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The long weekend flew by faster than I would have wanted. The gang and I mostly chilled out at my house, watching movies or just doing random shit. Over that weekend Sal had grown more comfortable with having his mask off and often had it off around me.
However I noticed I was feeling sick more and more often. I guessed the diseases was at least two weeks old by now. But luckily I hadn't thrown up since the day at the beach. However I did catch all three of them staring from time to time. Ash and Larry checked up on me if I spent to long getting something or walked away from the group. It seemed going to school was no different.
I walked downstairs to see Sal and Larry chilling on the couch. I yawned as I tiredly stood in front of them.
"Good morning sleeping beauty. Ready to go to school?" Larry joked, pulling the sleeve of my jacket back up onto my shoulder since it had fallen down.
"I'd rather prick my finger on a spindle again and go back to sleep for about a hundred years." I said as I rubbed my eyes. That got a small laugh from Sal who went and picked my book bag up from the floor where I normally leave it.
"Sadly Y/N we have no spindles. But we do need to hurry to school or we will be late. And Larry can't afford another detention." I just let out a groan and grabbed Larry by his sleeve, pulling him towards the door. I reached for the backpack but Sal swung it over his shoulder. "Nope. I'm carrying this."
"Bitch please. I can carry my own backpack."
"You're a lady. I can carry your bag for today."
"A lady who isn't afraid to kick you in the balls. Give me my bag Sal."
"Oooh someone's on their period." Larry joked, earning him a death glare from me. "Oh shit. I might be right. Sal. Quickly give her the bag so she won't hurt your future children."
"Nope. I'll give it to you in class. Until then this is now my bag." I just groaned again and opened the door.
"Can we take the jeep?" Larry asked, eyeing down my baby.
"Wha-? No. I don't take her to school."
"Yes. She's a girl." Larry and Sal exchanged looks before shrugging.
"Ugh but she has air condition. And comfortable seats and-"
"A trunk to hide your body." Larry stopped and looked at me for a second. "We are walking." I said and started to leave.
"Damn maybe she really is on her period." Sal whispered to Larry
"I heard that." I yelled back at them. I saw Sal's eyes go wide and Larry moves his book bag to cover his waist. "Hey Y/N did you not sleep well? You're really moody today." Sal came closer to me, obviously on guard in case I actually went to kick him.
"I tossed and turned honestly so no I didn't. Sorry if I'm snappy." I yawned.
"So. You're not on your period."
"Larry screw off." I rolled my eyes at him. I saw him mouth at Sal 'she is' and I kicked his leg.
"Owww!" Sal ended up just laughing as hard as he could, I could see tears welling up in his eyes from laughing so hard.
"Damn Y/N. I knew you were tough but I've never seen you do that." He was holding his sides from laughing so hard.
"Dude. Did someone put something in your drink? You never laugh this hard." Sal just wiped his eyes under his mask and shook his head.
The rest of the walk was uneventful, basically just us chatting about what to do the next time we could all hang out together. However when we got the the school someone was waiting for us there.
"Hey freaks." Travis sneered. "Missed you at church on Sunday Y/N. Too busy making out with your little freak group there? Maybe you aren't a bunch of faggots after all. You have one major slut to share." His remarks were mostly towards me but I could tell the other two were getting mad. "Wonder how your daddy will feel if he finds out you let these two fags sleep over at your house Y/N."
"Travis. Don't you dare." I growled, going to step forward but Sal stopped me. I looked back at him and he just shook his head. "Travis you don't know who you're messing with." My voice got real low, and Sal's grip on my arm got tighter.
"Come on Y/N. He's not worth it." He said softly to me.
"I wonder if he and your mother would kick you out. Finding out their 'innocent daughter' was whoring herself out to a pot head and a freak." He put quotations around the words innocent daughter. "Or maybe your dad would just beat you again like he did-" I ripped myself from Sal's strong grip, instantly punching Travis in the face, going down with him. I sat on his chest and punched him until I felt myself being lifted off. Larry had me around my chest, completely lifting me off the ground so I couldn't get Travis anymore. I was screaming incoherently and didn't notice the scratches all over my arms or the fact Travis had gotten a few punches in himself. I was pushing myself against Larry trying to get him off me, but he refused to let go. Travis got up and ran away, his nose bleeding and his black eye getting more bruised, but not before calling me a stupid whore. As he ran away my limbs began to get numb and just slowly stopped moving, my voice finally gave out from all the screaming. There were people watching us, and teachers running towards Larry and I. Larry finally put me down and I straight up collapsed, all the energy I had was drained. I couldn't even hear the teachers screaming at me now. I could barely feel as one yanked me up and took me to the principal's office. I couldn't even listen to the principal lecture me. My mind was completely blank and in another place.
Since my parents were out of town and couldn't come get me Sal offered to walk me home, since I was suspended for a few days. It would have been more if Sal and Larry hadn't come to my rescue and told what all Travis had said about me. Sal was given a excuse just as long as he had someone take his notes, especially since the principal could tell I wasn't all there at the moment. The walk home was a blur, the only thing I could remember was Sal's hand gently holding mine, guiding me towards what should be a safe place. But we didn't go to my house. He took me to his apartment, had me wait in his room while he explained to his dad why he was home. I stared at my hands, bruised and bloody, covered in scratches.  My parents were gonna kill me.
Sal came back and sat down beside me, using a warm wet washcloth to clean my hands and arms before bandaging them. He was trying to talk to me but nothing registered at this point. It all sounded like far away mummers. I continued to stare at my now bandaged hands with blank eyes. I felt as he checked over my face for any scratches and broken bones. I could feel the burn as his fingers gently grazed under my shirt to pull off the torn shirt I was wearing. I felt the softness of a oversized shirt being put over my head and onto my skin, covering over the camisole I always wore under my shirts. I felt his fingers gently hold my ankles as he undid my shoes. I felt every gentle touch and movement from him as if it was the only thing keeping me grounded, every caress as he tried to get me situated. My emotions were running out of controller. Guilt. Anger. Sadness. Worry. Fear. Everything was swirling around in waves that sent a numbness through me I had never felt so strongly before. It was a emptiness I had never experienced.
Two strong hands gripped mine and for the first time in what felt like forever I looked up and into blue eyes that were as deep and vast as the ocean. I instantly almost drowned in them. It was hard to breathe for a second. As soon as they were there they were gone, replaced by a blackness. I felt a warmth against my cheek and heard the faint sound of a quickened thump thump. I let my eyes close and focused on that sound. I only opened them when that sound was suddenly taken from me. I let out a inaudible noise and felt myself being pushed down before a pair of arms brought me back close.  I reached out a hand and grabbed a fistful of dark fabric as I tried to clutch onto the one thing that felt safe. Sal.
"You're going to be okay. Its going to be okay." I finally heard his voice. It was soothing and shushing me. I could hear something else now too. I was crying. Gut wrenching sobs were escaping my mouth. When did I start crying? All the pain was suddenly hitting me. My head hurt. My hands hurt. My throat hurt. Everything hurt. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore, letting out whimpers. The entire time Sal was trying to calm me. Soon my crying completely stopped. No more noises. Just the hiccups of me trying to finish whatever this break down was and the sound of him shushing me. The grip on his shirt loosened as my eyes started to droop closed. A tiredness suddenly took over and I felt myself drifting in and out of consciousness. There was a warmth that started in the center of my chest and slowly overtook my whole body, coaxing me into a gentle sleep.

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