Chapter 145: Izuku's Meditation Conference

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Chapter 145

June 12th 20XX

Momo's Mansion

5:18 PM

After Izuku defeated Shoto during an extreme training session, Izuku again realized that he had gone overboard again. Trying to calm Izuku, Momo took Izuku into a meditation chamber, it is here Izuku began to meditate.

Taking a deep breath Izuku focused on calming his mind, becoming relaxed and his mind blank, it was peaceful until someone interuptted

Tenshi: So you are trying to calm your mind

Izuku: Yeah so I would appreciate you leaving me alone

Tenshi: I suggest you rethink your tone

Izuku: What good is your power if everyone I fight gets hurt? I just keep getting stronger and stronger for what, all I do is hurt

Tenshi: Your not fighting the right people

Izuku: What do you mean I am not fighting the right people?, I am trying my best but no one is strong enough where I can unleash my full power, well not the members of the league, they can handle my power

Tenshi: Then you need to fight stronger opponents

Izuku: Who do you suggest I fight?

Tenshi: You have trained your body, but you haven't trained your mind

Izuku: Okay how do I train my mind

Tenshi: That Shinso boy has a mind control ability, once you can past his mind control with just your will alone you will be able to control you powers at the mental level

Izuku: Why are you giving me advice

Tenshi: You interest me that's all

Izuku: Good to know you care

Izuku suddenly awoke from his meditation with a poke from Momo

Momo: You were meditating for like two hours now

Izuku: Sorry if I worried you at all, I guess I lost track of time

Momo: No need to apologize Izuku

Izuku: Well I'm feeling tired

Momo: It's been a long day hasn't it?

Izuku: That's an understatement *yawn* Could you show me to my room?

Momo: Of course, don't worry I am the host so you don't have to worry about overstepping

The summer camp is getting closer as the students prepare for the unknown, the teachers are facing something unexpected as the world is at the brink of a new era. Next time Conquest and Battle.

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