Nightmares and flowers

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Or nightmares...

I was laying on the floor, a pool of red flowers petals surrounded me. I tried to move but couldn't. My throat felt on fire as I tried to call out for help. But my body seemed to be fighting against me. I couldn't shout. I couldn't move. It felt like I was suffocating. Thorns shot out from beneath the flowers and started to wrap up my body, cutting into my skin. But I didn't bleed. Well. Not blood anyways. From the deep wounds as the thorns wrapped tighter red flowers bloomed from the holes. It hurt so bad but I couldn't make a noise.
"Y/N. Y/N you gotta wake up. You gotta wake u-."

I bolted up, gasping and running my hands all over my arms as to shake off any left over thorns. But there were none. There was no thorns. No petals. No flowers. There was just my normal room. And a pair of worried blue eyes looking at me. I couldn't help what came next as I found myself against his warm body, my own shaking heavily while I tried not to cry from both fear and relief.
"Whoa. Hey hey. Its okay. You're okay. It was just a Dream." Sal's voice helped calm my nerves. He spoke real low and calm as he rubbed my back in circles. I let out a slow shaky breath and nodded, pulling back from his a little embarrassed. "You good now?" I nodded again. "Alright. Get dressed for school. I'll wait in the living room for you." With that Sal left me alone again.
My heart panged softly. He had come to get me for school. Probably since I wasn't awake yet he came to check in on me. I shook my head and got up, quickly throwing on whatever was clean that I could find before going downstairs to the living room. Sal was sitting against the arm of the couch, playing on his phone. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah. Thanks for waiting." I grabbed my backpack and slid my shoes on before heading out, Sal following behind me. I locked the door after both of us had left and took my place beside Sal as we walked to school. "Larry not going today?" I asked softly. Larry normally walked with us.
"He had a doctors appointment today. So Lisa is going to drop him off later after the appointment." Sal shrugged. "Don't your parents leave today?"
"Yeah. I think they are already gone. When it's a business trip they always leave early in the morning. They probably put some money on my debit card for food and shit like that. They normally don't tell me when they leave. They just do." I sighed. "But dad and I also got into another fight last night so that was lovely."
"Was it about us again? I know they don't like you hanging out with me or Larry to much." Sal looked over at me. "I know your dad kinda stays on a power trip half the time." I snorted and nodded.
"Yeah he's a asshole. After high school I'm leaving and probably not coming back."
"Leaving Nockfell or just your parents?"
"I'm not sure yet. I want to cut all ties with my dad for sure." I sighed. Sal knew every thing about what my father was like. He had seen some stuff first hand. But others were behind closed doors.
"He hasn't hit you again right?" Sal's question took me by surprise and I inhaled a sharp breath, looking around to make sure no one was there. "Sorry I know that's a touchy subject." He lowered his eyes to the ground.
"No. He hasn't. But I won't be surprised if he does it again. He doesn't like I refuse to go to that church with him. It just gives me the creeps." I rubbed at my arm.
We reached the school and hurried to our classes before the bell rang. We had our first class together which was biology. I sat in the seat between Travis and Sal since we had assigned seats. I was taking notes on the lesson before Travis threw a ball of paper at my head. I sighed and read it. "Of course the freak sits by a freak." I rolled my eyes at him and mouthed "screw off" at him. I tried to focus on my paper but another ball of paper hit me again. "You freaks should just kill yourselves. No one would ever care. Besides. Who could ever love freaks like you two." I felt tears well up in my eyes as I read what Travis had written. I raised my hand and the teacher asked me what I needed.
"Can I go to the restroom please?" She nodded and pointed to the hall pass which I quickly got up and grabbed before making my way to the bathroom. I kept my head down the entire way there until I knew I was alone and no one could see me. I sat on the floor in the stall for a few moments, trying to collect myself, before getting up. I checked the mirror and saw my eyes were slightly puffy so I splashed water on my face and try to make it look as if i hadn't been crying. Normally everything Travis said wouldn't get to me. But more and more lately it was getting harder to endure it along with everything at home. I took a deep breath before walking back to the classroom and sitting back in my seat. There was a new note on my desk.
"Don't listen to what Travis says. I would care." It was written in Sal's handwriting and I looked over at him. The two balls of paper Travis had thrown at me were unfolded and wedged between the notes he was taking. I guess he had read them when I had went to the bathroom. I put his note between my notebook and went back to taking notes myself. Travis didn't bother me for the rest of class thankfully, but once the bell had rang he made a big thing of knocking into my desk and "accidentally" spilling all my stuff over the floor. I sighed as he walked off and bent down to get my pencils. Sal stooped down as well to help me pick some papers up.
"He's such a jerk." Sal mumbled as he handed me all the papers. "Don't let what he said get to you too much. You seemed really upset earlier." I just nodded and took the papers. "Y/N you know I care right. Just let what he said slide off your back."
"Easy for you to say. I already deal with a bunch of shit at home. Now it's happening here too." I sighed and put all my stuff back into my bag. "Sometimes it's hard to ignore stuff Sal. You know that. My life seems to be lately just one big nightmare I can't come out of." I kept my voice quiet so no one else could hear me. Sal just nodded.
"You know I'm always here for you. I mean. What are friends for?"
Thats the issue. Friends. I wanted to be more. But there was no way he would ever chose me. I felt my spirits drop even more. I so badly wanted to tell him my feelings. But the thought of rejection and possibly ruining our friendship kept my mouth closed shut.
"I know." Was all I could possibly say. I said my goodbyes to Sal and went to my next class which was art. I had it with both Larry and Ash.
"Dude what's with the long face. You look like someone punched you." Larry asked as I took my place beside him.
"Just some stuff going on Lar." I sighed. "Don't worry I'm fine." I tried to give him a reassuring smile. I turned my attention to the teacher who gave us a topic to paint on. Funny enough it was nightmares. Something that scared us. I decided to sketch out what I had seen in my dream last night. However I did a Silhouette instead of myself, using a dark green for the vines and thorns. I used a bright red for the petals and flowers but added tears down the figures cheeks for a nice touch. My stomach dropped slightly as I added more and more details. Larry looked over at my painting.
"Damn. Where did this come from?" He whispered at me. "It looks so detailed."
"From a nightmare I had last night Lar." Our whispering had attracted the teacher who came over to see what we were going on about. "U-uh. Oh sorry about that Ma'am." My Face got a little red, since I thought she was going to yell at us about talking instead of working.
"This piece speaks word Y/N. The petals are obviously a substation for blood which adds a somewhat eloquent touch." She nodded as she looked over it. "What ever made you do this as a nightmare?"
"I- Uh. It was from a dream I had once. It was the most realistic one I had so I decided to try to capture it." I swallowed hard, expecting her to keep asking stuff about it. But luckily she just went over to Larry's and gave it a look.
"Mr. Johnson I expect more than this. This piece doesn't speak at all. Let alone scream nightmare." She then left to go bother someone else. I sighed in relief slightly before turning back to my painting. Remembering the pain from the dream made my hands shake lightly. I couldn't understand the feeling the scene gave me. It was a mixture of fear and dread. It made me not want to finish it at all.
"Hey are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Larry barely bumped my arm. It made me jump lightly, knocking me out of the trance that the gaze of the painting had me in.
"Huh? Oh sorry. Lost in thought." I gave a weak smile and quickly went to finish the painting. I still needed a background that would match. I had started painting it just pitch black. But the figure in the middle of the petals wouldn't work well with just black. I decided to add some smudges of white to make it look like light reflecting from somewhere on a black floor. I finally dropped my paintbrushes into the water cup. The teacher had circled back around to recheck our paintings out since class was about to end.
"Alright Miss. L/N (last name) what do you think this symbolizes. What is the fear portrayed in this? How does this painting make you feel?"
"It symbolizes a great struggle that is holding someone down yet while they fight against it it only hurts them worse. As for the flowers. It's probably a fear of nothing. She isn't afraid of blood. Or possibly the fear of her own. She is trying to see it as something beautiful instead of something ugly or scary." I shrugged lightly. "I don't know how it makes me feel though." The teacher hummed first a moment. "May I take this home with me?" I asked and looked up at the teacher who looked at me with surprise. I normally opted not to take anything home. But this one was more than just a regular painting.
"Yes of course. You can come pick it up after school so it'll be fully dry. I'll put it behind my desk so it doesn't get messed up."
"Thank you." With that the teacher went on asking the class about their paintings and what the possibly meant. I barely paid any attention, just Staring at what I had created. A few students came to look at other paintings and mine was one that got stopped at often but luckily no one asked me about it, even if there was a few comments about it.
"Y/N are you sure you're okay? You never take your paintings home. Or is it because you really like this one?" Larry asked, scooting his chair closer to look at my picture some more. "Man this one has got to have one hell of a backstory."
"It doesn't have a backstory. It was just a stupid dream I had." I said. "I don't know why I want to take it home. I just do for some odd reason. Probably just proud of it. I dunno." My body was feeling numb and drained of all energy after painting that. It was a strange feeling. Like it had taken all my energy to finish that. Finally when the Bell rang for lunch I made sure the portrait was stashed safely behind the teachers desk before heading to lunch with Larry.
I took my normal seat between Sal and Todd. Ash and Larry had gotten into the line to go snag pizza but I wasn't feeling to hungry.
"You aren't eating?" Sal looked over at me, he had part of his mask unbuckled so he could eat. "You normally scarf down some pizza."
"I'm not really hungry today. I think I got a bad batch of bologna yesterday. I've been feeling a little off all day." I gave Sal a tired smile.
"You sure you want us to come over tonight? We can just try another time."
"No no. You guys are good. I know Larry is looking forward to it."
Larry and Ash had just sat down. I laid my head down on my arm and listened to the group ramble on stuff about how the bologna was probably goat meat and about the small party tonight.
"Jeeze I thought I smelled trash." I heard from behind me. I lifted my head to see Travis.
"Travis go somewhere else. I'm not in the mood for your shit today." I growled tiredly.
"Where did you disappear to in class today? Did you go to the bathroom to cry?" He mocked me. "Or did you go to slit your wrist? Wouldn't be the first time right?" He laughed as he dumped his trash over my head before walking out of the cafeteria. I sat there for a moment stunned at his words. I could feel my friends picking the left over food out of my hair and trying to clean me up. My hands balled up into fists on my lap. I had noticed he was targeting me more and more lately.
"Y/N." I heard Larry say, squatting down beside me. "Want me to go deck that bastard for you?" I just shook my head slightly. Our whole table was silent for a moment. "Want to go to the bathroom? Ash can go with you if you need." His normally loud voice was hushed. I just nodded softly and allowed him to help me up. Ash put her hand on my back and started leading me to the doors before I felt someone else gently touch my shoulder. I looked over to Sal and Larry, both of them with worried looks in their eyes. Larry's hand was on my shoulder. "He might not mess with you if there are more than just you and Ash." I just nodded and let them lead me to the bathroom. Ash helped me wash whatever was left in my hair out.
"Damn that jerk. He doesn't seem to stop huh?"
"He really doesn't."
"You okay? I know he hit a really touchy spot for you. Dumping his trash on you was just insult to injury." She sighed.
"I'm fine." No I wasn't. We both knew it even if I didn't want to say it.
"Come on. Let's go tell the nurse you aren't feeling well and get you home." She gave me a smile smile. "I can get you notes for the classes you'll miss." I shrugged at her and she grabbed my hand and started to gently pull me towards the door and out of it. I let her drag me wherever she wanted, having the two boys follow us like lost puppies. The entire time Larry was still threatening to do stuff to Travis and Sal was trying to calm him down. When we reached the nurses office ash told them to stay outside and wait for us. She dragged me in.
"Can I help you girls?" The nurse looked up from her book she was currently reading.
"My friend here isn't feeling to well. She was wanting to go home."
"What's the problem sweetie?" The nurse looked me over without even getting up.
"I just don't feel very well. I haven't since this morning. I was trying to hold out to maybe see if I was hungry but even lunch isn't helping." I lied.
"I have to call your parents first."
"My parents aren't home. They are out on a business trip." The nurse raised her eyebrow but shrugged.
"Alright dear. You may leave if you absolutely feel that Ill." I just nodded and thanked her before Ashley dragged me back into the hallway.
"The nurse sent her home. Can you guys get notes for her in the classes she will miss?" Ash asked. "Go ahead and head home Y/N. I'll text you when we are on our way. Just let me know if you need anything. I gotta make a store run anyways for tonight." The boys agreed and I started to leave.
I stopped by the office to let them know I was going home and that the nurse was the one who sent me home before leaving the school completely. I started the walk home, realizing I had forgot my painting. I pulled out my phone to text Larry.
Me: Yo Lar, can you pick up that painting for me? Completely forgot to get it.
LarBear: Ofc. I gotcha dude. No worries. Just get home and get you some rest.
Me: thanks man. You're a lifesaver
LarBear: Ofc I am bitch. I'm Larry fucking Johnson.
I just laughed softly to myself and made my way home, unlocking the door and letting myself into a quiet house. I took a quick shower, changing into a tank top and pair of shorts before going down to settle onto the couch and watch a little TV. I covered my legs with a blanket and got comfortable. I didn't watch to much tv before I ended up passing out on the couch.

My eyes opened to see blue orbs staring back down at me, I screamed.

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