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I woke up and changed into a light pink dress along with my black birkenstocks. I didnt feel like doing much to my hair so I put it up in a tight bun and went downstairs. I know I need to talk to Rafe and I need to get it over with fast. I walked at a normal pace over to where he said he was staying. I took a few deep breaths and kept walking. I then saw Wheezie walking towards me. 

"Hey" I said.

"Hes a mess by the way"

"What do you mean?"

"You will see" She replied as she walked around me.

I walked into where Rafe was sitting and sat down across from him.

"Nice magazine" I said noticing his very inappropriate magazine.

"Why are you here?"

"Rafe whats going on?"

"Just tell me why you are here!" He raised his voice. 

"We need to just be friends"

"What?" He looked at me.

"I, I realized that I need to be with JJ, hes who I want to be with. Im really sorry"

"But, but Mia I love you" He looked at me.

"I know Rafe and I love you too but I cant do this, I cant be involved in your scheme"

"Im sorry, ill fix it"

"No, we are just friends"

"Fine" He sighed. "If thats what you want"

"It is"

"Can you go?"

"Im sorry" 

"Just go!" He raised his voice as I got up tears streaming down my eyes.  

I then headed over to where Kie said her and the boys would be. I walked faster this time knowing I wanted to get their asap. They were all at the dock. John B was laying on the ground, Kie on the ledge and JJ sitting on another ledge looking at the water. Pope was even there which surprised me because his scholarship interview was a little bit ago. 

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hey Mia" They all replied and JJ looked at me motioning for me to sit by him. 

I set my bag down and took a seat next to him. 

"You okay?" He kissed my forhead.

"Yeah, I told Rafe about us"


"Of course, Im serious that I only want you"

He smiled.

"Well I feel the same" He said squeezing my hand as we then turned our attention back to everyone else. 

"Before I had the interview my Dad said he was going to cut palms for Camerons big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off. So im sitting there in my interview, thinking to myself, hm why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?" We all looked at him knowing what it was. 

"Gold" JJ said. 

"Thats right" JB replied.

"Exactly, Guys this is our chance but it leaves tonight, and we have to go." Pope looked at us. 

"Guys, we cant give up now" Kie stood up.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"Whats the plan big man?" JJ asked John B. 

Her// JJ OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now