It started out as an exciting, but normal day. The class was on the bus on their way to a new part of UA campus. Asui was as blatant as usual, Bakugou was threatening to kill everyone he saw, Midoriya was jittery, and the rest of the class was rowdy. Meanwhile, their teacher - Aizawa Shouta - was sighing in annoyance. Yep, perfectly normal day for the UA students.
They reached a large dome structure, and scurried out of the bus upon the insistence of their teacher. They were introduced to Thirteen. The hero gave them an inspiring speech about why it was as important to learn how to rescue others just as much as it was to learn to fight villains. The group was excited… and then the black portal opened. Villains poured out, and they were frozen in fear. The world became chaos, and then they were falling through warp gates.
They were separated. The villains had underestimated them, though. Each individual group simultaneously made the same conclusion; escape and meet up with the others…. and they did. Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta succeeding in doing so first.
The three of them watched the villains torture their teacher. Aizawa was captured. The villains then realized their presence. The leader - who could turn things to dust by touching them - lunged for Midoriya.
One thought ran through Izuku’s mind, and it rang clear. It echoed in his head, and seemed to reverberate throughout his bones. I will not die. It awakened something… something ancient. The very thing Izuku had once wished he’d had more than anything.
The villains and their ‘Nomu’ were sent flying back - as if pushed by some invisible force. Half were quickly rendered unconscious. Izuku stared in shock. Everyone froze.
“GET THEM!” One screamed, and with that the three teens bolted. Grabbing their Sensei, and quickly using their strength gained from hero training to run with him.
The group didn’t need to run long. All Might wasted no time in saving them all, but there was a question that Asui asked in shock.
“Midoriya… what was that?”
The boy looked at Asui, knowing exactly what she meant. His eyebrows were knitted in confusion, and concern, “I… I don’t know….It could be… but no wait… that’s impossible….”
“What?” Mineta asked as Izuku’s eyes widened in shock.
Izuku’s voice was barely a whisper, “Some quirks take special situations to unlock… but…” Izuku shook his head, regaining his bearings, “It doesn’t matter… let’s get out of here.”
“But what?” Asui asked no one in particular, eyes narrowed.
The students were sent home, but Izuku was asked to stay behind.
“My boy….” All Might told him softly, “I thought you said you were quirkless?”
Izuku was clearly in shock, “I… I thought I was but…”
“He’s telling the truth.” A detective said to Izuku, “I’m Tsukauchi. I know about One for All. No need to hide it from me.”
“Oh… Um… okay?”
Tsukauchi smiled, “Now, I need you to tell me what happened.”
Izuku went on to explain the USJ incident as clearly as possible, but he got to the part about his new quirk and it became clear he wasn’t sure what exactly had happened, “He lunged for me… and I felt some rush of… something. There was a force that pushed them back.” Izuku paused, “I had the quirk test. Doctor Tsubasa told me that…”
“Tsubasa?!” Tsukauchi seemed shocked, “You had Tsubasa check your quirk?”
“What’s wrong with that?” Izuku asked confused.
All Might swallowed nervously, “That doctor worked for a villain who can take quirks until he was caught.”
Izuku’s eyes widened in surprise, “Wait… what?”
“It’s likely your quirk was stolen, then somehow reformed when you got One for All. It just needed the correct situation to activate.”

Works & Ideas For Adoption
FanfictionJust a bunch of stuff I will never finish. You have my permission to do with it what you will. Let me know what you do with them - I'd love to read it! Thanks!