Danny Phantom Meets Robin (DCU/Batman)

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Arkham Ghost 

It was five years ago, when he appeared. A boy, barely five, walked through the halls. He had a sparking inhibitor collar, and his haunting expression looked straight forward, as sleepless inmates stared at him. With his complexion pale as can be, his eyes so blue they looked like cracked ice, and his raven hair shifting in a nonexistent breeze, he quietly walked towards a wall made in the remodeling a few months ago. The boy made no sound; No footsteps, rustling, or any type of sound that usually accompanied walking in Arkham could be heard. A few tried to taunt him, but he ignored them. He reached the wall, and disappeared. After this night, and many more for years to come, the rumors began. Even civilians knew of the Arkham Ghost that appeared every time the full moon reached it's peak. Then came the day a guard tried to stop the boy, now seven, from reaching his wall.

"Hey." The guard grabbed the boy's arm, "Who let you out?"

The boy looked up at him with those dead eyes as the hallway darkened, and things started flying around the room, as if a tornado had hit. His eyes flashed green before he replied, "i CaN nEvEr GeT oUt. ThEy tRaPpeD mE ThErE." He pointed at the wall, eyes flashing green again, "I aM nOt MeAnT tO eXiSt, sO tHe GuArDs LeFt mE tHeRe." He pulled his hand through the shocked guard, "ThEy ThOuGhT i WoUlD dIe, BuT i WaS aLrEadY dEaD." A sad look crossed his face, as everything stopped, flying, "Life is a fiddle thing." He said bitterly, "My parents never should've messed with it." With that he walked through the wall. Nobody approached him for years after that. In fact, the second person to approach him was Robin when both boys appeared to be 8.

The Boy Wonder snuck around a corner, curiously exploring, when he saw him, "Hi." The bird chirped, "How are you?"

The boy turned around with a confused expression, "I am.." He trailed off before deciding, "sad."

"What are you sad about...?" Robin trailed off, looking for a name.

"I'm Phantom." The boy looked down, "I'm sad, maybe a little angry, because my family died, and I died partially." He frowned, "Then I couldn't control my powers, and I was brought here. The guards left me in my cell while they built walls around it, and no one came looking for me." He frowned, "I can control my powers, but I was never discharged, so I can't leave." A tear fell down his cheek, and Robin hugged him, shocking the boy.

"The rest of my family died a year ago." The normally cheerful Robin told Phantom solemnly, "And I was adopted by Batman, but, while we love each other very much, it's not the same."

"At least someone cared." The Arkham Ghost said bitterly, "No one has ever cared about me."

"I care." Robin stated.

"W-What?" The raven haired boy gasped.

"I care." Robin repeated, removing the inhibitor collar, "Because now I'm your friend."

"Thanks..." The ghost boy paused, "What's your name?"

"Robin." The boy wonder paused, making sure he remembered his new friend's name, "You're Phantom, right?"

"Call me Danny," Phantom smiled, "And thanks Robin."

"What are friends for?" Robin smiled back, "Do you wanna play tag?"

"Sure." Danny grinned, so the boys played tag. They played until They heard Batman's worried voice calling Robin.

"Here's a card with my prison number, name, and how to call me if you need a friend, or any help." Danny held out a card with some writing.

"See ya." Robin grinned.

"See ya," Danny smiled, and then he faded into invisibility, and left a word hanging in the air, "Friend." Robin turned around, stuffing the card in his pocket, just as Batman, and the Commissioner came running into the room.

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