Danny Phantom/???? Crossover

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Beware the boy with blue (green) eyes.

He's the master of disguise and deceit,

And at night he cries,

For help he cannot receive.

Pale complexion and ebony (white) hair,

Frame the face of the boy who died,

And the scent of death remains in the air,

Around the corpse who is alive.

Skin cold as ice,

Freeze the tears he cries,

To deceive us all that he's nice,

Beware the boy with blue (green) eyes


A (ruined) town sits in the middle of nowhere. Strange substances (blood, and ectoplasm) cover the area, and (radioactive green) fog stops one from seeing more than a few feet ahead. The (remains of) buildings are slowly decaying along with everything in sight - the fog threatening to (having already) eliminate (destroyed) everything. There's a large buildings (school) that is still on fire. Cars (full of bodies stopped in place) are at a standstill. The town (a home to so many) is frozen in place (dead) as if in a picture (they're dead) - the only thing moving (THEY'RE ALL DEAD) is the fog.

This is Phantom.

A boy with white hair and radioactive green eyes (protector, hero, FAILURE) holds a thermos. He falls to his knees (he's not dead). He screams in anguish (why isn't he dead). The boy sobs and screams into the night (he wishes he was dead).

This is Phantom.

Hours later, the fog lifts (it's too late). The boy is still sobbing, screaming (he failed them all). He sobs until he passes out (why can't this be his final day), and a bright light passes over his body (he's still alive). It reveals a boy with ebony hair, and pale skin (he should be dead). He lays in a pile of destruction, and decay (It's too late).

This is Phantom

People in full body hazmat suits enter the city (they don't expect anyone to be alive). They search for survivors as per protocol (they expect everyone to be dead). Suddenly one person starts waving his group over, eyes wide with shock (they don't expect him to be alive). They gather around the boy and one feels for a pulse, (They expect him to be dead). They exchange looks of shock when the wrist shifts under their grip, and the boy rolls over (they know he should be dead). They carry him out to a truck, and continue their search (with hope that there was someone... anyone to take care of him). They find no one (they knew it was unlikely... no one should be alive). They do find one half decayed body - a girl with vibrant red hair.

This is Phantom

The boy wakes up in quarantine. People only approach him in Hazmat suits (they told him it was for the world's safety). This continues for 6 months (much longer than it for his whole world to be wrecked), before he was let out.

This is Phantom

The first person he met outside of quarantine (no one wanted to be near his ectoplasmic infected self) was an agent of the GIW. They pointed their guns at him, and he simply stared at them, numb. He had lost everything. He didn't care anymore. He didn't care when they branded him, cut him open, experimented on him. He didn't care when he was destabilizing, and they tossed him into a thermos and buried it.

This is Phantom.

A hundred years later, a thermos explodes. Dirt and cement go flying, and a crater is left in the street. Cars slam on their brakes. People jump away. A nearby teenager who had been recording his sister, turns to record the incident. He peers into the crater, and gasps. Glowing green eyes opened, and a radioactive teen flies into the sky. He takes off and gets to the clouds. He makes it several miles before getting tired. He goes intangible and floats into an abandoned apartment. He cries himself to sleep.

This is Phantom.

No.... Not Phantom...

This is Danny. 

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