACK SUITS!" I almost yelled.

(A/N: This is boom era)

"Okay chill and yeah I saw the posters they were freaking handsome" haejin said.

I nodded happily. "I have never asked this question to you. Who is your bias in NCT dream?" I asked her.

"I don't have one. Let me tell you after watching boom" she winked at me.

We were cuddled up in my bed my laptop in front of us waiting for the clock to strike 12.

After an hour finally the MV got released. I yelled out of happiness.

"It came out haejin ah I can't believe. They are gonna slay this comeback" I blabbered something.

"Shh.. Quiet down. People are sleeping. It is freaking midnight" she calmed me down. "So I can click it?" She asked me.

"Wait I need some oxygen before getting attacked" I dramatically said and took a deep breath.

"Let's get it" saying that I clicked the video.

I started yelling when jaemin said 'work'.

Haejin got pissed off so she shut my mouth with her hand not letting me speak.

The vocals and the choreo was on the point. Their concept this time was totally different from their last comeback. They looked so matured and handsome. I badly missed mark with them though.

As the video came to an end haejin released me. I got up from my bed and started imitating the choreo singing 'boom boom boom'.

Haejin just stared at me judgingly. "You look a potato trying to follow their choreo" she said and started laughing.

I gave up and sat on my bed rolling my eyes.

"So, now you say who is your bias?" I asked her curiously.

"Hmm... It is haechan I think. He looked so good with his new hairstyle. He have never tried that hairstyle before as far as I know" she said.

"Ohh... Someone's got a crush" I kiddingly said.

"Oh come on. I saw how you were focusing on jisung's parts with heart eyes." she said knowingly.

"Okay you got me there. But my man totally said the world he is a vocal in this comeback. I live for his deep vocals" I said proudly.

"Okay whatever. Can we go to sleep? I am hella sleepy" she asked me while yawning.

"Okay" I replied and switched off the lights and drifted to sleep.

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