Chapter 17: Offers and meetings

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Melia POV

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs for breakfast after brushing mah teeth. Pancakes greeted me at the table with a handwritten note.
Hey Melia! Here's your breakfast. Carrie's off to settle the seed project! I'm off at another therapy session with (insert name). DON'T BE LATE!!
I smiled and stuffed the syrup drenched pancakes into my mouth. I drank it all down with a cup of milk and got the council papers I had prepared last night. I put them in my satchel and closed and locked the front door as I walked out. "Wait!" Yu shouted to me, running towards me, "Can I join you at the council meeting? I have nothing better to do anyway." I nodded and signalled for him to follow me. We walked past the park to seeing all Palette, Goth, Blueprint and Raven at a picnic. Dream and Nightmare were chatting as they sat on a bench. We walked past them and we both hopped onto a black and red bike, my bike, and cycled off to the council centre.

I parked my bike at the entrance and hopped off. We entered the centre to find Lila at the counter, Alan's 50th secretary. "Pass?" She asked, holding her hand out. I placed my pass, a card, on her hand and walked into a room. She glanced at Yu for a moment and shrugged not considering him as a stranger. I opened the door to see the usual sight. Alan sitting at the end of the table with other school representative communicators. I sat at my usual seat and took out my papers. You grabbed and extra chair and sat at an empty space beside me. Everyone was there. "Shall we start?" Alan asked, glancing around the room. He caught a glimpse of Yu and raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged and smirked. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "Reports." He said, placing a tray in the middle of the table. We all placed our reports into the tray. Yu watched closely at our every move, interested. "Any outstanding news?" Alan asked, stealing a glance at Yu. I stood up and cleared my throat. " I have found a bunch of outsiders from another multiverse for a start. I will provide food for them and I assure you that they will not cause any trouble." Alan raised an eyebrow but nodded firmly. The other people in the room were fascinated but did not say anything. "I have also found my brother yesterday while raiding Bukit Merah. I assume I have made peace with him. He has also told me last night that he will inform his council about this." Alan and nodded and said, "Perhaps we can meet the council if you can arrange a date?" I agreed and reported some more information about the military situation. The others followed in suit. I noticed that Alan kept glancing at Yu, with some kind of weird look in his eyes. The two even had eye contact for a moment before looking away.

The meeting ended and everyone went out of the room. I left the room and went to sort my papers as Yu drank from his water bottle. Lila headed inside the meeting room and I could hear some muffled shouts before Lila ran out of the room and packed her stuff before leaving. I sighed, knowing that she was fired, just like all the others. Alan was the leader of all our groups. He's a good leader and he knows it. However, his secretaries were always too distracted. You see, he's good looking. Plus, he's smart and kind of like your typical 'alpha' in Gacha stories. But he used to be smol and in our school. Guess puberty hit him like a train. Why doesn't he have a girlfriend? Surprise, surprise. He's gay. All the flirty, distracted or the ones trying to get closer to him are promptly given a short but fierce lecture and fired. Harsh...

Alan slammed the door open and stood at the counter rubbing his eyes. He noticed me and motioned for me to come over. He explained the offer to me and handed the form to me. I nodded and proceeded to hand it to Yu who immediately agreed and signed it on the spot. There we go, new secretary. Easy right? Nothing's gonna go wrong here! Who am I kidding? The author's gonna spin things up like spooky spoon. I can already feel Error watching us from his lil peephole with the others.

Alan POV

After taking back the form from Melia, I filed it into a new file and headed home. My home was a small one since I only lived with my sister, Aria. "How was work, Bro?" She asked, gearing up some soup. I took my towel and answered her, "Stop calling it work Alia! I'll tell you what happened later." After I showered, I changed into a clean black shirt with some white sweatpants. I sat down at the dinner table and started slurping down my soup slowly. "How was the secretary?" She asked, already knowing the answer. "Fired," I answered, "Got a new secretary though, he's a dude. Friend of Melia's." She nodded and gulped down some soup. "You have a meeting with the secondary kids tomorrow right?" She asked, putting her finished bowl onto a stack of half-washed dishes. I nodded, gulping down the rest of my soup. "It's at 12pm at their place. We do have to get ready. I'm gonna have to bring the new secretary, Yu, with me." I said, making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Alia nodded and proceeded to brush her teeth too. Afterwards, we went to our bedrooms and went to sleep.

The next day, after chomping down some bread and milk, I changed and made my way to the centre to meet up before leaving to the secondary school. I reached the centre to find no one there yet. I stood outside, fiddling with a broken phone I hoped my good friend who is good in mechanics, Jordan, could fix it. Soon, more group leaders arrived. I scanned the crowd, trying to find Melia and her friend. "Sup?" Melia asked, suddenly appearing to my side. I jumped and told her off to not scare me like that. She was in light purple shirt with short black jeans. She chuckled saying, "Well aren't you gonna greet your new secretary?" I looked beside her to see the boy, Yu, smiling and chuckling. Oh snap he's cute, I thought, blushing.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and gathered everyone

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I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and gathered everyone. We then drove off to older kids area. Yes, drove. We found some abandoned golf carts with their keys  and decided to use them as transportation.

"Are you sure you can drive?!" I screamed, as the cart sped across the road. "No! But this is the most fun I've had since ever!!" Melia screamed back, delighted that I let her drive. Yu grabbed at the seat, frightened, squeezing his eyes shut and murmured a prayer. The few other unlucky group members screamed and screeched at the top of their lungs, begging for mercy. We arrived sooner than expected, everyone Glad that the ride was over. We got out of our carts and walked off into the building. One of the teens escorted us to the meeting room. We arrived at the huge room to find the leaders waiting for us, which included Melia's brother. Melia then excused herself to talk to her brother.

Melia POV

"Excuse me, may I speak to Boffis for a moment?" I said, calmly. The leader nodded and I walked to a corner with Boffis. "What? Boffis, not brother?" He asked playfully, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. "Shut up. I want to talk." I said, rolling my eyes. "About how pathetic you are? Or how you're a disappointment? Or both?" He asked and laughed. I kept a poker face and calmly said, "You haven't changed one bit." "Oh really? I don't care about you or why you did this anyway. I'm only doing this for my 'clan's' sake so don't even bother trying to make back. Why do even want to come back to me?" He asked, his smirk gone. "I don't even know why I didn't Attack you." I said, trying hard to not punch his face. "I don't know why I loved you as my sister in the first place." He said flatly and walked past me roughly. I stood dumbfounded, trying to hold back tears.

Didn't love me huh? Ok. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine. I ran off to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror. No one was there, so I locked the door of the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. Was this the face my dear brother I once looked up to saw? A face of failure? A face of nothing? I face of a coward? I couldn't help it. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. I didn't care, I let them hit the floor. I tore off my bandages, knowing they would be useless by now. I pulled out my knife from its sheath. I slashed my arm roughly, not bothering where it went. The stinging pain shot throughout my whole arm enveloping me in the horrible yet comforting pain. I am a coward aren't I? I useless, horrible, coward. I didn't bother to wash my wounds and wrapped them in a new bandage roughly, not bothering to tuck the loose edges in. I pulled out my jacket from my bag and tugged it over my shoulders. I walked out of the bathroom, the feeling of depression creeping back to me.


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