One sided Love

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The sun was high in the sky, just barely being blocked by a few stray clouds that seemed to streak across the sky. It was beautiful yet warm outside. I laid in the grass, looking up at the clouds. Above me sat my blue haired best friend, who was currently strumming notes and trying to tune a guitar. My head just barely rested on his legs, to keep my hair from getting dirty. The only sound I could hear was the gentle pluck of the guitar strings and the wind through the trees. Everything seemed to eerily perfect. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened them I saw blue eyes peering down at me from behind a mask.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, pushing his hair behind his ear.
"Well Sal it's really quiet and peaceful. Normally it's never like this because either Ash or Larry is talking our ears off." I chuckled softly. "But since Ash had to baby sit and Larry got after school detention it's just us. It's too quiet for my taste." Sal nodded at my words. "It's been so long since it's just been you and I without all the rest of the gang."
"It really has. Well we can go back to my place if you want and watch a movie. Or we can wait for Larry to get home." Sal set the guitar down beside him, stretching his back slightly. I heard it pop as he had been sitting for a little while now. "Or if you just wanna stay here and watch the clouds some more I'm good with that too."
"I'm good with staying here. I'll be honest I've already gotten myself comfortable."
"Of course you have." He laughed. "You're making my legs fall asleep. Not to mention my ass fell asleep like a hour ago."
I pouted playfully. "You're the one who said I could lay against your legs. Ain't my fault you got no cushion on your ass to keep it from falling against. Man and here I thought we were best friends but there you are complaining saying your ass falling asleep is my fault." Sal let out a snort at that.
"Then switch places with me and let me lay on your legs instead so your ass can fall asleep." I rolled my eyes and sat up. Sal stood up and I crawled over to the spot against the tree he had currently occupied. Sal took my spot in the grass and laid his head on my legs, yawning as he closed his eyes. "I'm gonna take a nap now. Wake me up before Larry gets here."
I laughed softly and shook my head, watching as the other quickly fell asleep. Sal could probably sleep anywhere he wanted. I settled back against the tree and stared back up at the sky.
I know what you're thinking. Those two can't be only friends. Well you're right bout that. We are best friends. Sal and I that is. I've probably had the biggest crush on him for a few years now, ever since Larry introduced us at school when Sal first came to Nockfell. However I kept that well hidden since he had a crush on our mutual friend Ashley. Despite my feelings and all Sal and I were as close as could be, and I did my best to push my feelings aside to be there for him.
I turned my gaze back down to the boy on my lap, my eyes tracing every feature of the prosthetic face he wore on a daily basis. I took in every dip and small crack in the mask. I had never seen Sal's real face but I didn't mind. I never pressed the matter in case it made him uncomfortable. Absentmindedly my hand instantly went to his hair and started to softly stroke it. He had worn it down today, mentioning something about a headache and not wanting the trouble of putting it into the pigtails which were his signature hairstyle. He made a light noise in his sleep and nudged his head against my hand. I couldn't help smile to myself. 'He's just like a cat.' I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of the wind and Sal's soft snores. Before I knew it I was asleep myself, my head lulling to the side slightly.

"Damn those two fell asleep before I could even get here." I startled awake hearing a voice suddenly break the silence. "Oh shit sorry Y/N. Didn't mean to wake you up." Larry was crouched down beside me, his arm resting on the tree bark above my head.
"You're good. What time is it?" I stretched my back out slightly. "I didn't realize I had fallen asleep."
"About 6 now. Yo Sal. Time to wake up dude. I'm pretty sure you're making her legs hurt." He gently shook Sal.
"Shit. We've been sleeping for a few hours then." I watched as Sal sat up, slightly dazed from sleeping. "You have a nice nap Sally?" I laughed softly as he went to rub at his eyes, hitting his mask instead.
"Oh this isn't my room." He looked around before realizing where he was. "Shit Y/N it's getting late. We need to get you home."
"Damn it guys. I just got here. You're just gonna leave when I finally am able to hang?" Larry drew a tear down his cheek. "Though Sal is right. Remember the last time you stayed out super late? Your dad almost killed us." He laughed. "Hopefully tomorrow I won't get detention."
"Just don't punch Travis again and you'll be fine." I retorted. "Even though I kinda agree that he deserved it. If you hadn't I probably would have."
"It's not right to punch someone." Sal pointed out, finally fully awake.
"It is if they are making fun of your bestie." I playfully punched his shoulder. "I'll knock his crooked nose back into place next time he decides to mess with us." That earned a laugh from Larry and a sigh from Sal.
"Y/N what are your plans for this weekend?" Larry suddenly asked, changing the subject.
"Well my parents are going out of town for a little few days so I was planning on chilling out since we got a break coming up. Why? What you got planned?" I stood up and swatted the dirt off my butt. "And don't say massive party at my house. Last time we pulled that shit I got grounded for months."
"Well shit. Okay party with you, me, ash and Sal? I promise we will clean up after this one." I sighed heavily before leaning back against the tree with my hands shoved into my pockets.
"I swear to whatever is out there if you mess my house up I will personally kill you. I guess I'll have our guest rooms made up nice for y'all to crash at my house if you guys want."
"Sounds lit. I'll bring The booze and weed."
"Oh no. I don't mind the booze but if the house smells of pot my parents will skin me alive damn it."
"Damn. I'll just get high before the party then." Larry pouted. I just shook my head and looked towards Sal who was staring at Larry.
"Sally are you coming? I'll need someone sober enough to help me watch this idiot." I knew Sal never drank and I honestly wasn't a huge fan of it myself. I could handle myself but being drunk wasn't really my cup of tea.
"Sure. I'll talk to my dad about it tonight. I'll leave out the drinking part. But seriously. Let's get you home." He started heading off and I ran to catch up with him. "Man I wish your parents would lighten up on you some Y/N. They are always so strict with what you do." He sighed. "If they weren't so up your ass about everything we could stay out longer."
"I know but there is nothing I can do. To them I'm still their sweet innocent daughter. Not this rebellious teenage girl who drinks and curses. They would flip their shit if they found out about half the shit I do now."
Sal snorted again. "You are the opposite of innocent for sure." His mask lifted up just slightly, a telltell sign of him smiling. "Back to the party thing. Do you want me to bring anything? Well. Besides myself?"
"Movies or games would be cool. I'll have snacks covered. I guess any form of entertainment would be nice."
I felt a weird almost tickle in my throat and coughed slightly. Odd. I hardly ever get sick.
"You good?" Sal asked as he looked over at me. "I've noticed you've been coughing more lately. You think it's allergies?"
"Nah. Probably getting a damn cold. I'm fine." I shrugged it off. We both fell into silence for a moment, not the awkward type but a more comfortable silence that I had grown accustom to since Sal wasn't always talkative like Larry was. The rest of the walk was spent in this silence, it only broke once we reached my front door.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school Y/N." Sal gave me a quick hug, knowing my parents were probably watching.
"Thanks Sal. For walking me home I mean. I'll see you tomorrow. Text me when you get home so I know you're safe." With that I went inside. My dad was standing near the door, obviously waiting for me to come home.
"Nice to see you on time for once." He retorted. "At least you didn't bring the stoner boy. I prefer masky over greaser stoner any day." He sneered, knowing I hated when he talked about my friends like that. "Seriously Y/N. You need better friends. Normal friends. Not these freaks you've been hanging around." He lectured me for probably the millionth time.
"Thanks for your opinion Father. However I think my friends are just perfect even with their little quirks and flaws thank you very much." I rolled my eyes and went to walk upstairs.
"You listen here young lady. You better show me some respect in this house. Do you got that?" My dad had an alpha male complex that was really irritating. Everything was basically his way or the highway. He raised my older sibling with that mindset and I was no different. Except I had to be perfect all the time and not let even one slip up happen.
"Of course dad. I've got homework to finish. I'm going to my room. Goodnight." My voice was cold but I didn't let him respond as I walked upstairs and slammed my bedroom door shut. My heart was pounding in my chest from both fright and anger.
I was about to sit down when I heard my phone go off.
Sallio: Made it home.
Me: awesome. Thanks again for walking me home.
Sallio: anytime. Gtg. Goodnight.
Me: Goodnight Sal. See you in the morning.

I put my phone on the charger and laid on my bed. I turned on my side and turned on the CD player beside my bed, sighing as the soft music I normally listened to at home started to roll throughout the room, creating a nice atmosphere for me to start relaxing for bed. Sal and Larry had been surprised the first time they played music from my CDs in my room. The same girl who headbanged to metal music with them listened to piano or classical music as well. I ran a hand through my hair and sat back up, grabbing my night wear since I couldn't sleep in my jeans and tee shirt for sure. I quickly changed into the tank top and shorts I normally wore to bed before pulling the covers back and snuggling into my mattress. I reached over to turn off my small lamp but my fingers grazed over a picture so I picked it up and brought it closer to me so I could see it. It was one of the first pictures I had taken with the group. Ash had her arm around my waist while mine rested on Sal's shoulder. Sal and Larry were making the rock out sign together while Todd just stood pushing his glasses back up. Most of us were smiling other than Larry, who had his tongue sticking out and of course Sal. I smiled as I ran my fingers over it, my tips just barely grazing over Sal.
My heart ached slightly. I knew he liked Ash. He had come to me about it several times. I gave him the best advice I could as his friend even though I didn't want to see them together. He told me he was always scared to tell her though. Because how could anyone like him. Let alone love him. Yet here I was. I shook my thoughts away and set the picture back down, coughing to clear the uncomfortable feeling in my throat. However when I coughed this time I swore I tasted something metallic which was odd since that had never happened before. I shrugged it off and turned the light off and nuzzled deeper into my blankets as sleep started to take over, pushing me into a dark world of dreams and nothingness.
Or nightmares.

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