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"Yeah I can't either."

Your POV:
I stayed at Sal's house until my parents came and picked me up. Larry luckily stayed with us so I didn't have to focus on Sal the entire time I was there. I was still overly exhausted so I just laid in Sal's bed most the time while watching the other two play video games together. When Henry told me my parents were at the door I grew extremely worried. This was not going to be good.
Sal helped me out of bed while Larry just ended up picking me up, I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck, not really like being picked up to much. He carried me to the door, Sal following him with my shoes and bag. I was still dressed in Sal's tee shirt but he just told me to keep it since my other shirt was torn pretty bad. Larry sat me down but kept his arm around my waist, helping support me in case I fell. I could instantly tell how pissed my parents were. Especially my dad. My fingers instantly clamped around Larry's shirt.
"Come in Y/N. We are going home now." My father wrapped his hand around my arm and yanked me towards them, I could already feel a bruise forming from his grip. Oh boy was he pissed. Sal handed my shoes and bag to my mother who gave him a very tired smile.
"Thank you dear. And thanks for taking care of our daughter." Her voice was soft. She didn't hate Sal unlike my dad. She actually thought he was a nice polite boy. My father dragged me out of the apartment without even letting me put my shoes on, shoving me into the elevator. My back hit against the back wall of it and I finally managed to break free of his hold. There were red marks where his fingers had been gripping my arm. The ride down to floor 1 was quiet, hell the ride home was quiet, but that was only the calm before the storm. As soon as I stepped foot in the house my father released all his pent up anger.
"You brought that boy into our home. Even after I told you to stop having anything to do with him?" He yelled in my face. I tried to take a step back but he once again gripped my arm to keep me in place. "And not only that. You brought that greasy stoner as well?! What were you doing that needed them here?! Huh?" I tried to speak but I was met with a really sharp slap to my face.
"Dear!" My mother exclaimed.
"You stay out of this. If you hadn't showed our daughter your whore ways she wouldn't be in this mess." He screamed at her. My mother's face fell and she looked down. Like a kicked puppy.
"Don't speak to my mother that way!" I don't know what snapped in me to yell back at him, but I did. He was taken aback for a moment. "I'm sick and tired of you using us like your damn punching bags!" He tried to speak but I cut him off. "Maybe if you weren't to busy banging Kenneth Phelps wife mom would haven't had to find comfort somewhere else! Maybe you're to blame for-" His fist connected with my cheek harder than ever, sending me to the ground. My lip was busted and bleeding. I held my aching jaw. "Bastard." I spit out.
"You need to watch your tongue girl." He sneered at me before walking off, slamming the door to his office, leaving mom and I alone. My mom was crying, getting to her knees to check on me.
"It's okay Mom. I'm fine." I tried to reassure her. "We need to leave Mom. His temper is getting worse." I gestured to the bruises forming in my skin.
"I can't leave Y/N. You know that. But you can." Her voice was hushed to a whisper. "Come on. To my sewing room." She helped me up, gently holding my hand as she led me to her little corner far away from any part of the house Dad would enter. She unlocked the door with a small key she kept around her neck and pulled me in. "Y/N. You need to get away from him. I can't. I'm too far gone in this. Your father is a very dangerous man. He will be leaving in a week to go on another 'business trip'." Her hands started to fumble with the old sewing machine she had, unscrewing bits and pieces of it. "When he does you need to go to my vacation home and stay there. Your father doesn't have a key for it. I have the only one. He would never look for you there." She pulled out a key and a stack of cash. "I've been secretly making money by sewing and saving all the money I could to try to divorce him. But it's not going to work. The judge would take his side. I want you to take this." She put the money and key in my hand. "Hide this. The next time he leave run. Run far away. Destroy your phone. I have you a new one that isn't linked to your fathers account. I'll continue to pay it for you until you can do so yourself. As for your jeep. I canceled the insurance on it without him knowing. I'm getting it switched over into my name. He won't be able to make a claim that you stole it." She cupped my cheek softly. "Baby girl. Get away from here. Live a happy life." Tears flooded her eyes again.
"Mom I can't leave you." I threw myself into her arms for the first time in years. "What if he hurts you?"
"I'll be fine sweetheart. I'm trying to get my parents into locking him up for everything he's done to you. It's just taking a while since the police here are buddy's with him." She gently petted my hair. "It's gonna be okay princess. You know I love you. I'm sorry I haven't been much help. That man. He scares me. Ever since he got involved with that church he's become a cruel man."
She was right. My father use to be sweet, kind, and loving. "I wish that church would burn to the ground." I hissed slightly, earning a small chuckle from my mother.
"I do too sweetheart. Now put those in your pocket. Let's get some ice on your cheek." I nodded and did as I was asked before following my mom back to the kitchen. I sat on the kitchen counter as she got out a ice pack. "This is gonna hurts for a moment baby." She said as she put the ice on my swollen cheek. I winced but didn't say anything. "Just hold that one there for a little bit. Go to your room and rest for a bit dear." She leaned close to my ear. "Your new phones in there already. Go fix up your contacts. But no social media okay?" I nodded and started to head to my room. I opened the door and sure enough. On my bed was a brand new phone. Holy shit this one was a touch screen though. Way to go mom. I sat down on the bed and took out my old phone. I started putting all my numbers in. I had a few text messages from Larry and Sal already.
Sallio: hey are you okay?
LarBear: Dude I swear he was gripping ur arm a little to tight. Pls let us know ur ok. Sal and I are flipping out.
I took out my new phone and decided to text them back on that.
Me: Hey guys I got a new phone. I'm okay. I've got a lot to tell you. But I can't really explain it over text.
SallyFace: are you hurt? I know you said his temper gets out of control sometimes. Why do you have a new phone? Your old one works perfectly. He didn't break it did he?
LarryFace: Dude u had us scared. U sure ur ok?
Me: Yeah guys. I'm fine. My old phone is okay. My mom bought me a new one I would sneak out and tell y'all everything but I'm pretty sure dad is gonna be hardcore watching me today.
LarryFace: did he hit you again?
Me: ...
SallyFace: Y/N...
Me: I'm okay guys. It wasn't to bad.
LarryFace: I'm coming over.
Me: Lar No. he's still really pissed. I'm just chilling in my room right now. I'm okay and safe.
LarryFace: I'm gonna kill him.
Me: bitch. Will you calm down?
My phone started vibrating. It took me a second to answer it.
"Hello?" I could hear heavy metal in the background along with Larry yelling about kicking ass.
"Hey Y/N." It was Sal.
"Hey sally."
"You sure you're okay right? We don't mind busting you out."
"Nah dude. I'm fine right now. Mom has a plan. I just gotta hold out until the time is right. Tell Larry to quit screaming."
I heard Sal yell at Larry to shut up, which it seems Larry did.
"Yo Y/N. You sure you don't want me to kill him?" Larry's voice was on the line now. I just snorted as a reply. "You know I'll do it."
"Lar. Chill out. I'm good. I gots me a ice pack and I'm chilling in the bed."
"In Sal's shirt?" I could almost hear the eyebrow wiggle in his voice.
"Bitch I will throat punch you." I laughed. "Stop teasing me and give the phone back to Sally Boy."
"Fiiiine. Here Sal." I heard the phone being chucked before Sal clumsily caught it.
"So are you seriously still wearing my shirt?"
"Oh my god. What's with you guys? No sal. I'm sitting in my room completely naked." I could hear Larry burst out laughing and Sal choke slightly. "Yes Sal. I just got to my room and haven't changed yet. I'm wearing your shirt." I rolled my eyes.
"Soooo. You're not naked?"
"Oh my god. I'm hanging up." I laughed.
"I'm guessing some changes are gonna happen huh?"
"Well yeah. I can't stay in your shirt all day."
"I don't mean that. I mean with you. Will we still be able to see you whenever this plan takes place?"
"Of course Sal. All I'm doing is hiding from my father until everything is situated." I heard a sigh of relief from the other side of the phone.
"Good. I don't want to lose you."
"You aren't. I promise."
Sal and I stayed on the phone for a few hours, I was starting to pack some clothes and my belongings, trying to be subtle about it in case my father snooped through my room. Basically a small bag with clothes, underwear, a few games, whatever savings I had, precious jewelry and make up. I planned on when my dad went to work tomorrow I would sneak this bag into my jeep. And continue doing that while I was on suspension until I had everything I wanted. The money mom gave me was more than enough to afford to live by myself for quite a while. I felt bad taking money from her. But as long as she knew what she was doing I was fine with it.
It was almost 9 at night when Sal finally said he needed to get off the phone. My phone was dying anyways so I told him goodnight and I'd talk to him tomorrow. I saw in my closet and pulled up the carpet that was towards the very back left corner. There was a secret compartment that mom had showed me. "Only open in case of emergency." She had told me. I figured now was a good time. I pulled out a little safe and a couple things I personally hid in the compartment. I'm surprised she kept this hidden from dad. I found the old key that fit the safe and twisted it. My eyes widened. Jeez I knew mom came from a wealth back ground, but in the lock box was quite a bit of money. There was a note addressed to me.
'Our Little Y/N. If you're reading this it means the time has come. This is all the money inherited to you by your late father. The man you live with now is not your dad, but your step dad. If your reading this it means one, you're in danger or two I have already passed on. Please take this and run. Get as far away as possible and stay safe. We will always love you.
-Mom and Dad." There were a few other things in the safe. A few pictures of Mom, me and a man I didn't recognize. There was a little necklace that held ashes. I felt my throat close up. The man i thought was my dad wasn't? That's confusing. But okay. I'll choose to believe anything now. I clasped the necklace around my neck. Hello dad. Hope you don't mind me taking you along for the ride.
There were going to be a lot of changes. I probably just became the richest teenager ever. I was going to have to survive on my own. And I was going to have to bring down whoever this guy was that I thought was my father.
Yup. There is going to be a lot of changes.

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