Of Villains And Heroes
January, 4th 2018
Dear Batman,
I write to you in a moment of peril. The world is in danger, the timeline is screwed up, and we can't do this alone. I will warn you - you will not like what I have to say. However, this is not the time for petty grudges. The fate of humanity as we know it is in danger.
I have collected the journal entries of a boy you did not take notice of - nor does anyone but Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, and Jazz Fenton. Even his parents don't pay him much mind. I didn't pay much attention until recent events came to pass. This boy is Danny Fenton - the loser, the freak, and the most stereotypical nerdy teenage boy in Amity Park. However, it seems, he is the most knowledgeable of the ones responsible, and the ones who will be forced to fight.
He fooled us all for the most pure reasons. He hid his true self for two years - half of his very being, his story, and his life was masked for two years. Yet, he maintained sanity, and purity. He is loyal, trustworthy, kind, overprotective, and, above all, selfless.... And now he's going to die for it.
Batman, I beg you, don't abandon us now, don't feel guilt over what the truth is, and don't let the world collapse. We all made mistakes - big mistakes - and now we're paying for them. Please, read these - they'll answer all your questions. They answered all of mine. I hope to see you, but that's only if I survive this.
Beware the Agents in white!
The Red Huntress
Valerie Grey
Batman found the journal in the Watchtower. He regarded it with suspicion. Afterall, it wasn't everyday that a random journal floats into space, phases through the window, and then drops unceremoniously to the floor. He saw it through the cameras, and went to investigate. A note fell out. He picked it up cautiously, and began to read. His eyes widened. The League needed to see this.
Dear Journal,
Today has been the craziest day of my life so far. I cannot tell anyone - ANYONE - about today. I already have two witnesses (luckily they're the only two other than my sister who I can trust). I could wind up in danger, and I might face a fate worse than death if I do tell.
I admit - I'm guilty - I went in Mom and Dad's lab without permission, and then went in the Ghost Portal. It was stupid. I shouldn't have, but Sam and Tucker (my witnesses, and best friends) were curious. I did it on a whim. I really shouldn't have, but I did.
Anyways, Mistake #2... I managed to fix the broken wire, but I forgot the portal was plugged in. This is the worst mistake I've ever made in my life. It turned on, and I was struck with 400, 000 Milliamps of electricity - it takes around 100 - 200 to kill someone. I was also struck with ectoplasmic energy which can bring things to life. It killed me halfway.
I'm scared. My parents are ghost hunters. What happens if they find out I'm half ghost? I'm terrified of my own parents. Maybe I really am as pathetic as everyone else says I am.
"He's how old?" Superman asked.
"15." Batman replied, "But when he wrote this, he was 13."
Dear Journal,

Works & Ideas For Adoption
FanfictionJust a bunch of stuff I will never finish. You have my permission to do with it what you will. Let me know what you do with them - I'd love to read it! Thanks!