(Nico Di Angelo/PJO/HOO x Justice League)

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Enemies Of The Ghost King 

I walked into the throne room of the Underworld, my father, Hades, god of the underworld, nodded in approval as I kneeled in front of him.

"Rise, my son." Hades said sternly, and I did as told.

"I understand you summoned me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, my father had not asked for my presence since making me his heir, and giving me partial immortality similar to the hunters of Artemis.

"Yes, I did." Hades sighed, I waited for him to continue, "There is a team of so called mortal heroes called the Justice League, as you know, they deal with mortal threats, and up until a few months ago, they were considered heroic among the Greeks, and Romans. Unfortunately, they are now indirectly interfering with the mist."

"WHAT?!" I shouted, enraged, "WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT?!"

"Quiet!" Hades shouted, and I piped down, he glared at me before continuing, "Anyways, they are building a machine designed to remove all forms of magical illusions. This includes the mist. You are going to stop them at any cost, but you must go alone. The other demigods are going to stay in New Rome, and Camp Half – Blood. You must go to the Watch Tower, and stop this catastrophe before it occurs."

"Yes, Father." I moved to leave.

"Oh, and Son?" Hades said a little softer.

"Yes, Dad?" I asked.

"Be careful." He said sincerely, I nodded, and disappeared to the shadows.

I reappeared at a large satellite/tower in outer space. Alarms went off, and I hid in the shadows, becoming one myself. I ventured towards the machine a few feet away. It was covered in light, so I solidified some shadows to make a mask, and grim reaper like hood. I stepped out of my safety, and summoned my sword. I mutilated the machine, and lit the blue prints up with a lighter I summoned from the shadows. I grinned, and turned around to leave...

"Who are you, and why did you do that?" A voice said from behind me.

"No one of concern to you, and it's better this way, some illusions are put up for the better of the people." I stated calmly as I turned around. Batman did not look pleased with my answer. I started back to the shadows, when a green wall stopped me, and then surrounded me in a box - like structure. I turned to see the Green Lantern frowning at me. Other Justice League members were coming in one by one.

"I'm not a danger to anyone. I did what I had to do for the better good. I do not see why this is necessary." I frowned. I tried not to panic; this green box was too much like the jar.

"Why are you hesitant to show feeling?" Batman asked.

"I do not see any reason to show my emotions to someone who I do not know."

"Are you a hero, or a villain?" Green Lantern asked.

"I don't know." I said after a pause, "I do not seek to do harm, and I have assisted in saving others, but most would not call me a hero."

"Why wouldn't they?" Flash asked, "I mean, if you've saved people, why wouldn't you be called a hero?"

My expression turned bitter, "My circumstances are understandably... undesirable. I am not meant to be a hero, and those who know of me are aware of that." The heroes exchanged troubled glances.

"Take him to the interrogation room. We'll keep him there." Batman suggested, and the other heroes agreed.

"I am not your pet." I stated angrily.

"You still destroyed League property, and infiltrated our base." Batman growled.

"I just prevented the biggest war of all time." I scowled, "You should be glad I did this. If I hadn't, you'd have a literal undefeatable enemy at your hand."

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