Nico wandered the streets of New York, forgetting to hide in the shadows. His thoughts were of the horrid position he was in.
After the Giant War, the camps held peace for a few weeks, then everything fell apart when Percy, the last of the seven, died at the hands of an angry Roman. The nearby Greek camper had stabbed the Roman to death. This started a war between camps. The gods immediately took the portals down and went silent. They'd even taken down the mist. It had been a bloodbath. Demigod fighting demigod, leader fighting leader, sister fighting brother, friend fighting friend, and it ended with one demigod other than Nico surviving. The only other was Thalia. The two of them had chosen to stay out of the battle, remaining neutral. The gods had made them permanently immortal, but not gods. This way, the gods did not need to have more children in order to be believed in enough to survive. Instead the last demigods would last forever. They would be the Greek world for eternity. Nico wasn't happy about the developments. He would never see his friends again. He was forcibly immortal, and though the monster - attack - less - life was nice, it got boring quickly.
It had been ten years, and Nico was still fourteen years old. There had been a new group of heroes. They were good, not as good as the seven, but good. They called themselves the Avengers. Nico just wished the mist would go back up. Some people were starting to notice Olympus.
He'd never liked attention, but Nico had somehow become Shadow, a superhero. He shielded his identity with an enchanted black hooded cloak that only Nico could take it off, and a black mask that covered his face using shadows to hide his identity. Nico liked being a hero, but he was rarely ever seen. The criminals feared him after they witnessed him and his powers.
The thing that baffled most was that Nico had only ever been seen in person. The cameras broke due to his demigod aura. Some people didn't even think he actually was real. He was just a legend you tell of to the children of the world, and that was how Nico liked it.
Nico walked the streets of New York. He heard a crash. Someone was breaking in. He sighed, and hid in the shadows as he snapped his fingers. He was suddenly donning his cloak and mask. He shadow traveled, and met the thief a few blocks away. The criminal had a bag of money. The thief saw him and screamed.
"SHADOW!!!" He shouted. Oh boy, Nico thought, I must've already caught this one.
"Turn yourself into the police, and put your hands up. If you don't, I won't hesitate to harm you. Consider yourself warned." Nico said, his voice just barely over a whisper, but the shadows seemed to echo it throughout the entire city. The people of New York froze. They'd never seen or heard Shadow before, yet everyone knew those lines. They were the lines most criminals had told the police they had heard before they either handed themselves over, or had been rendered unconscious.
Shadows formed in front of the culprit, who had attempted to run. A hand came out from the shadows, grabbing the criminal, and a cloaked figure was next. It was a relatively small body, but it seemed to release waves of darkness.
Everyone's breath hitched. This was Shadow.
Shadows began to wrap around the thief's arms and legs, rendering him motionless. The bag was thrown to a nearby police officer by a shadow, and the criminal was handcuffed by another.
"Good day." Shadow said, his voice echoing throughout the city as he disappeared into the shadows, his face still hidden by the hood.
Tony Stark paced across the room. Fury had given them an assignment. Find Shadow, and bring him into Shield custody. The problem was Shadow didn't want to be found. To make it worse, the only evidence that Shadow ever existed was a lot of terrified criminals testimonies, a few notes written by the police, and a news helicopter from two years ago that had supposedly caught Shadow from above that was clearly unreliable.

Works & Ideas For Adoption
FanfictionJust a bunch of stuff I will never finish. You have my permission to do with it what you will. Let me know what you do with them - I'd love to read it! Thanks!