Chapter 176: What Makes Evil

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Chapter 176

June 15th 20XX

Forest Camp

7:25 PM

Aizawa didn't understand why the villains were attacking the camp, it was a secluded area and no one outside of U.A knew about it... Aizawa pondered the idea of a mole in their ranks, but he knew this wasn't the time. He need to stop the villains before it was too. Aizawa stoped in a clearing in the woods when he saw someone he hadn't seen since the first attack on U.A

Aizawa: Samebito

Samebito: Aizawa I see you brought your students

Aizawa: You can't expect to defeat all of us

Samebito: Well what about the leauge? can you take us all on?


The students ran around Samebito and continued into the woods

Samebito: Finally we get a fair fight

Samebito drew out his sword and rushed towards Aizawa, Aizawa tried to use his capture tape but Samebito cut through the capture tape forcing Aizawa back. Aizawa was at a disadvantage and he needed a way to at least balance the fight

Aizawa: How about you put down your sword and we fight with our fists, it seems fair does it not?

Samebito: Very well *puts away his sword*

Samebito rushed again at Aizawa, landing a punch to the Aizawa's stomach. In retaliation Aizawa struck back and punched him in the chest. Samebito took a deep breath and then began to speed up, his attacks growing faster by the second and Aizawa was struggling to keep up the pace. Samebito's punches were precise and had power behind him. Aizawa was putting his all into this fight when he saw blue flames in the distance, Aizawa then realized that who ever was making those blue flames was the one burning his victims to death.

Aizawa: Tell me is those blue flames are they the work of the serial killer who burns his victims to ashes.

Samebito: That one is one of our more mysterious members but I would assume so

Aizawa: How could you work with someone like that?

Samebito: Well what is his reason then, why does he do what he does?

Aizawa was taken aback, he never really thought about what a villains motives were, he would always say because they are evil but he could see that Samebito wasn't evil, he had honor something most villains didn't have.

Aizawa: I... I don't know

Samebito: Exactly so why do you draw conclusions without knowing the full story, labeling someone like that, evil is not what they teach you but maybe you can understand.

Samebito jumped back and turned to walk away

Samebito: Next time we fight tell me what you believe makes the evil in the world

Aizawa couldn't move, he couldn't believe that he stopped seeing all evil the same, things were different. Aizawa composed himself, he needed to rescue his students. He leapt further into the forest to defend his students.

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