Truth Or Drink

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I screamed...

"Sal! Why the hell were you staring at me!" I shouted, rubbing my head since I had sat up super fast and head butted Sal's head by accident.
"I was trying to wake you up. I didn't know you were going to sit up so fast." He had a hand on his head as well.
"How the hell did you get in? I'm almost positive I had locked the door."
"Well I knocked a few times and assuming you were asleep I found the spare key that you had told us was there and let myself in."
I face palmed myself softly. I forgot I told him and Larry where the spare key was. I looked down and saw him holding my painting. He noticed and then handed it to me. "Larry asked me to bring it with me since I was coming straight here. He went to get some stuff for tonight. This is absolutely beautiful by the way."
"T-thanks. I don't know if I really like it or not. Just set it on the kitchen table. I gotta find a mount for it later." I swung my legs off the couch, letting my blanket fall to the ground. "I must have been sleeping for a while. Damn. I knew depressed people sleep a lot but I've probably gotten more sleep these last few days than I have in my entire life." I joked. "I must be coming down with a cold." Sal walked back over to me and sat down beside me on the couch.
"I hope not. You hardly ever get sick. Hey you might want to go change your clothes." He turned his head away. I looked down and felt my face go read. I was still in a tank top and extremely short shorts.
"Well shit." I laughed softly before getting up. "Don't check my ass out when I go upstairs." I teased him, picking up my blanket and wrapping it around me.
"Damn my plans have been foiled." He said sarcastically. "I'll chill down here until you get back."
I just laughed at him before running upstairs.  I slid a pair of ripped jeans and a random shirt on before coming back down.
"Tada. More presentable?" I said as I jumped off the last step. "Sorry I didn't expect you to come in and see me in that."
"I mean you wear what you want. It's just. Um. Your legs-"
"I know. I don't want Larry or ash seeing that or I might get cussed out." I sighed. -


"I don't think they would get mad at you. More worried."
"Sal. I use to cut myself. I'm pretty sure they would be pissed. Weren't you when you first saw?"
"I wasn't mad. Just shocked." He stared down at his hands. "It just hurt knowing you didn't want to tell me. It hurt knowing how much pain you were probably in and I couldn't do anything to help. That you didn't trust me enough to tell me."
"Sal it wasn't that I didn't trust you. I was afraid to lose you. We've been over this." I sighed, looking down and away from him. This subject always made me uncomfortable. "And trust me. I know they are ugly."
"They aren't-"
"Come on Sal. We both know they are. Can we please just drop this." I asked, frustrated. My hands were clenched so hard my nails dug into my skin. I could feel a knot forming in my throat so I cleared it to try to get rid of it.
"Of course. Sorry to upset you." There was a tension in the room that felt suffocating. It took all my willpower not to just scoot closer to him and wrap my arms around him. Instead I just wrapped my arms around my legs and pulled them to my chest. Everything Travis had said came back to me suddenly and it felt like the breath was knocked out of my lungs. What if Sal felt the same way now? What if all my friends did? No. They couldn't think that way could they?
My thoughts were interrupted by Larry and Ash opening the door. Both of them were laughing and joking. As soon as Ash stepped into the door it seemed Sal's mood lightened, only making mine worse.
"Oh hey I didn't know you were already here." Ash smiled and gave Sal a hug with her free arm. "Larry and I bought a shit ton of snacks so hopefully y'all are hungry."
"I brought the booze." Larry held up a backpack, and I could instantly hear the bottles clicking inside of it. He went to take everything to the kitchen, setting everything on the counter while throwing some beers in the fridge. "So what have you two been doing?"
"Nothing really. I just recently got here myself." Sal took a seat back on the couch. "Y/N was sleeping when I got here."
"I fell asleep shortly after getting home." I pointed out. I was glad he wasn't bringing up our little argument.
"You really weren't feeling good huh? Are you feeling any better now?" Ash sat down beside me. "You still look a little pale."
"Ash. I'm always pale. But yea. I feel a little better now. I think I just needed some sleep."
"Glad you're back to normal dude. It wasn't fun seeing you so down today." Larry came over and handed me a cup. I raised my eyebrow at him.
"What is this? I already said I'm not drinking man."
"It's not any alcohol. It's just tea. I'm not gonna be that guy who tried to get you drunk when you're sick." I
I shrugged and took a sip. It really was just tea. I settled back against the couch as Larry and Sal picked a movie for us all to watch. After everyone was settled Larry started the movie. It was a horror movie. Great. Larry started drinking a beer almost right away. Sal sat next to me on the couch but I could still feel the slight tension in between us. I tried my best to pay attention to the movie. Every time something scary would come on Ashley squealed and hid into me, earning laughs from everyone else. I wasn't paying much attention to the movie honestly. I was to lost in my thoughts. I just stared at the screen with a blank expression until Ashley would jolt me out of my thoughts again. At some point a sex scene came on and I wrinkled my nose at it. It was hard to ignore when that came on. During the scene Sal twitched uncomfortably beside me on the couch.
"Wanna make a snack run right quick?" I asked him softly. He eagerly nodded and jumped up, heading straight for the kitchen. I followed suit, going through the bags that the other two had brought until I found popcorn. I shoved the bag into the microwave and hit start. The in the living room was so loud, the sounds of the scene were still playing. "God how long is this gonna last." I muttered to myself, earning a laugh from Sal. It was the first time he had laughed at something I said since our little fight. I smiled a weak smile at him and went to get drinks for us both, since I had finished my tea a while ago.
"I'm sorry about earlier. You've been acting off so I was a little worried. I really didn't mean to upset you." I jumped slightly. I didn't realize Sal was so close to me. I turned to face him and he was nervously rubbing his neck. "And I didn't mean to just scare you either."
"It's okay Sal. I know I've been a little off. I just haven't been feeling to well. I might have gotten a little snappy earlier myself." I handed him the bottle of soda while raiding the fridge for two more beers for the two in the living room drinking.
"I'm just scared you know? The first time I ever saw you do that it made me realize how quickly I could lose my friends." His fingers brushed my wrist slightly. "And seeing your scars after hearing what Travis told you made me even more scared you were going to start again."
"Sal that's all behind me now. I promise. I'm clean now." My skin Prickled where he touched it, the warmth stayed for a second before turning cold again when he removed his hand. "I promised back then that it wouldn't happen again." With that I went into the living room with the snacks in hand. Larry and ash seemed bored.
"Guys let's play a game." Larry suggested, turning the TV down some so we could hear him.
"What kind of game?" I handed them their beers and sat back down, this time on the floor in front of the couch.
"Truth or dare. But if you don't take a dare you have to drink."
"Hell yeah im in!" Ash got into the floor with me, sitting slightly off to the side.
"I will play but I can't drink." Sal reminded Larry, sitting across from Ashley.
"Y/N you in?" Larry sat across from me and set a empty beer bottle in the middle of our group.
"Sure. I got nothing to lose."
"Sweet. I'll spin the bottle and whoever it lands on goes first." And with Larry spun the bottle. We all watched in anticipation as it slowed down. It landed on ash.
"Okay Ash. Truth or dare?" 
Larry thought hard for a second, trying to come up with something good. "What is the most outrageous thing you've done?"
"I smoked pot one time in the bathroom. The really bitchy hall monitor caught me so I offered her some and she let me off without reporting me and we got completely stoned together."
"Sweet. Alright you can just pick a random person now."
"y/n truth or dare?"
"Oh. Uh. Truth?"
"Damn. Uh. Have you ever kissed anyone before?"
I raised my eyebrow at her. "No. Well. Does elementary school count? Because I'm pretty sure I kissed my elementary school boyfriend on the cheek when I was little." I laughed.
"Damn girl. You're so innocent." She laughed. "Your turn"
"Larry. Truth or dare?"
"I ain't no pussy. Dare."
"I dare you to prank call your crush and start singing a romantic song to them." I grinned.
"Well shit. I drink then." He raised his bottle and took a swig. "Sally truth or dare?"
"Is there anyone you fancy?"
"Is there anyone I what?" Sal looked a little confused at first.
"Larry means is there anyone you like Sal." I laughed as I cleared it up.
"Ooooh. Yeah. There is this one girl." Sal said, a little flustered. He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Ooooh sally Face has a crush!" Ashley catcalled him. "She's a lucky lady for sure." She laughed. I kept up a smile when honestly it felt like my heart was breaking. He was talking about her.
"Y/N. Truth or dare?"
"I'm curious. Is there anyone you like at school?"
"No. Not really." Yes bitch. You. Sal stared at me for a moment. "Ash. Truth or dare?"
The game went on for a little bit. Larry was almost plastered by the end of it and ended up passing out on the floor. Ash was also pretty drunk and starting to doze off. I was slightly buzzed but nothing to bad. And Sal of course was completely sober. I put the bottles that were laying around in the trash can while Sal got Larry and Ash onto the couches and covered up. He came to help me take the evidence of the party out to the trash cans outside so that the garbage man would come pick them up tomorrow.
"Sal earlier when Larry asked if you liked someone. Were you talking about ash when you answered?" I don't know why I asked. Probably a mix of curiosity and drunkenness.  He looked at me for a second before clearing his throat
"Yeah I was." Ouch. I finished throwing the trash away and was starting to walk back to the house before I felt the worst sensation you could feel while being drunk.
"Shit. No." I groaned.
"You gonna be sick?" He asked softly. I just nodded and sat down in the grass with my head between my knees. "I'm surprised you even drank with the way you've been feeling."
"If I hadn't they were gonna make me do even more embarrassing stuff besides throwing up Sal." I took deep breaths until the nausea settled. "Okay. I think I'm good. Not gonna throw up. At least not out here." Sal offered his hand to help me up and I took it, grateful for some help.
"Come on. Let's get you inside." Sal lead me back to the house and got me upstairs before getting me a bottle of water and setting a trash can beside my bed. "I'm gonna go to the spare room to sleep. I'll be right across the hall if you need me." He turned my light off and I tucked myself into bed. My stomach still felt like it was churning. I felt really gross. I closed my eyes for a moment.
Images of the painting flashed through my mind again and all the sickness I was feeling hit me with a wave so bad it made me instantly grab the trash can before I started to retch. I turned on my lamp to see if I had missed it. Only for my eyes to get wide.

On my bed and in the trash can were tattered pieces of red flower petals stained with red blood.

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