Chapter 150: Text From Shigaraki

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Chapter 150

June 15th 20XX

Momo's Mansion

5:30 AM

Momo: Wake up Izuku!

Izuku: I'm up already

Izuku had made a recovery just in time for the trip. The night before he woke up to find that he had been unconscious for almost two days. Even more surprising for Izuku, the summer camp was annoched for today. He had barely enough time to group text the league (The League Of Villains) before he was interrupted by a question about this new power. Izuku still didn't fully understand, it was as if he bent the rules of Shinso's quirk. He eventually went back to sleep just to be woken up by Momo this morning.

Momo: Well then get dressed we have a lot to bring and the longer we wait the more likely we are going to have to rush together there on time.

Izuku: Of course just give me a few minutes to get dressed and I'll be ready

Momo: Okay

As soon as Momo left the room Izuku checked his phone to see that Shigaraki had responded

Text From Shigaraki:  Understood Izuku, send us your location when you get to the camp and  remember if anything goes wrong we'll be here for you 3:40

Izuku closed his phone and began to get dressed, he didn't want to tell the others but his body still hurt, Tenshi hadn't given him any information about what happened. No matter... Izuku started to feel sick as he began to vomit a black ooze that enveloped his body and then...

What is happening to Izuku? Find out next time.

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