Chapter 8: tRUcE

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Error, Clover and I stepped though the portal and into my house. Blue was in the kitchen making tacos and Dream was out doing his business so we quietly crept upstairs to my room.

Closing the door behind me, I set Melia down onto my bed. Clover sat by her while went over to talk to Error. "You know, I'm Glad that you made that truce. No more creation, no more destruction! But if you're no longer destroying, what would Nightmare do with you?" Error chuckled and said, "hOneSTly I dOn'T kNow... I tHinK i sHOulD jUsT lAy LoW fOr ThE tImE bEinG." He said rubbing the back of his head. "bUt cAN I sTaY wItH yOu gUYs?" He asked. "Oh! Of course you can! You can sleep on the couch but we might have to explain to Blue and Dream about our truce and those two..."I said, pointing to Clover and the unconscious Melia. "INK? Are you home?" Blue shouted from the kitchen. "Well, I Guess that's our cue,"I said, opening the door as me and Error walked out to talk to Blue.

Just when we walked down to the living room, Dream walked through the door and saw Error. "What's he doing here?!" Dream shouted, aiming his bow and arrow right at Error. "Calm down Dream! Error and I made a truce! No more creation, no more destruction! Now please put down your weapon!" I explained to Dream who after that lowered his weapon. "So Error's staying with us?" Blue asked, unable to contain his excitement. I nodded and told them Error would be sleeping on the couch. CRASH! A crash could be heard from my room and all of us immediately rushed upstairs, to see that there was chemical on the floor and Melia no where to be found.

"I swear I did nothing! Aportalopenedupontheceilingandthensomflaskdroppeddownand-" Clover said holding one of his hands up while saying it way too fast. "Calm down, Clover," I said, holding both my hands up to signal for him to stop talking, "Now tell us what happened slower this time." Clover took some breaths and explained that a portal had opened up in the ceiling and a flask of chemical had crashed onto the bed right where Melia was. "Where is she now?"Dream asked, hands on his hips. Clover held out his other hand and in it was a very tiny Melia.

She didn't have her glasses in since they were bigger than her and on the side table so she had to squint while looking at us

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She didn't have her glasses in since they were bigger than her and on the side table so she had to squint while looking at us. "Ink...?" She asked shakily standing up to face me. She stumbled and fell back onto Clover's palm again. "Stop moving you idiot! I'm gonna fall again..." she grumbled to Clover. Clover ignored her and asked me, "How long will this chemical last? Only a little bit spilt onto her..." "It should only last for a while since you said only a little bit spilt onto her," Dream explained. Then, Melia got up and jumped off Clover's palm and she suddenly pooped into her normal size. She smirked at Clover and said, "You're still so short. If you shrank you'd be smaller than Ink!" I was offended since some people refer to me as short. Error snickered and said, "bUT InK wOulD aLwAyS bE ThE sHoRTiE tO Me~" I ignored him and said, "You guys should be getting back to your universe now, everyone should be worried sick!" "But if you ever need any help, you can call us with this!" Blue said, handing them a small phone. "But only use it for emergencies ok?" Dream added, "We don't want you guys calling us for silly reasons!" I smiled and summoned a paint portal with my broomie and they thanked us before stepping in.


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