Bleeding flowers

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You won't escape
Yes I will
He will find you
I can hide from him
He will kill you
He won't
I will kill you
Blue eyes behind a mask.

I shot up in bed, breathing heavy and soaked in a cold sweat. I searched everywhere for my phone but remembered I had hidden it. I reached beside my bed and pulled out the smartphone.
Me: Sal you up?
It was almost 3 in the morning. On a school day at that. Why would he be-
SallyFace- Yeah. What's up? Why are you up?
Nevermind then.
Me- Nightmares Dude. Nightmares.
Sal: wanna call?
I hit the call button on my phone and almost instantly Sal picked up. "Hey." He said quietly. "Sorry dads still asleep so I gotta be quiet."
"You're good. My parents are asleep as well so I understand."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Sal I don't think I really need to explain how my parents sleep."
"Stupid I mean your dream." He chuckled softly. I mentally face palmed.
"Oh yeah. That." I sighed. "I know it's a school night but can you sneak out?"
"Huh? Yeah. Give me a few. Where do you want to meet?"
"Tree house. I'll meet you there." I pulled on the shirt Sal had let me borrow last time I had seen him almost a week ago as well as a pair of sweat pants and my shoes. I locked my door to make it seem like I was still sleeping. Even though dad never checked to see if I was there. He had been avoiding seeing me at all. Mom however checked on me regularly. So I would have to be back home before she tried to wake me up to do my lessons. I quietly opened my window and climbed out, quickly running behind the shed, checking if it was okay to go out. I made my way quickly to the tree house and climbed up into it. Sal was already there, just chilling in a bean bag.
"Hey. Nice shirt you got there." He grinned. He didn't have his mask.
"Thank you. Its a oringal. Straight from Sal's closet." I sat down beside him. "Damn I've missed you."
"Missed you too dude. Your face looks awful." I had a black eye and bruises down my face that were still healing. "He did a number on you huh?"
"Yup. Hasn't talked to me since though so that's good." I sighed. "How have you been Sally Face?"
"Tired. Been having nightmares myself. Although schools been quiet without Travis there." I laughed.
"You're welcome."
"What's the plan? How are you getting away?"
"Mom gave me the key to the vacation house and a shit ton of money honestly. Gonna run away as soon as he leaves for a trip again."
"Summer break starts soon. Larry and I can probably help you."
"Yeah." I started coughing slightly. Hope you haven't forgotten about my illness yet.
"You're still sick?" I just nodded. "Have you been to a doctor?"
"It's not something a doctor can help Sal." I sighed. "It's incurable."
"Shit dude." He breathed out. "Is it able to kill you?" I didn't speak. "Oh my god."
"My lungs are basically shit now because of it. I don't always have flare ups. But the ones I have been having recently have gotten worse. Let me tell you. Blood doesn't taste good."
"In my nightmares..." Sal choked up for a second. "In my nightmares you're throwing up flowers and pools of blood." I looked down at my hands for a second. "I reach for you but you end up drowning before I can pull you back up."
"Sounds really scary." I looked at him. "Do you wake up right after?"
"Normally. I wake up in a cold sweat. But recently it's been getting worse. Its more vivid now."
"You know. I'll be honest here. Its a little weird you're having dreams about me Sal." I laughed and joked with him. "Dude. Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine."
"Except the you dying part."
"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that." I shrugged. "Sal I honestly try not to think about it. It bums me out when I do. I just want to live my life and be remembered as this person who accomplished so many things. Not the sickly girl who died coughing her lungs up. I want you all to remember me as I am now. Smiling and happy." I looked over at him. "Can you at least grant me that?"
"How are we suppose to go on once you're gone though? Just remembering you were suffering behind a smile for our sakes. You want to be remembered as this person who was always happy. But I can read you better than you know. Y/N you're suffering by yourself trying to put on this strong front for us. The last time we saw each other you weren't happy. You were on the edge of breaking down. You were breaking down. You sat on my bed clutching onto me crying." I watched as he talked, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed hard. "I held you in my arms while you just screamed and cried until you finally gave out from exhaustion."
"I'm allowed to have my moments of weakness." I reminded him. "Sally. Look at me." Sal turned his face up towards me. "I want all of you to be happy." Especially you. "I got an idea."
"I'm gonna help your ask your crush out!" At the mention of his crush his face turned a pale shade of pink in the moonlight. Cute.
"Wha- Wait a minute. No you're not!"
"Gonna call it operation: Get Sally Boy Laid." I grinned. Secretly wished it was me. His crush I mean. Not getting laid by him. I shook my head softly.
"No. No one would ever want to do anything with me. Especially with a face like th-"
"An amazing face like yours? I think you look wicked honestly." His ears turned a deep shade of red to match his cheeks now. "Besides why wouldn't anyone want to do anything with you? Unless you got a small di-"
"Oh no. We are not going into this!" He covered his face with his hands, mumbling something into them.
"What was that Sally? Can't hear you." He groaned and I grinned again.
"I hate you."
"Love you too." I rolled my eyes at him. "But no. In all honesty. You need to ask her out. It'll only hurt you if she starts dating someone else because you missed your chance." Man that one hits close to home.
"I'm afraid of rejection." You and me both buddy.
"Rejection is part of life Sal. You can't let it control you."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"You have to have someone you like."
"Uh i..." I paused for a second. "Yeah I do."
"Tell me about him."
"He's amazing. Sweet. He's kind of shy around people but he opens up when he gets around his friends. He's just got this atmosphere you know?" I sighed. "But he never notices me."
"Sounds like you really love him."
"Yeah I do." My heart ached for a moment. This was the perfect moment to tell him. We were alone. It was kind of a romantic setting. "Sal I-"
"I'll do it. Tomorrow I'll tell Ash how I feel." He suddenly spoke up over me. A numbness slowly spread through my body hearing that. "I'm sorry what were you about to say? I didn't mean to talk over you."
"Oh. It's nothing. I was about to say we both need to be getting to bed soon." A lie to save face. "I'll see you later okay?" I started to leave, Sal was placing the beanbags where they belong.
"Of course. Text me when you get home. And thanks a lot. You really are the bestest friend anyone could ask for."
"Any time Sal." I got down and went towards my house, my fingers clutching my sides as my body was racked with painful aches. I got halfway home before collapsing onto the pavement, spitting up chunks of flowers and blood. My eyes watered but I gulped back the tears. This is what I wanted right? I wanted Sal to be happy. I forced myself off the pavement and finished the walk home, feeling weak as I managed to collapse into bed. It was now about 5 in the morning and my dad would be waking up soon to get ready for work. I changed back into my pajamas and curled under the covers, staring at the wall.

The rest of the day flew by. I was to sick to get out of bed. A fever had spiked up in between my walk home and the time I crawled into bed and stayed with me the rest of the day. I was coughing up pieces of petals and blood throughout the day, luckily never in front of my mom. Sal had texted me to tell me he had confessed to Ash and she said yes to being his girlfriend, which hurt even worse. Larry tried calling me a few times but I always sent it start through. I got no texts from Ash however. It was a little odd since she knew what was going on with me.
There was a quiet knock at my door before someone opened it and peered in. It was Sal. I looked over at him and noticed my mom and Larry were behind him.
"What are you guys doing here?" I croaked. God I sounded horrible.
"Larry said you wouldn't answer any of his calls or texts so we got worried. Your mom said it was okay for us to come since your dad is out for a while." The both entered my room. I tried to force myself into a sitting position but couldn't. "Hey don't try to get up." Sal pushed me back down.
"Your mom said you've had a high fever all day." Larry said, obviously extremely worried. "You don't look or sound like you're doing to much better." I just shook my head. They stayed for a little while, Sal finally having to leave before Larry because he had plans with ash, leaving me and Larry alone. Larry was quiet for a bit, staring at his hands.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked.
"You got way worse just suddenly." I sighed and nodded. "I thought Ash knew?!" He was starting to get angry.
"She does. I told her."
"Then why?" His voice was breaking. "Oh god." He put a hand over his eyes. "I can't watch you die like this. I don't want to." I saw a single tear drip down his cheek. 
"Larry please don't cry."
"You can't die like this. We made so many plans. You were gonna have me as a bridesmaid in your wedding and was gonna let me wear a dress for photos. I was gonna be Uncle Larry to your kids. We had so many plans. So much stuff we still need to do. But we haven't even done half of it."
"Larry this isn't as bad. I went late last night so I probably caught something. It's gonna be okay."
"No it's not. You know I haven't been able to figure something out. How did Travis know we were over that day?"
"Lar. We hang out at each other's houses all the time." I pointed out. Larry just shook his head.
"He knew details. He knew it was both me and Sal. What if Ash planned this?"
"Come on Larry. She's our friend. She wouldn't do this." I reached out and took Larry's hand in mine. "Larry you're thinking way to much on this okay? I'll be back to normal tomorrow and I'm returning to school remember? You'll see. Everything will be the same way it was before. Now you need to go home and relax. I'm gonna get some rest."
"I'll see you tomorrow then Y/N."
"Of course Lar."
"I love you. You know that right?"
"Of course Lar. I love you too."
"No homo right?"
"I'm a girl." I laughed before coughing slightly. Larry turned back from the door and gave me a smile before leaving, shutting the door behind him. Weird kid. I swear.

-Timeskip to the next morning-
My fever was gone so I decided it was okay to go to school. I chose a simple outfit consisting of a pair of ripped jeans and a sanity's fall shirt I had probably stole from Larry. I laced up my combat boots and headed out the door. Sal and Larry had just stopped at my front door.
"Dude I told you that shirt was missing!" Larry yelled as he saw what I was wearing. I just grinned.
"Mine now." He grumbled a little. Sal didn't really say much, and I noticed he was acting strange. "Yo Short stuff you good?" I asked. "No hi. No how are you?" He looked up at me. Behind his mask his eyes were bloodshot. So either he had been crying or didn't sleep at all.
"He's had a rough morning." Larry whispered to me. I just nodded and dropped it, figuring he would talk to me when he was ready.
School was kinda uneventful, other than a couple glares from Travis. Ash and Sal sat together at lunch but the entire day he seemed off. As I was packing my bag up after the last class he came up to me.
"We need to talk..."
Those words are never good.

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