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Note: This first chapter will be before the plot of the show but the following chapters will follow each episode. The first one will explain some of Mia's backstory and give her a chance to introduce herself to the pogues. This will also be in 3rd person so I can explain all the characters thoughts and perspectives. 


Mia had just moved in to her aunt and uncles house. The house was huge compared to her small one bedroom apartment in New York. It felt empty with only her two suitcases sitting in the corner with all she had. She unloaded the clothes from the suitcases, putting her shirts and swimsuits in the dresser and hanging up the dresses she had. She put the shoes on the closet floor and sat on the bed. Here she was having to start over. The last time she was here was when  7 years ago and a lot has changed. She wondered how she would fit in with Kiara's friends, would they like her? 

"Hey" Kiara stood by the door. 

"Hi" Mia smiled. 

"We are going to a kegger tonight, it would be a good way to meet people and my friends will be there" 

"Okay, um what do I wear?" I asked. 

"Beach clothes" She smiled. 

"Sounds good" Mia replied as Kie walked out shutting the door. 

Kiara and Mia had always been close. They videochatted and texted all the time. Kiara and her family would visit every summer in New York. It was like a break from reality for Mia, her mom would stay off drugs and wouldnt hurt her. It was her favorite 2 weeks out of the whole year. 

Mia put on a red one piece suit with a yellow dress over it. She brushed out her lighter brown hair as it always gets tangled. After applying light makeup she put on her sandals and headed outside to where Kiara was. 

The beach was busy flooded with both Pogues and Kooks. Obviously Mia knew about the rivalry as Kiara had explained it to her several times. Although she didnt fully understand it she knew how real it was. Kiara and Mia danced together to the music as JJ, John B, and Pope walked onto the sand with eachother. 

"Whos that girl?" JJ asked looking at the girl next to his friend. 

"Kies cousin" Pope said as they all observed them laughing and dancing together. 

"Guys!" Kie yelled waving them over. 

"Hey" John B said doing a handshake with Kiara as Mia just stood there. 

"Guys this is my cousin Mia, Mia this is JJ, John B, and Pope. They are the only people I hang out with and they can be crazy but I told them to be on their best behavior" 

"Yes ma'am" JJ said with a small laugh. 

Mia captivated JJ. She was beautiful, but she was a mystery to him. She didnt talk much but he knew all he wanted was to get her to talk to him. The yellow dress  her curved figure and JJ couldnt take his eyes off of her. He had never been this way about a girl. She was intriguing. John B, Kiara and Pope went to get drinks leaving the two of them alone. 

"Kie said you are from New York?" He asked sitting next to her. 

"Yeah" She said. 

"Whats it like there?" 

"The city is beautiful" 

"Do you miss it?" 

"Not the people but I miss the busyness and the way it lit up at night" 

He looked at her and hung on to every word she said. 

"She told me you were the one to watch out for" 

"Oh me, never im the nicest person you will meet"

"Really" She crossed her arms sarcastically. 

"I just like to have a little fun, you should try it" He smiled. 

"Maybe I will" She smirked getting up grabbing the water her cousin had brought her. 

"Is he bugging you" Kie asked as her and Mia walked away. 

"No, not at all" 



"Just be careful, hes a good guy with good intentions but hes reckless" 

"I can take care of myself" Mia said as she looked at the blonde haired boy who smiled before taking a drink of what looked like alcohol. 

She walked out to the water stepping in the cool waves that crashed ashore. The sun was going down which meant less people could see her. She took off her yellow dress setting it on top of her sandals. She walked farther in as the waters drew her out. The last time she swam in these waters her mother watched her almost drown. Suddenly she felt two hands on her waist and she flinched pushing them away imediatley feeling insecure again. 

"Sorry I didnt mean to scare you" JJ said.

"Its- Its fine" She said going to get out of the water. 

"Wait, dont leave" He said making her stop and turn around. 

"I, I cant swim" She said looking at him.

"You never learned?" 


"You still deserve to be in the water" He grabbed her hand and she walked back out.

"I could drown" 

"I got you" He looked at her as she laid on her back looking up at the sky. 

JJ helped her back to shore and she put on the yellow dress and shoes, everyone had left. They walked down the street to John B's house. Once they got there she went outside alone laying in the hammock. All she could think about was the way his hands felt around her waist. She hadnt felt those feelings in a long long time. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Kiara asked.

"Im fine just tired" 

"What did JJ do? Im gonna beat him up I swear" She went to leave until Mia grabbed her arm. 

"Stop he didnt do anything im just tired" 

"Then we can go home" 

"No its fine, I kinda like being out here" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, go have fun" 

"Okay" Kie left leaving Mia alone with her thoughts once again. 

The last time she felt those feelings was with a guy who hurt her. Physically, emotionally and everywhere in between. She didnt understand the mental scars that he had left. Between her mother and him she was broken beyond repair. She felt like she couldnt feel anything anymore. But with JJ she felt something, something good. Kie had told her to stay away from him. But she couldnt stop thinking about him. His smile, his laugh, the way he looked in the water. She didnt understand why she would start feeling now, just when she didnt want too. She promised herself it was only until she was done with high school, then she would leave and go to Australia like she wanted. All she had to do was make it a couple more months and she would be off. The last thing she needed was a good looking blonde haired boy who was probably just as broken as she was to mess it up. 

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