Hunter's Moon

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Jay was angry, as she took in the expression of the three men before her. She knew that look well, they had no clue. "You don't know?" Her hand slid from that of her comforter and she turned away.

"Jay!" Henri yelled for her but she was already on the move and her pace was increasing. "Shit." Henri sighed and the three men moved to intercept the woman.

Jay had set her attention to the smell and was no longer in the position to hear anyone. This was personal, and they would learn that soon enough. She moved quickly, feeling how loose her clothes really fit. They were not desirable for running, with one exhale she shifted and took off at full run, the acidic smell filling her nostrils. She briefly heard the men say something behind her, but her attention was on the scent. No warlock would remain standing as long as she lived. The vendetta between her and warlocks rising up in her spirit, pushing her to run harder and faster. Scarlet urged her on, the scent becoming more pronounced as she entered the forest and moved away from the pack village. She paused briefly, getting the direction right as the wind shifted. A forty-five degree turn and she was off again, sliding to a stop in front of a small cottage.

The smoke came up from the chimney and the tall man out front continued to work on the buck he had on the fire. His eyes narrowed on the auburn wolf that entered his property. His lanky features gave him an almost sickly look to him.

"That's far enough, wolf." He stood tall and reached his left hand out, a staff came swiftly across the small space to his side. His sunken eyes visible, as he regarded the intruder.

Jay snarled and stepped on to his land, watching as his hands began to move intricately about him. Prepared for what he was about to do, Jay broke into a run. As she was nearly atop him, she shifted into her human form and uttered a now familiar word, "Katestraménos." She watched as fear came across the warlocks eyes as she walked upon him confidently.

Henri's voice was heard in the distance, they were very close to the small yard that she stood in and yet still didn't see her. She smiled back at the warlock and shook her head. "Tsk tsk..." she half smiled and spoke another word with confidence, "Apokálypsi." A shimmer moved about the building and edge of the yard, and Jay heard the men yelling.

"She's naked again." An exasperated voice spoke from behind her, Jay assumed it was the third man she had not yet learned the name of.

Jay kept her eyes on the warlock before her. She was ready to cast him out, her smirk was smug as she took in the ugly male.

"What the hell?" The men behind her began to cough and Jay watched as the bindings that held him in place were about to give way. She glanced to Henri and saw him choking on the air about him. The acidic smell of a warlock affected wolves, but not like this. Jay turned toward the warlock, his eyes on the Alpha.

Heat rose up in Jay's chest from the pit of her gut, she was angry. She had not felt anger like this before, this was possessive. She set her eyes on the soul of the warlock. The dark pit that he held for a soul, what was left after he sold it for his powers. Jay eyed it closely and spoke loudly, all her energy put into the one word, "Aposynthéto!"

The scream that came from the mouth of the warlock was blood curdling. His body pulled into the black pit of a soul, sucked inside itself. The rancid smell of acid leaving with him. The spells he had cast on the clearing left with him, as the 4 stood in a meadow in the middle of the forest. The artificial space that was once created, gone. Jay fell to one knee, took several deep breaths and then rose. Her eyes turned to take in the men before her. Fear was evident on Eli's face, then as if a light was switched on, he turned to Jay with revelation in his eyes.

"Impossible." Eli spoke under his breath.

"What?" The tall, dark man asked as he looked to Eli.

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