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We need to talk...

I followed Sal to the side of the school. His fingers were twitching and curling uncontrollably, some sort of nervous habit he had. My heart was in my throat at this point. I was a little nervous for sure. Okay. I was a lot nervous.
Once we got into a secluded spot he took of his mask. He apparently wanted to speak face to face. He held the mask in his hands, his knuckles going white from how hard he was gripping it. He was sort of pacing, like he was trying to figure out what to say. There was a heavy tension between us. It felt like something was wrong.
"I need you to be honest with me for once." He finally spoke. "No more lies. No more hiding behind other things. No more bullshit." I was a little taken aback at the severity of his words. "You got this Hanahaki think right? Where you throw up flowers."
"And you've had it for a while now. But didn't tell me." Just by his voice I could tell he was angry.
"Why? Why didn't you tell me."
"I was worried you'd-"
"Worried I'd what? Track this guy down and force him to love you?" His voice was raising slightly. I flinched, but his tone never changed. "When were you gonna tell me? Right before you die?!"
"I thought were friends Y/N." The look on his face was hurt.
"Sal we are." I took a step forward and he took a step back."Sal..."
"You're so selfish. You kept all of this from me. Knowing how worried I was about you!" He was starting to yell at me now, his voice shaking uncontrollably. "You even told the others. You told Larry and Ash. But not me. Do you just not trust me?"
"It's not that Sal!"
"Then what? What the hell made you think it was okay to keep this a secret from me?! Did you think I was stupid and wouldn't find out?"
"No sal you're not stupid."
"Stop with the crocodile tears." He growled. I reached up and touched my cheeks. Sure enough. They were wet. "Ugh I can't even stand to look at you right now." He yelled. He replaced his mask, buckling it into place. "I think it's best you forgot all about me. Forget we were ever friends." With that he walked away from me. I stood there even after he passed me, staring at the place he stood. It felt like time was slowed down. I just stood staring, it didn't even phase me when Larry found me.

Larry's POV:

Sal had asked me to check on Y/N. He told me everything. I was so pissed. I didn't know who told him about what was going on but they obviously didn't say who was causing it. When I finally found her she was standing at the side of the school, a glassy look in her eyes. She was crying but not making any noise. I quickly went over and shook her shoulders, trying to snap her out of whatever trance she was in. She wouldn't stop staring at a spot on the ground. I said her name over and over, getting no response. It was likes she wasn't even there. I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. Her arms stayed by her side but she seemed to relax into the hug, her face resting on my shoulder. I was so pissed my hands were shaking as I held her. She had never looked this fragile or broken. I was pushed away as she started to cough violently. I took a step back in slight shock as she went down to her knees. I crouched down beside her and rubbed her back, wincing when I saw droplets of blood seep between her fingers. After a few minutes the coughing stopped and she let whatever was in her hands fall to the ground. The flowers were becoming fuller and fuller as time passed it seemed. "Y/N." I tilted her face up to me. It was paler than normal with a tinge of red from the coughing. "Come on. I'll walk you home." I intertwined my fingers with hers, wincing slightly at how cold they were and that there was still traces of blood. I felt her close her fingers around my hand. I gave it a gentle squeeze and started to lead her home. She didn't talk at all the entire way home. She wasn't her happy cheerful self. And that hurt me.
I dropped her off at home, waiting until she got inside before rushing home myself and going to Sal's room. I banged on the door until he let me in. I was pissed and he could tell so he told his dad he would be back and we went down to the basement together. My mom was out fixing something for Mrs. Gibson so she would be taking a while.
"Really Sal? You left her like that?!" I yelled at him. He flinched back slightly. "Who the hell even told you about her being sick?!"
"Well she told me she was sick. But ash told me-"
"I knew something was up with her lately." I growled. "Y/N begged us not to tell you."
"Why though? Why didn't she want me to know? Do you know how much that hurt me?!"
"Because. You would go right away to try to force the guy into living her. When all she wants is him to be happy. He's got someone. He doesn't like her!" I yelled.
"If she cared about me she would have told me. I can't watch as she does this to herself Larry. All because she's selfish and doesn't want to tell him."
"Do you think I like watching this?! Do you think I like having to hold her hair back as she throws up? Do you obviously think I like wiping the blood away from her mouth? No I don't. But I do it because I'm her friend."
"You continue doing that then. But I want nothing to do with this. Ive seen to many people die already. I'm not gonna watch helplessly as someone I considered to be my best friend basically kills herself."
"Do you even care about her?" My voice got quiet.
"Of course I do. I care about her more than anything."
"Then why even do this?"
"I've already told you. I can't sit around and watch her die." Sal didn't stick around much after that. I tried texting Y/N but she refused to reply. I sat on my bed in defeat. I was gonna have to choose between my two best friends.

I stared at my phone, a Unwritten text to Sal still on it. My finger was paused over the send button but for some reason I couldn't send it. I sighed and put the phone down. Did he really hate me now? Who told him? This all sucked. And I couldn't shake the numbness in my body off either. I felt sick to my stomach. And Larry. Damn. Larry saw me have a complete break down. I picked the phone up again and texted Larry back finally.
"I'm sorry." Was all I said. I instantly got a text back
LarryFace: Dont do anything stupid. I'm not afraid to come over and sneak in.
Me: Sal Hates me now.
LarryFace: No he doesn't. He's just upset. Give him time. Do I need to come over?
Me: no. But will you still walk with me to school?
LarryFace: of course. You don't have to even ask that. Are U ok now?
Me: not really. Too many feelings going on right now.
LarryFace: want to talk about it?
Me: I'm just upset and angry. And sad. Really sad.
LarryFace: I know. Ur allowed to feel like that. He's being a dick.
Me: what changed between last night and now?
LarryFace: I dunno. I'll have a talk with him tomorrow.
Great. More and more talks. Even if Larry talked to him I bet nothing would change. He had ash now. Why would he ever need me? I sighed heavily as I told Larry I was going to bed and I'd see him in the morning. However that night I hardly slept at all. It was a rough night of just tossing and turning. No rest. No comfort. Just a empty silence.

Hanahaki A sally Face FanficWhere stories live. Discover now