Chapter 142: To Momo's House

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Chapter 142

June 12th 20XX

Musutafu Mall

3:45 PM

After everyone was done shopping all of the friends met up in the center of the mall. Each with news about what they had bought.

Shoto: So me and Izuku stocked up on everything we will need had everything sent to your house Momo, that's okay right?

Momo: Of course it is, this way we have it all in one place

Shinso: Me and Momo got enough food to last us for summer camp so we are all set in that department

Izuku: Excellent, now we are ready for what we need 

Shoto: Hey Momo would it be okay if Izuku could train with me at your place?

Momo: Of course we all need to get stronger together

Izuku: Hey Shoto while we are training I was wondering if you could help me control a higher level of my powers, I need to ascend to a higher level 

Shoto: Sure Izuku I have to work on a few techniques I want to improve on as well

Momo: Then I'll practice with Shinso *hugs Shinso* right Shinso

Shinso: *feeling embarrassed*

Izuku: Well let's head back to Momo's then

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