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I woke up next to a sleeping JJ, I turned over looking at him with a smile. I got up and went to his bathroom fixing my hair and trying to mentally prepare myself for today. I then felt his arms wrap around my waist. 

"Goodmorning, well afternoon I guess" He kissed my cheek. 

"Hey" I smiled. 

I turned around wrapping my arms around him as he kissed me, then I felt myself moving up against the counter as he picked my up setting me on it not breaking the kiss. 

"As much as I want this we should go" I said and he nodded. 



"I dont think we should tell them yet, there is so much crap going on right now anyways" He looked up at me. 

"Agreed, but Kie knows"

"Okay so not the guys" 


I pulled on my orange dress that I had in my bag over the yellow swimsuit I had on. We then went to meet John B outside as he drove the boat. 

"Goodmorning you two" He said. 


"Did you spend the night or?" JB asked me.

"Oh no I just got here" I replied and JJ agreed. 

"Oh nice" 

We then picked Pope up and were on our way to get Kie. I sat at the front away from the boys deep in my own thought. They seemed like they were up to something but I didnt think much of it. 

"Hey why arent we getting Kie?" I asked.

"Pope is getting her" JB replied as he kept driving the boat. 

We made it to the marsh and it just seemed off but I laid out trying to get a tan. Kie pulled up to the boat that we were on. 

"Hey" I said getting up.

"Hey" She hugged me, then she went in to see what the boys were doing apparently they needed her help fixing something. 

All of the sudden we heard the boat start. Kie and I ran to the front watching the boys leave. Then we heard Sarah yelling for John B. Kie lifted the panel letting Sarah out. 

"Guys!" I yelled looking at them as JJ laughed. 

"Are you serious!" Sarah yelled. 

"Are you joking!" Kie yelled. "Get back here" 

"We cant not until you three figure it out!" JB yelled back at us. 

"I will kill every single one of you" I yelled.

"You cant just leave" Kie said. 

"There is food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt" 

"Hydroponic" JJ said and I looked at him with a glare. 

"This is ridiculous" Kie said. 

"Well I would rather drown than stay here with you so" Sarah said jumping off the boat. 

"They arent coming back for you!" I yelled. 

"Love you guys bye" JB yelled. 

Sarah then yelled as Kie and I looked at eachother. 

"I got stung by a jellyfish" Sarah yelled. 

"Dramatic" Kie said. 

"Well you swam right into a manowar. Dont know what you thought would happen" I said. 

"Thanks for the help guys" 

"Does it hurt?" Kie asked. 

"You know what they say about curing jellyfish stings? One of you has to pee on me" She looked up at us. 

"I have a better idea" Kie said grabbing the blunt and lighting it. 

"For the pain" She handed it to Sarah. 

"Go easy" I said as Sarah breathed in so much. 

"Its JJ's cousins Cripple" Kie added as Sarah coughed. 

The sun set by now and we were all laying down. By now Sarah was high and pretty annoying. Her and Kie were talking so I went to the other side of the boat clutching JJ's shirt, I would give anything to be with him right now. I decided to go back after a while to see Sarah and Kie in a deep conversation. I sat down and they both looked at me. Kie then got up going up to where I was. 

"What?" I said. 

"Do you have any drama to bring up to?" Sarah looked at me. 

"Yes actually I do, Ive been dying to know Sarah what possesed you to put those pictures of Rafe and I all over the town?" 

"I dont know" She looked at me.

"You ruined my life"

"Well I just thought you two had been together for so long that you had like you know done it, I didnt know until he told me" 

"Still doesnt mean you had to show anybody. that was a sacred moment that you messed up" 

"Well I was jealous" 

"Of what? You had everything" 

"Rafe was happy with you and you two had such deep love for eachother, I mean once he was out of school he was always visiting you, I barely saw him anymore. 

"Couldnt you just have told him?" 

"I didnt know how to. I wanted him to be happy with you but I wanted him to want to be close" 

"He wouldve understood, you couldve came to New York with him!" 

"Im sorry okay, I know I ruined everything" She started to cry. 

"Its fine im over it" 

"He said you were with JJ now"

"Yeah, I kinda am" 

"So you are completley over Rafe?" She asked and I stopped myself thinking deeper. 

"I think so"

"Hes not over you, the way he looked at you at midsummers. He said he was over you but I know he never was"

"It doesnt matter now"

"Shes basically in love with JJ now anyways" Kie sat down. 

"Wait really?" Sarah looked at me. 


"Wow i didnt know it was that serious" 

"The guys dont know yet unless he tells them, im not sure yet" I said looking up at the stars. 

"Why him?" Sarah asked me.

"Because he cares, he cares about my past and what I want to do in the future, he cares about the little details and always remembers them. Hes protective but in a good way. He makes me feel wanted, like really wanted, not just for looks or that stuff but for someone to actually just talk too. Literally thats a lot of what we do is just sit and have these deep conversations"

"So you two havent, you know" She looked at me. 

"No" I laughed. "He said he would wait until im ready"

"Wow, he seems like the perfect person for you" She smiled.

"Trust me I miss some things about Rafe but JJ is everything ive ever wanted" 

With that Kie and Sarah fell asleep but all I could think about was Sarahs question.

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