We all have to die one day

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Sal's POV:
She kept hitting me. The smacks were extremely weak though. They got weaker with every word she said. I noticed her eyes were closing and quickly moved so she fell against me and not on the floor.
"Y/N wake up. Come on this isn't funny." I held my hand in front of her face. She was barely breathing. Shit. "Come on. Wake up!" I shook her. In a panic I ran out the door and straight into Larry.
"Dude you look like you've seen a ghost-"
"Larry call 911!"
"Dude calm down. The police can't help with ghosts. We've been over this."
"No. It's not a ghost. It's Y/N. Please." Larry's eyes widened and he went back to his room, phone in hand. I stood in the living room hearing him talk to the operator and trying to wake her. Soon everything everyone was saying was a blur. When the paramedics came Larry told me to go to the hospital with her. He was going to find her belongings from her house, especially since he also reported the abuse so he was going to let her stay with him.
I sat beside her, holding her hand as we went to the hospital. My heart felt like it was in my throat at this point. How had I never realized her feelings for me? When we arrived at the hospital I wasn't allowed in, they rushed her to a room Far away from where I was. I sat in the chair for what seemed like hours before a doctor asked who I was here for. When I answered he told me to follow him.
Going into that room brought back so many flashback. I had to keep myself under control. When I walked into the room my heart dropped to the pits of my stomach. She was attached to so many machines.
"I've never seen a case like this before honestly." The doctor said. "The disease has taken a great toll on her lungs. We will probably be forced to do the surgery in order to save her life. I've called another professional in and he's coming as quickly as he can." I just nodded and sat down beside her. I held her hand, staring down at the IV in it. The room was quiet other than the beep of the machines. The doctor left to give us some space.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner." I spoke to a empty room. I knew she wouldn't reply. "We could have found a way around this. My feelings for you could have changed." I pulled off my prosthetic, bringing her hand to my lips. "I don't know what love actually feels like. I've never been in love. I've always liked you though. I was just to nervous and though you didn't like me. But you've always made me happy and smile." I felt a tear sliding down my cheek. "You're my best friend. I really don't want to see you go. I know everyone dies at some point. I get it. I can't remember you as the happy girl you wanted me to. I can only see the girl who suffered so I could be happy. Even though I never knew my true happiness was right in front of me." I let out a shaky sigh. "I can't believe this entire time you listened to me talk about Ash and never thought about ruining it for her and I. You always encouraged me. How much did that hurt you? How much have I hurt you?" I shook my head and moved the chair even closer. "Did you ever think about hating me for hurting you like this?" I squeezed her hand gently. There was a dull ache in my chest. I couldn't remember the last time I felt like this. Probably when my mom died. I closed my eyes as more tears fell down my cheeks.
"No. I never hated you." The sound of her voice made my eyes shoot open and I looked at her face. Her eyes were staring at the ceiling, not at me. Her voice was weak like a whisper. "I just always reminded myself the pain was worth seeing you smile. Even after I found out about all this. True love is sacrificing everything to see them happy. Sal." She finally looked at me.
"I love you." She had a sad smile playing on her lips. "I always have. I love the look in your eyes when you play guitar. I love the way you head bang side to side instead of up and down." She let out a weak laugh. "I love how you tap the eraser of your pencil on the mouth part of your mask when you're thinking."
"Y-N I-"
"Let me finish Sally." I just nodded, holding her hand in both of mine. "You always have a sparkle in your eyes that I've never seen go out. And I'm not meaning your glass eye." She let out a soft sigh. "I've always noticed weird things about people that most people don't see. But the thing I noticed about you was the beauty you were behind that mask. Even not seeing your face I knew I loved you. That day you finally showed me I realized I was right. I knew you had went through something awful to get them."
"Heh. Yeah I really did." She squeezed my hand softly.
"By the way Sal. You never did answer me." I raised my eyebrow. What did she ask?
"I'm sorry I don't remember the question."
"You say no one will ever love you. Is it because your dick is small?"
I couldn't contain my laughter. "You're lying in this bed dying and all you can worry about is if my dick is small or not?"
"Yup." I rolled my eyes at her.
"It's slightly bigger than average."
"You measured it?" She burst into a fit of giggles.
"Can we stop talking about this please." I felt my ears grow red.
"You're blushing."
"So are you." I laughed and freed one of my hands to cup her cheek. "Probably more than I am."
"Your hands are like ice dude. What are you? A damn corpse?"
"I am dead inside."
"Oh har har. So am I." She rolled her eyes.
"I really don't want to see you die Y/N."
"Welp unless you love me sorry kid. Looks like we are both SOL. I'll die a Virgin."
"Whoa TMI." She just laughed again. "But you know something?"
"What's up buttercup?"
I pressed my lips into hers, feeling her tense up before melting into the kiss and kissing me back. Her lips were soft and sent a tingle down my spine. I pulled back and looked down at her with a smile. "Okay. I wasn't expecting that."
"Your Face is getting better in color." I said I'm surprise. "What the hell."
"Probably because I'm red as hell from the sudden kiss."
"Should I do it again?"
"Dude wtf?" I laughed and cupped her chin. "Sal don't think about it. You got a girlfriend."
"So. I recently found out my girlfriend betrayed my best friend and knew that she was in love with me."
"As I'm seeing it. I've only dated my girlfriend for less than a day and she's already broke my trust. So even though I don't exactly know what love feels like I feel like I like you a whole lot more."
"Sal Fisher are you asking me out?"
"Are you saying yes?"
"You might have to convince me after almost killing me." She pouted cutely and crosses her arms.
"Hmmm." I scratched the back of my head. "I'll let you see my dick?"
"Sally!" Her Face got red. "Damn you could at least invite me to dinner first. I'm not a cheap girl. Yes Sal. I'll be your girlfriend." She smiled softly and I leaned down and connected our lips once again.
I pulled away again and sat back down. "Man kissing is weird but feels nice." I laughed softly. "You know Y/N. I've never kissed anyone before so hopefully I'm somewhat doing it right."
"As a dare one time I had to kiss someone. But I got like $20 for it. So I also don't have much kissing experience. But at least you don't drool." She giggled and held my hand. "Dude hospitals skeeve me
Out. Can I go home now?"
"Maybe I'll ask the doctor." I hit the page nurse button and a nurse instantly came rushing in.
"What's wrong?" She sounded out of breath. She took one look at us. "Wait. Is this a case of a cured patient?"
I shrugged. "Not fully cured but probably getting there." I smiled at her.
"I love you goofball."
"I think I love you too."

The end...

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