Batman/Danny Phantom Crossover

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"Mr.Luther!" A reporter called out, "Is it true that you're running for Mayor of Amity Park, Illinois?"

Lex Luthor chuckled slyly, "Yes. I will be partaking in my first step in my political career. I figured I could do the world even more good by becoming not only a benefactor, but a politician as well." He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes, "I hope to do Amity Park a great service as their mayor."

"Mr. Luther!" Another reporter said, "Why not run for mayor of Metropolis?"

"Metropolis does not require my help. I have reasons to believe Amity Park needs me."

The projector turned off.

"Luther is planning something." Superman said, "Amity Park is a peculiar choice. A small town in the middle of nowhere doesn't fit his style." He looked to Batman, "And Batman has some... peculiar findings."

The large room of Justice League members watched as Batman clicked a button, revealing a headline reading 'Amity Park - Most Haunted Place on Earth?', "Amity Park is rumored to be haunted. Once, it was a tourist attraction, but now, someone has been deleting any evidence of ghosts from the internet. Furthermore, when I have found a video or photo, it has not been photoshopped or edited. From the few articles and images I can find, there is a presence of super powered individuals and beings that the citizens believe to be ghosts." Batman clicked another button, "And a hero trying to stop them."

The screen showed video of a young boy with white hair, green eyes, and a expression of surprise. He was shown floating at the height of a building as he pulled out a metal item. The item glowed and a bright green bear was pulled into it. The bear's body shrunk as it slowly was sucked inside. Cheering erupted from behind the camera, "Go Phantom!"

Batman pulled up another video, "I have reason to believe a government organization is chasing this Vigilante and is deleting the evidence of doing so." 

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