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"Hell yeah let's go to the beach!"

We all packed into the car, deciding to stop at the store before hitting the beach. Sal sat beside me with Larry and Ash in the back. I had the radio turned on and Larry was trying to sing to whatever came on. Sal was just staring out the window as the trees and houses went by. I drove for a little while before pulling into a department store to get everything everyone needed. I parked my car and asked who was going in with me.
"Ash and I will stay in the car. You and Sal go." Larry said before anyone could speak up. I shot him a look in the rear view mirror and saw him give me a thumbs up. I shook my head and unbuckled my seat belt and slid out of the jeep. I stood beside the rear of the car and waited for Sal, who was a little slower than me at getting out.
"Do we have the list?" He asked. I nodded and held up my phone. Everyone had texted me stuff they wanted and I just added it to a note. "Alright. Let's get this done." I followed him into the store and grabbed a basket.
"Alright. First. Sunscreen. Since I really don't want to burn." I started towards the aisle that held all the summer products. "I'm pretty sure my parents actually own a cabin somewhere near the beach. If I knew where the key was I would say we could spend some of the break there."
"I forget your parents are pretty well off. Makes sense since your first car was a freaking jeep."
"Actually I paid for my car all on my own." I pointed out. "Last summer I had a job. I used all my earnings to buy that baby. That's why I barely could hang out. Because I was working my ass off for my own car."
"Now that makes more sense. What about gas and insurance? Does your parents pay that?"
"Insurance yes. I'm planning on getting a job after graduation and paying for my insurance myself. As far as gas goes whenever I get money from doing extra chores around the house or holidays I save it so I can use it for gas or whatever I want later on." I reached for some sunscreen and put it into the basket. "Alright. Got that. Now. Ash wanted a beach ball." Before I knew it Sal had tossed it into the basket, startling me slightly.
"Sorry I thought you were paying attention." He laughed and grabbed a few floats to put in as well. "I think most of us wanted floats." I nodded and marked that off.
"Now. Snacks." We walked to the snack area and I picked out a bunch of different snacks, completely filling up the basket with different chips and drinks. "Oh. I forgot to bring towels. So we need some of those as well."
"Here. Let me hold the basket. It looks like it's getting heavy." He gently took the basket from off my arm. "Damn. I was right. This is a little heavy."
"I could have carried it Sal."
"Too bad. Now I'm carrying. To the towel section." I just rolled my eyes and went to pick out towels, grabbing a large beach blanket as well. "Y/N I just realized. Are you gonna go swimming? The others might see your legs if you do."
"Trust me. I've already thought of that myself. I figure if they ask I'll tell them. I don't just want to sit on the shore and watch all of y'all again like I did last year." I sighed. "I might just go ahead and tell them as well. That way they don't stare to much."
"If you don't want to tell them I can sit on the beach with you. That way you're not by yourself. I don't mind. I'm not much for swimming anyways." He tried to reassure me. "Water makes my prosthetic get kinda gross."
"Up to you Hun." I shrugged and headed towards the check out. "I don't want you to miss out on fun with our friends because of my stupid decisions."
"I really don't mind. You brought your MP3 right?"
"Uh Huh why?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"You and I could just listen to music if you want." I shrugged again before starting to load up the conveyer belt. "Didn't you say you had a band you wanted me to listen to?"
"I have to many to count Sal." I laughed as I dug my wallet out of my hoodie pocket. "You know how much music I listen to?"
The woman at the counter smiled at the two of us picking fun at each other. "You two are such a cute couple!" My face turned red.
"We are just friends." Sal pointed out. "Just really close friends." I just nodded, not bringing myself to agree with him out loud. The woman apologized and went back to scanning the items. I handed Sal my wallet, letting him know i was going to the bathroom right quick. Just friends. Just friends. Those words echoed through my head as I ducked into a stall, coughing and choking up bits and pieces of flowers. Oh Sal Fisher you had no idea what in the world you were doing to me. I made sure I hadn't made a mess before flushing the toilet and getting up, running the water for a few moments before washing up my face and hands. I sighed as I took a peek at my face. My cheeks were flushed with little red splotches from throwing up again. I sighed in annoyance, pulling my hair down to try to hide my face more. I walked back out to Sal, who was waiting there with the bags of our items.
"Hey are you okay? You took off so suddenly." I just nodded and took some of the bags from him before starting to head to my car. He caught my arm. "Look if you aren't feeling well still we can go home. Don't push yourself."
"It's nothing Sal. I'm fine."
"Why do I have the feeling you're lying to me?" He sounded a little hurt. "I can read you pretty well now Y/N. You're hiding something from me aren't you?"
"No I'm not Sal. It's something I have to take care of myself. If something was up you would be the first to know." I pulled my arm from his grasp. "Now come on. Larry and Ash are waiting for us." I went towards the door, hearing Sal sigh behind his mask and follow me. Once we got back to the car I popped the trunk and put all the stuff I was carrying into the back. After Sal put his stuff in as well I shut the trunk and hopped back into the front seat.
"That took a little longer than expected." Larry joked.
"Yeah. Because Y/N got sick again." Sal said. I could see him roll his eyes behind his mask. I frowned and self consciously moved my hair to cover as much of my face without blinding me as possible. I wanted to retort back but instead I just turned the car on and pulled out of the parking space and got the jeep back onto the road. Sal and I didn't speak the entire ride left to the beach, but luckily the other two in the back kept the atmosphere light and fun. I pulled into the parking lot of the beach and started to get out, but Sal grabbed my wrist. "Guys go ahead and find us a spot. We will meet you there in a moment." Larry shrugged and Ash all but jumped out of the car.
Sal waited for them to be out of earshot before he let me go. "What's going on with you lately? You're more emotional and you're getting sick every time I turn around. You seem to be always on edge too. This isn't like you."
"I got a lot on my mind Sal."
"Answer me seriously. You're not pregnant are you?" I stared at him shocked for a moment.
"Hell no! You have to be doing stuff to get pregnant and there is no way I want kids just yet."
"Then what's going on? Why suddenly are you sick?"
"I really think I'm just coming down with something. As for the being on edge and emotional, shits just really going down at my place. You know how my parents are." Another lie. But I had to hide from him the truth.
"You can always come and stay with me. I've already told you that. Dad would be fine with it."
"Sal I've only got a year left in school. Maybe after school we can all find a place and move in together? Now come on. Those two are probably waiting for us." His hand wrapped around my wrist once more.
"You know. You can tell me anything right? You know I care about you."
"I know Sal. I know." I gave him a small smile and opened my door. We walked towards the rest of the group together, Sal following close behind me. "Larry you already got into the snacks?!" I shook my head at him. "Dude we weren't even in the car for 10 minute."
"10 minutes is enough for me to want snacks." He shrugged, pulling what looked to be his second bag of chips out of the pile. "Besides. You got the good shit too."
"Leave some for the rest of us." I laughed and pulled my sweatshirt off. "I don't know why I wore this instead. It's way to hot out here."
"I'm surprised you're even still wearing pants." Ash pointed down to the thin black yoga pants I was wearing. She had already stripped down into her bathing suit by this point.
"Oh. Uh. I don't really like wearing short." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"I don't know why. You got a killer body." Larry said between mouth fulls of chips.
"Dude don't talk with your mouth full. That's gross." Sal sighed. "She's got her reasons. Maybe it's comments like that that make her nervous." He shrugged and sat down on the beach blanket.
"Actually. Um. I have. Uh..." I looked at Sal who just nodded at me. "I have really bad scars on my legs." I said the last part super fast and closed my eyes tight, afraid of being screamed at.
"Scars? Like did you fall down or something and you have them?" Ash asked. "Or do you mean-?" She couldn't finish her sentence. I opened my eyes and felt any form of emotion on my face drop. "Oh." Was all she could say.
"So wait. You're self conscious and refuse to wear shorts because you think a few scars are gonna freak is out? You obviously don't know us that well then." Larry crosses his arms over his chest. "Well. Let us see them. Let's see these big bad scars you're so ashamed of."
"Larry you're being insensitive." Sal got onto him. I swallowed hard but stood up, quickly removing the pants I was wearing and was left only in my swimsuit, all the scars on my legs visible. Larry mumbled a "oh shit" and I quickly sat back down and covered myself with a towel.
"Why didn't you tell us? Those aren't very old scars." Ash asked, her voice sounding hurt. "How long had this being going on?"
"Well. I've been doing it for years. And I-I stopped a little while back because Sal found out. I just didn't want you guys mad at me."
I heard Larry throw his half eaten bag of chips down. "I'm going swimming." Was all he said before he quickly left. Sal got up and ran after him, leaving me alone with Ash. So much for a relaxing beach trip.
"Stay here. I'll be right back okay?" Ash got up and went to where the boys seemed like they were fighting with each other. I sat there alone, just staring down at my lap. It seemed like ash was getting in the middle of their fight before she just left and came back to me. "Jeep. Now." She said and helped me to my feet before dragging me to the car. I went to get in the drivers seat before she said "Nope. Back seat." And pointed to the back. I sighed and crawled into the back seat of my jeep. She did the same and before I knew it pulled me into a hug. "Okay. Now that it's just us let's talk."
"About what?"
"This." She pointed to my scars. "You promise you aren't doing it anymore?" I nodded. "Good. Why were you so scared to tell us in the first place?"
"Because. You guys would hate me."
"Do we hate you?"
"It seems Larry does now."
"Ignore him. He's angry because he wasn't told and he's scared to lose his friend. He doesn't hate you. Sal is trying to talk to him about all of it." I nodded and looked down at my hands which sat on my lap. Ash took my hands in hers. "Okay. But I can tell there is a lot more going on than what you've been telling us. You're being abused at home. I know that. But why don't you just move in with Sal or Larry like they've begged you?"
"Larry gets a little too rowdy sometimes. Plus I don't want to become a burden on his mom. She's such a sweet lady. Plus the basement is cold and sometimes has a draft so it's not good for my health."
"Okay. What about Sal's place?"
"Well. It's just his dad there as well. Even if I worked I don't want him providing for me. Plus i would have to share a room with Sal and that might be a little uncomfortable."
"You and Sal have shared a bed girl. How would sleeping in his room be uncomfortable. Unless. Holy shit girl. You like him!?" She screeched. I covered my ears and gave her a slight glare. "Sorry. But do you seriously like Ol' Sally Boy out there?"
"I'll take that as a yes." I felt my face go hot. "You should tell him-"
"Nope. I don't think so."
"Why nooooooooooot?!" She whined.
"Because. He likes someone else. And that someone is not me. And I-" shit. I started to cough and choke again.
"Oh shit girl are you okay? I forgot you're sick and- is that a fucking flower?" She stared at the petals resting in my hand. "Dude. You just like seriously threw up a flower."
"Yeah." I laid my head back against the seat, closing my eyes tight to fight off the dizziness. "My head is spinning." I groaned.
"I'm gonna need a explanation. You just seriously threw up flowers."
"Petals. Flower petals. If I was throwing up whole ass flowers I wouldn't have much time left."
"Wait. So this is like real? This isn't a prank?" I just shook my head. "Is this why Larry was looking up that thing that is suppose to be fake?"
"Wait. He was looking up Hanahaki?"
"Yeah. I happened to glance. He was looking for cures. I thought he was like writing a story or something. So you have it?" I just nodded and opened my eyes.
"Yeah. I do. Although I haven't gone to the doctor yet. I'm kinda scared to go honestly. It's been making me feel like complete shit. Like I've been hit by a truck. And it seems like it may be getting worse. Every time I think about him I end up doing this."
"Does Sal know? Like is he what's causing it?"
"Yeah. He's kinda causing it in a way. Its more my fault but no. He doesn't know. And I don't want him too. Because then he will just feel obligated to love me and I don't want him to do that. I want him to follow his heart. Even if mine seems to be breaking." Sappy. I know. But love will do that to you. "Ash I want him to be happy. And if I can't give him that happiness I'd rather not tell him."
"You don't know until you try." She shrugged, handing me a empty bag. "Let's hide those just in case okay?" I nodded and threw the petals into the bag. "Whoa these are like real petals."
"I wouldn't touch those if I were you. Half the time they are covered in spit and blood." I made a face and wiped my hands off. She wrinkled her nose up and shoved the bag between the seats, making me cringe. "My poor seats. I hope there wasn't any thorns."
"Bitch you should be worried more about your heath than your seats." Ashley laughed. "Back to the serious topic. So you're dying because of this yet you won't tell Sal because you don't want to force him to love you. And you'd rather die than see him unhappy."
"You're a dumb ass. He's gonna be hurt if you die. You're like his bestest of best friends ever."
"Yes and he's mine. But I'm not gonna make him love me. Just promise you won't tell him. I'm begging you."
"Does Larry know?" I just nodded. She sighed heavily. "Okay. I promise. But if it gets worse you need to let me know."
"I will." I sat there for a moment before a knock on my window startled me. It was Larry. I opened the door expecting to get yelled at but instead he instantly hugged me.
"You're a dumb ass." He said softly. His voice sounded slightly broken. I wrapped my arms around him and gently patted his back. "You should have told us."
"I know Lar. I'm sorry." I could see Sal in the back, his eyes looked really sad. Larry finally let me go and looked at Sal who just nodded before coming over to me.
"Ash. I need to talk to her alone right quick." Ash raised a eyebrow but nodded. Getting out of the car. I scooted over so Sal could sit. I guess today was talk about shit we are going through in the back seat. Sal reaches behind his head and unbuckled his mask. "Promise me you won't run away or scream."
"Sal you don't have to do this."
"I do. It's not fair. I can't keep hiding behind this." He took a deep breath, both the buckles hanging down but his hand kept the mask in place. I scooted closer and gently placed my hand over his before guiding he prosthetic off. My heart ached when I saw his face. It was covered in scars. I shakily reached my hand and cupped his cheek. "I'm pretty ugly huh?" He tried to smile. "You don't have to lie. I know how bad it looks."
"Don't you ever call yourself ugly again." I growled.
"But I am. No one will ever love a face like this."
"If people can't see past these scars they don't deserve you. Your scars do not define you. You are a amazing, wonderful, beautiful person who I am so lucky to be able to call my friend. If someone sees your face and then runs or tells you you're ugly they have no right to even know you."
For the first time ever I saw him smile. "Thank you." He put his hand over mine and nudged it lightly with his cheek. "You really don't know how much that means to me." I gave him a small smile back.
"Come on Sal. Let's go push Larry into the water okay?" I earned a laugh from him as he took the mask from my hand, since I hadn't let it go yet.

"Yeah Y/N. Let's go push Larry into the water."

Hanahaki A sally Face FanficWhere stories live. Discover now