Off we go

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The week came and went fast. I had semi moved into Larry's house, Lisa was taking really good care of me. Larry had given up his room and slept on the couch so I could have some privacy even though I told him it was fine. Sal and I were getting along fine, he was a really attentive boyfriend which was pretty nice. Ash suddenly stopped speaking to us which didn't really bother me much. I told Sal I didn't mind if they stayed friends though, since I wasn't  going to control his life. The boys and I were walking home, Sal's arm slung around my waist.
"So tonight we are going to the beach house right?" Larry asked excitedly. He had been talking about it all weekend. "Who all is going?"
"Just you, Sal, and me. I just need help moving some stuff in." This boy was too hyper for his own good. I was a little worn out today, having my disease flare up suddenly earlier.
"Correction. You're going to rest while Larry and I move the stuff in. I hope you don't mind baby but I did ask Todd to help us and he agreed. Especially with how you're feeling today. Just focus on getting us there and we will get your stuff in for you." Sal said as he pulled me closer and gave me a little squeeze. I couldn't help but smile softly at him.
"I really have the best boyfriend and friends in the world." I gave him a kiss on the cheek of his mask. "Lisa knows we are spending the weekend at the house right Larry?"
"Shit. I forgot to mention it to her. Sorry dude." I sighed and just waved it off. I would tell her once I got home.
"Did you tell Henry, Sal?"
"Yeah. He said he's okay with it as long as I call him once we get there and before we leave."  I just nodded. That seemed fair. Once we got to the apartments Sal and I went out separate ways, as he still had a few things to grab and get ready while I had to basically drag Larry to go find his mom. Luckily she was in the apartment already.
"Lisa, I think Larry forgot to tell you but a few of us were going to set up the house this weekend. I don't have it move in ready yet and I really need to do that."
"Of course sweetie. That's fine. Who all is going?"
Lisa in the last week had become the attentive mother I had never had. My mom loved me of course but she was always to scared to really do much for me because of my father. I didn't know how nice it was to feel cared for.
"Sal, Larry, Todd and myself so far unless Sal invited more people I don't know about. My illness started acting up real bad today." I had told her about what had been going on with my health. She gave me a slightly worried look. "I'm okay Lisa. I promise. It's not gotten any worse."
"I know you never had a parent who worried. But as long as you're in my house you better believe I'm going to treat you like my own." She reminded me. "The only thing I ask is all of you stay safe okay?" She hugged both Larry and I. I felt myself starting to tear up slightly. Since I was a only child I never had what felt like a perfect family. I had a mom who was to scared to even talk to me most days. I had a father who hated me for some unknown reason, that now I finally figured out. But now it felt like I had a family who cared. Larry was like the older brother I always wanted and Lisa was that kind mother I'd read about in stories.
"Mom your smothering us." Larry whined and Lisa let us go. "Come in Y/N. Let's go finish packing."
"You two let me know before you leave."
"Will do Mom." Larry dragged me into his room, kicking the door shut behind us. "Alright. Now. What else to take."
"Don't over pack Larry. It's just the weekend." I laughed softly and sat on the bed. "It's not like you're going for the whole summer yet. Although I'll probably start setting up rooms for that this weekend too. I have a feeling we will spend more time at the house than here mostly."
"Probably. It'll be more exciting than staying here." Larry started packing some clothes into his backpack. "Besides it's not every day you get a rich friend who own her very own beach house."
"Actually it's my moms beach house but that's true." I pointed out. "I'm just hoping I don't have to face my father anytime soon. I'm so scared about that trial. The questioning was already enough. Not to mention when we actually go to court." I sighed heavily.
"You'll be just fine. We will be there for you one hundred percent of the way." Larry looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up. "You don't have to worry about anything. We got you Dude."
"Thanks Lar." I watched as he packed whatever else he was bringing. He was trying to shove the rest of his stuff in the bag when Sal came into the room.
"Duuuude are you ready to hit the beach?" Larry yelled.
"We aren't going to go swimming Lar." He laughed. "We are just going to help move Y/N in. Remember?"
"Who says we can't have a little fun while we help?" Sal just rolled his eyes before joining me on the bed. His arm went around my shoulder and I smiled as I nuzzled into him.
"Is todd ready? I don't know if I'm driving him or not." I laughed softly.
"Yeah he's ready. I forgot to ask if he was going to let his boyfriend drive or if he was riding with us. Sorry dear."
"It's okay. We'll probably see him in a bit anyways."
The three of us headed up to the first floor where Todd was actually waiting for us. With him was his boyfriend. "Hey Todd. I was just about to text you. Are you two riding with us?"
"We were wondering if we could just ride with you." Neil spoke up. "I'll help pitch in gas."
"I don't mind y'all riding at all." I smiled softly. "Don't worry about gas. Baby is filled up and ready to go. I hope you two don't mind sitting in the back seat. We might have to rearrange some bags but it shouldn't be to hard."
"You won't believe how much shit this girl has." Larry hollered.
"Mr.Johnson I believe I've warned you about yelling curses in the hall already." I turned around to see the buildings owner peeping through his mail slot again.
"Hey Terrance. Sorry about all the noise and Larry yelling. I take full responsibility." I saw as I walked to the door.
"Ah Miss. Y/N I didn't realize you were there too. I heard young Larry's voice above everyone else. Was today the day you were planning on moving your stuff?"
"Yes sir. As much as I'd love to stay someone still has to take care of the house. I'll be staying until school is over though. But during the summer I'll probably be staying there most the time."
"I sure will miss having you here. You're always a delight to have conversations with."
"I'll miss it too Terrance. But I'll make sure to come visit and bring you those cookies you love so much."
"I would really enjoy it. Now if you excuse me I have some business to attend to." The mail slot closed and I went back to my friends.
"So are we all ready to go?" I asked them, getting nods and "yeahs" from everyone. When we went outside I saw a sight that made me completely tense up. Ash was standing there beside my jeep, obviously either waiting for us or she had just vandalized it.
"What is she doing here?" Sal hissed lightly. I put my hand on his arm and almost as a reflex he calmed down.
"I'll go talk to her." I said lowly to sal. He was about to protest when I cut him off, "if anything happens you can intervene." He sighed but nodded.

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