Blue Exorcist & Ouran High Host Club

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He would do anything for family. He couldn't remember a time when his family didn't come first. He was just that way. Family was who you considered close to you, and you always helped your family (unless they were wrong, then you would side against them to teach them to be better). Six year old Rin Okumura clung to this belief – a string of hope in a world where almost everyone hated him. His eyes glanced over to his twin brother. Yukio Okumura, in all ways, was a genius – a child prodigy. The other kids saw him as a nerd, but Rin saw him as the smart one who would survive the longest. Rin Okumura , in many's eyes was a 'bad kid' - he was known as a 'demon child' who beat up other kids when provoked, but Yukio knew the truth. Rin was only defending Yukio from his bullies. Rin was possibly the sweetest child he'd ever met. The other children jeered, and scowled at him and everyone they saw as different... but Rin... Rin never did anything of the sort unless given a reason to be that way.

It was a surprise when Rin first asked about a scholarship. The others in the monastery explained to the seven year old that if he studied, he could get a scholarship. Rin then had asked if that would help them. The others had kindly explained that it would, but Rin did not need to get a scholarship to be a 'good kid', though it certainly did help.

The next week, Rin was top of his class with Yukio. Yukio was ecstatic, and Rin felt a swell of pride. Rin quickly excelled, showing he was equally intelligent, and even more ambitious than Yukio. Yukio found himself proud of his brother, and Rin found he was enjoying himself. He liked challenging himself, and soon he was facing a challenge of deciding where he wanted to go to Middle School. He then received a letter... a scholarship to a prestigious school in Kyoto.

Ouran Middle School was strange, Rin decided, wearing his nice sweater and tie. The students whispered around him, but didn't make a move to talk to him. They flocked him yet isolated him at the same time. They were clearly surprised he had gotten in as it was a rich, upper class school. Rin was poor, and an orphan. He was smart, but rough around the edges. He had been studying different forms of martial arts at a nearby dojo in exchange for doing work after each of his sessions, so he was even stronger. This seemed to intrigue the girls - though Rin didn't seem to take notice or care.

He walked past them, and went to a classroom. There he chose to sit down in the only empty chair close to the front - next to two red haired twins.

"Who are you?" The first haired twin , Hikaru his jacket on his chair read, asked, standing up.

"Rin." Rin said softly.

"I'm Kaoru." Kaoru smiled, as the twins circled him, "And this is Hikaru."

"Tell me, you two, why you are trying to confuse me? For laughs... or perhaps you want me to tell you apart?" Rin said monotonously.

"You're good." Hikaru said with a grin, "Now can you?"

"I don't know you well enough." Rin explained, "Maybe if I knew you better, but, since I hardly know you, I can't."

The twins looked disappointed, "Ah well, we at least know your smart enough to sit next to us. You seem slightly more enjoyable than everyone else, so I guess we can be okay with you sitting here."

"I didn't need your approval," Rin sighed, "But thanks."

The teacher then walked in, and his eyes settled on Rin.

"Well, why don't you introduce yourself?"

Rin walked up, putting a smile on his face, "Hello, my name is Rin Okumura. I enjoy challenging myself academically and socially, manga, and spending time with my brother. Thank you." He turned and got a nod from the teacher. Rin sat down, and the teacher continued with his lecture. Rin payed attention, despite the twins attempts to distract him. After class he turned to them with a smile, "Thanks for the challenge. I would've totally joined you in your fun, but I have to pass, otherwise my scholarship would end." Rin have them a mischievous smirk, "I will be glad to join you in your games now, since we're now on our break period."

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