Chapter 195: The Puppet's Job

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*This chapter includes stronger elements, you have been warned*

Chapter 195

June 16th 20XX

Izuku's Apartment

8:00 PM

Izuku had fallen asleep when he got home, he was tired, he had been continuously fighting for hours, it took a toll on his body, even worse it was affecting his mind. He walked over to his couch and sat down. Taking the remote he turned on the television. Flipping through the channels Izuku stopped on the news channel.

Reporter: We don't know the death toll but it's in the hundreds, possibly thousands. However thanks to the efforts of Tenshi countless lives were saved. *turns head* here is a surviving citizen now *walks over to a woman around Izuku's Mother's age* What do you think of Tenshi

Woman: He is different, he cares about the people and *holds back a tear* if the monster of a man continued my children would have died. I owe the lives of my family to Tenshi.

Reporter: And what do you think of All Might?

Woman: That son of a bitch should be retired, he lied to the world, he promised to protect us when he was weak and frail. I hate him for everything *the woman begins to cry*

Reporter: *Pauses* T.... Thank you for your time

Izuku turned off the television, he got what he wanted, All Might's true nature has been revealed however Izuku felt something was missing. Izuku realized that he hadn't thought of his friends. He remembered the league, Himiko, Shoto, Shinso and Momo. Izuku had only gotten so far because of them.

Izuku took a deep breath inwards, the oxygen entered his lungs as he reformed his thoughts. He would explain everything to Shoto, Shinso and Momo tomorrow, he just needed to get some more rest. He needed to be absolutely calm, they would most likely have many questions for him. Izuku felt a vibaraion as he knew someone else was inside of his house

Izuku threw a knife behind him as Izuku raced to turn on the lights. When he turned them on he saw the man in the crow mask Overhaul

Overhaul: Well, well, well you have exceeded my deepest expectations Izuku Midoriya, or should I say Tenshi.

Izuku: How did you know that I'm Tenshi

Overhaul: I have eyes everywhere Izuku, you can't hide from me.

Izuku: So I assume you want me to train the girl you spoke of?

Overhaul: Aren't you a smart one, I wouldn't be here if I didn't

Izuku: Well we can start tomorrow then

Overhaul: Now now Izuku you don't make the rules here, I say when and where, if I say jump you ask how high, you understand?

Izuku: *balling his hands into fists* I understand

Overhaul: I'm glad you understand me, but lucky for you have two days to prepare

Izuku: Prepare for what?

Overhaul: I need you to kill someone for me and you'll need your friend Shoto Todoroki to do it

Izuku: What does he have to do with this?

Overhaul: Well you see while you train the girl, he will set up the preparations so you two can kill a certain someone

Izuku: Who the hell do you want me to kill

Overhaul: Well none other than the Hero Endeavor

Izuku looked at Overhaul with eyes of hatred and of compliance one last time before leaving the house, for now he was Overhaul's puppet, and Shoto was being directly drawn into his conflict. Izuku walked down the street, the street light lamps slowly turned on. Izuku didn't think, he couldn't think straight. Izuku turned the corner and crossed the street to a chain convenience store. Izuku went to the fountain drink section and filled his cup full of soda. He took a sip of the beverage as he placed a cover, over the drink. Walking to the counter and put the drink on the counter.

There was a boy around Izuku's age at the counter, asking if he wanted anything else Izuku pointed behind the boy to where the cigarettes were. Izuku told the boy he wanted a pack, he didn't know why but he felt like it could help. He also pointed to a green lighter with a dragon on it, it felt poetic to Izuku as he placed it on the counter.

The boy didn't care enough for checking Izuku's ID and just gave Izuku his change. Izuku walked out and took a sip of his drink as he headed back to his house, walking up the steps he saw the broken railing now repaired from his encounter with Bakugo and Ochaco. He didn't care much for the memories and just opened the door to his house. He locked the door and walked to the balcony and opened the door.

He set his drink down as he leaned on the railing, watching the night sky as the night air entered his nose as he breathed it in. Izuku's mind was racing as he tried to calm himself. Izuku slowly took out his newly acquired pack of cigarettes and opened it. Izuku took a cigarette and put it to his mouth, looking at the sky again he brought out the lighter, the green dragon reminded him of himself as he flipped it on and lit the cigarette. Pressing it to his mouth he inhaled, holding back a cough he breathed out the smoke leaving his mouth just like how his childhood dreams had left him.

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