The begining of the end

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The end...

Your POV:
Sike bitches.

I wasn't fully cured so they said they were going to hold me for observation over the night. Sal stayed until visiting hours were over. I begged him to stay longer but because he wasn't family they wouldn't allow him. It had been a stressful day for both of us. We confessed and started dating. The police had came and took statements from both of us on my dads abuse. I was happy to have Sal there while I made my statement.
Luckily I was able to get a good nights sleep for the first time in a while. In the morning I was released but told I needed to come back when the specialist arrived. I just agreed so I could go to the house and get the rest of my shit. Outside of the hospital stood two men obviously waiting for me. Larry had his hair brushed and he wore somewhat decent clothes. Sal had his hair down and wore a nice black shirt and semi nice black jeans. He held a small bouquet of roses in his hand.
"Really Sal? Roses?" I laughed. His eyes widened.
"Oh my god I wasn't thinking. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-"
"Honey chill. I'm joking. Roses are my favorite." I smiled and quickly wrapped my arms around him. "Even though I swear I won't be eating these."
"Wait. What? You eat the flowers to puke them up?" Larry sounded confused.
"No Lar. It's a parasite remember?" I laughed. "A parasitic spore."
"That's why you don't do shrooms my man."
"Larry. What the actual?" I bursted out laughing. "So why are you two dressed up so nicely?"
"Well I decided to come and surprise you. I just kinda forced Larry into it too."
"But dude I look hot in this." Larry wiggled his eye brows. I shook my head and kissed the cheek of Sal's mask.
"Well aren't you two very sweet." I giggled softly.
"Hey I don't get a kiss?" I looked over at Larry who was pouting. I let go of Sal and skipped over to Larry.
"Awh who could forget my LarBear." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as well before going back to Sal and holding his free hand. Larry's eyes were wide.
"I wasn't being serious." Both Sal and I couldn't help but laugh. "Damn. I really wasn't expecting that. So are you all flower free now?"
"Not exactly. What's going on now is it's in remission. Like it's still there. I'll probably still have flare ups. But because Sal confessed he likes me it's not as server. My lungs are a little screwy at the moment though because of all the thorns that were poking them. They said later on they might give me a portable oxygen tank if I have trouble breathing still."
"So is the damage irreversible?" Sal asked me softly. I nodded softly. "I really feel bad about this."
"You're good love. I promise. I'm not mad at you."
"I'm mad at myself. I'm so blind honestly."
"Well. You only have one eye so I can understand." Sal rolled his eyes at me and squeezed my hand. "So where are we going now?"
"To go get your sick ass jeep." Larry stated. "Your mom is gonna be at the house. They got your dad in jail at the moment."
"So you're more excited about me getting the jeep than anything huh Lar?"
"You have a sick jeep. I can't help it."
I let the boys lead me all the way home, Larry was talking about what we should do while on vacation since it was luckily the last week of school (A/N: I haven't been in school for years but just roll with it) and we had the whole summer to do what we wanted. Sal talked about going back to the beach.
"Well. I do have a beach house remember?" I piped up. "All of us could go there. It's got enough rooms."
"Would your mom let us stay there? I mean. Most of our friends are boys." Sal asked, looking over at me.
"The worst she will say about it is make sure I don't get pregnant honestly." I laughed and shrugged. "She's not bad Sal. She's basically just the scared beaten wife."
When we got to the house my mother was sitting outside on the porch. As soon as she saw me she ran down the stairs and all but threw herself at me, pulling me close and apologizing over and over again. I let go of Sal's hand and hugged my mom tightly.
"Baby girl I promise I'm going to be with you every step of the way through this." She promised me, pulling back finally. She was crying and looked highly upset. "My poor baby. Look what he did to your face." She said as she touched the bruises.
"Eh. Worse will probably happen to him in jail." I shrugged softly. "Mom I'm gonna get my jeep. I'll be staying with Larry until all this blows over. I don't feel... I don't feel comfortable in this house anymore."
"It's okay. I understand baby. But promise me you'll call me okay? Just check in sometimes with me. I worry about you."
"I will mama. Is it okay if I stay at the beach house over the summer with my friends?"
"Of course sweetie. It's yours now remember?"
I nodded and smiled softly at my mother. "Are you going to stay here? Or are you going somewhere else mom?"
"I am actually going to stay with a cousin outside of Nockfell until the trial date." Her eyes seemed sad. "I don't know if he goes to jail if I'll keep the house or not."
"It'll be fine mom. Even if you don't I don't blame you." I felt Sal step slightly closer to me, his hand gently touched my lower back. "I promise I'll call you every day."
"Mrs. L/N I don't know if you feel up to it but maybe you'd like to have dinner with us at my friends house tonight? I know it must be hard losing your husband and having your daughter move suddenly." Sal spoke up, earning a small jolt from my mother. "Lisa always makes way to much food anyways."
"Dude my mom doesn't know how to cook for just a few people." Larry laughed.
For the first time in a long time I saw my mother smile a real smile. "I would love to. Thank you for your kind offer. I can call Y/N when I get there. I should probably let you kids get what you need done though. I've got some packing to do myself." I nodded and motioned to the guys to go into the house so I could find where my keys were.
"I need my keys, wallet and cellphone." I said as I started up the steps. "Plus I have bags of my stuff in my car."
"Dude we should take the doors off of your-"
"No larry." Sal bursted out laughing as Larry pouted after I told him no. I found my room was slightly messier than I normally leave it. "Who went through my shit?" I sighed.
"Sorry dude I was trying to get your shit packed up." I noticed a box of trash bags on my bed. "I only got your closet cleaned out. I didn't want to look through your dresser."
"It's cool. Where is the stuff you packed up?"
"Still in the closet."
"Ah. Okay. Larry take it out to the jeep. Sal and I will get the rest of my clothes packed." I found my keys under my bed and tossed them to him. "Do not try to drive it out." I shot him a warning look. Larry fumbled as he caught the keys and gave me a sly grin. "I'm seriously Larry Johnson. I'll hurt you if you do anything but unlock her."
"Okay okay. I won't do anything." He held his hands up in defeat. He quickly ran downstairs, I heard him trip and fall before yelling "I'm okay." I shook my head and took a trash bag out and started to open my drawers to take the clothes out of them.
"You sure do have a lot of clothes."
"I like clothes." I laughed softly and started dumping the drawer into a trash bag. "I have no idea where I'm gonna keep all of these while I'm at Larry's. I might make a trip to the beach house since I'm mostly gonna live there." I shrugged.
"What about school?"
"Huh? Oh well. I figured since we are graduating next year I'd find somewhere to crash until graduation. I don't feel like driving an hour to and from each day."
"You can live with me." Sal shrugged and opened a drawer, his eyes got a little wide and he shut it quickly, the tips of his ears turning red.
"Oh yeah honey that's my underwear drawer. You're safer taking clothes from over here." I laughed. He came over to where I was standing by the big dresser  I had in my room. "The chest over there has like socks and underwear and stuff like that."
"You have some very interesting underwear choices." He mumbled, and I knew exactly what he was talking about.
"Yeah. I do." I giggled and handed him the bag. "Just empty these drawers. I'll empty the ones in the chest." He nodded and took the bag before opening another drawer and emptying out all my leggings.
"Jeez how many leggings does one girl need?"
"A lot." I started to pack up all of the clothes in the chest. "For my birthday dad always took me on a shopping spree. So I would buy as much as I could fit in a cart since he normally was awful to me throughout the year. It was the one time of year I got spoiled by him."
"I need to get a job."
I was taken back by his words so suddenly. I looked over at him and saw him folding a shirt. "How come you said that?"
"I want to spoil you." I felt my face heat up. "I want to spoil you like the princess you are."
"Bitch have you ever heard the way I speak? I'm not princess. Maybe a evil one."
"Hey a evil princess is still a princess." He laughed. "And yes love I've heard the way you speak. Especially since you just called me a bitch."
"And I've called you dude. And a bunch of other unprincess like shit."
"I still think you're a princess." I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, my bag filled now.
"Not a princess." I said before unclasping his mask. Out of instinct his hand went up to cover it but he relaxed and let me pull the prosthetic off. "I never get tired of seeing your face."
"I don't see how." I cupped his cheek and stroked the scars on it gently. "I don't even like looking at it."
"I think you're cute." I saw him roll his eyes. "I saw that."
"I am not cute." I booped his nose lightly. He tried not to laugh but couldn't help it.
"There it is."
"That smile I love so much."
"You're weird."

We hurried up and got all my clothes and stuff I would really need packed and into the jeep. Larry had helped pack as much stuff as he could into the trunk before it spilled over into the back seat. He stared at the bags and then looked at me.
"This all isn't gonna fit in my house dude."
"I'm planning on going to the beach house during the weekend and dropping some stuff off." I shrugged.
"Dude we should go help."
"You just wanna go inside the house." I laughed and shook my head. "I'm probably going to need help anyways my dude. I can't carry all this in."
I got into the drivers seat, running my hands along the steering wheel. I pulled the seat belt over me and buckled it up. Sal jumped into the seat beside me, buckling himself before placing his hand on my leg. Boyo was getting touchy feely but I didn't really mind.
"If we got to the beach can we take the doors off?" Larry asked as he climbed In too. "Todd should come with us too."
"And his boyfriend. I wouldn't mind them coming over. Possibly Chug and Maple too." I turned the car on before pulling out of my house. "Lar I'm not taking my doors off."
"Aww man. You just aren't any fun."
"Get bent dude. Get bent."

We joked until we got to the looming apartments that the boys lived in. I stared at place I would come to call home for the next year or so. I could tell this was just the beginning of the end.

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