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John B balanced on the roof while JJ sat on a ledge and Pope, Kiara and Mia stood watching him. 

"Can you please not kill yourself" Kie said watching John B move around on the edge. 

"Dont spill that beer, im not giving you another one" JJ added. 

Then they heard the yell as security had arrived. 

"Come on boys" Kie yelled grabbing Mias hand as they ran away as fast as they could. 

Mia had never done this before. They got into the van and she sat next to JJ who leaned out the door messing with the guard who was running after us. 

"Youre gonna give him a hear attack" Kie said. 

Mia laughed as JJ got back in and they all joked around driving around. 

"Do you do that often?" Mia asked.

"Yeah, more than you think" Kie said. 

They went out on the boat and John B brought up a bunch of fish. As they fell on the ground splashing water all over Kie and I, Kie complained about the fish getting all over. JJ looked good driving the boat, the hat and the sunglasses. He looked hotter than any of the guys ive seen in New York. Kie glared at me as she saw me turn back. She is adamant on me not falling for him. 

Kie and I hung out at the house getting our tan on. I laid in my yellow bikini with my hair tied up in a bun. I hate wearing bikinis but to get a tan im fine with it, especially with only Kie being around. If the guys were around I probably wouldnt have worn it. 

The wind started to pick up and my uncle called us in. Hurricane Agatha was now on the way in and the storm was picking up. Obviously ive never experienced a hurricane so this was one for the books. We helped him board up the windows and Kie and I took shelter in my room as we talked. 

"So you and JJ seem to get along well" She said obviosuly wanting more information. 

"Yeah, you and John B seem to get along well" 

"Stoppp" She smiled.  

The hurricane did damage to the cut but our house seemed to barely be touched. Kie and I both changed and went outside. She wore a tshirt and shorts and I wore a tank top with shorts as she grabbed the cooler and we walked out to the boat. JJ helped me on and I realized I had forgot to change into a one piece. JJ stood on the front of the boat getting beer everywhere. It was dumb but yet funny. All of the sudden the boat stopped and we all fell JJ flying into the water. 

"You okay JJ?" John B asked. 

"I think my heels touched the back of my head" He said which made me laugh. 

"Then that means your flexible I guess" I replied and he laughed. 

"Kie and Mia you okay?" John B then asked us. 

"Im good" We both said. 

"What did you do?" 

"Sandbar" Pope said. 

"Guys I think there is a boat down there" Pope said and none of us believed him. 

"Hes right" Kie said jumping in the water. 

All the sudden everyone was swimming towards the boat. 

"Come on" JJ looked up at me. 

"JJ I cant swim remember" 

"You can still float, it feels good" He yelled and I finally gave in taking off my clothes which left me in my bikini. I hoped this one covered the scars so nobody would see them. Kie had told everyone I was living with her because my Mom had died, not because she abused me. I then jumped in. The water did feel good. 

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