"What are we going to do with him?" Aquarius asked. Leo continued to tie the boy with rope onto the chair. Cancer asked,"And more importantly what are you doing?"
"He literally broke in, gave Aries the school's girl wrestling champion a slap on the wrist and put her on her butt, got Gemini to run into a wall, tripped five of us at once, broke from Sagittarius' grip and was somehow able to throw a rock accurate enough to break Virgo's phone out of her hand. The only reason we got him was because he lost focus for that moment. On top of that i need to know how he knows Ophiuchus."
Taurus and Pisces were talking while Virgo was treating Gemini's and Scorpio's wounds. Sagittarius was holding a ice pack on his bruised cheek and Aries was lying face first into the couch as Capricorn massaged her back which was sore from earlier.
They were all still sleep deprived since it was 4 in the morning. Taurus and Pisces had gone to watch over the girl the boy had brought in.
'Uuugghhh, what with the, my head..." Everyone froze up and looked at the waking figure of the boy. His black bangs covering his eyes as he groaned in pain,"Okay why am I tied up?"
Aries suddenly got up and made her way to the boy tied to the chair. Capricorn knew that face that she was making. Capricorn tried to stop her by standing in her way nervously reasoning with her,"Hey now Aries come on he is a kid definitely younger than us and murder is a long time in prison."
Aries pushed him out of the way and made her way to the boy. She was maybe a step away before she slapped him in his face. The boy faced the side from the impact and slowly turned his head to face her.
"Okay, ouch but deserved." The boy said calmly. Aries angrily grabbed his exposed collar and aggresively asked,"Okay asshole, who are you and what the heck are you doing in our house!?"
The boy moved his jaw from side to side as if it was shifted from the slap. Leo put a hand on Aries' shoulder and looked at her sternly, Causing Aries to sigh in disapointment and let the boy go backing off. Capricorn rubbed her back as they went back to the couch.
Leo then moved on to questioning the boy,"Okay let's start with this, who are you?" The boy looked at Leo with his yellow eyes and asked,"How's the girl doing, I'm not answering anything until-"
Leo cut him off,"She is resting, so now will you explain yourself?"
The boy sighed in relief and answered,"Alright deals a deal, my name is Orion, I came here from a trek through the forest and found the girl injured. from what i have no idea. I came here after seeing the huge fire that was in your bonfire and followed the smoke. I broke in through the broken window you have over there. I was trying to settle the girl's wounds when some the redhead tried to kill me with a frying pan."
Leo sighed and looked at Scorpio who shrugged obviously oblivious that he was what had attracted the boy to the house. Leo knew that Orion or whoever he is had no bad intentions since he didn't fight back until his hands were forced.
"Okay I know you didn't want to fight right?" Orion nodded. "Okay you mentioned something about someone named Ophiuchus?"
The boy was shocked and said,"Um, why? I'm not crazy I swear it's just a voice in my head!"
Orion started to sweat and struggle which shocked Leo and caused Cancer and Capricorn be ready to retaliate if he broke out of the binds. Leo noticed Orion seemingly scared,"Orion, I just need to know, is Ophiuchus talking to you now?"
"um, yeah he wants to talk to you guys, it's gonna be really weird so just bear with me."
Leo nodded and saw that the rest in the living room were chill now knowing that the boy was unable to escape. Orion went quiet and still. He closed his eyes and opened them again to reveal now dark blue eyes.
Leo saw this and knew that this was really Ophiuchus. Orion started to talk,"My dear lion, you really did it, gathering all the zodiacs together."
The rest all started to get curious and gathered around Orion with Cancer going to call Taurus and Pisces. Orion continued to speak,"Ahh, to see all of you is doing much to comfort me, however this is not a very ideal situation for talking after Orion had made such a bruteful impression on you. Rest assured he is a lovely boy and had no ill intentions. Capricorn if you would untie me."
Capricorn was in slight shock and looked at Leo who nodded. He untied Orion's body from the chair and he stood up. Aries, Scorpio and Gemini took a defensive pose to which Ophiuchus responded,"You three are mighty feisty, but are in no condition to fight. Rest i need to explain."
They gathered in the living room and Ophiuchus had all their attention. "Now that we are all calm let me explain. You are all the vessels of the zodiacs. This boy, he is the vessel for the constellation Orion and the girl is the vessel for Pegasus. He did not know and is very angry right now mentally scolding me for not telling him. I need to leave but just know you each have a purpose, but enjoy your time here."
Orion's eyes shifted back to yellow and he fell to the ground curling up and holding his head in pain. Libra went to his side to check on him with them knowing that Orion wasn't a threat. Both from Leo seeming to trust him and the fact that the eye colour changing thing seemed to convince them that Orion wasn't normal.
Libra helped Orion up and sat him onto a chair where he was quietly holding his head trying to shake the pain off. Pisces asked Leo,"Should we really trust him?" "I do, his story checks out and Ophiuchus really is in him. I had told all of you about the zodiac thing."
Everyone nodded and they were all quiet. They saw Orion stumbling to his feet and ask them,"Where's the girl? Or Pegasus. Whatever she's called."
Aquarius stood up and guided Orion to the room that they put the girl in. Everyone wasn't in much of a shock since they knew most of that. But they were all trying to think about what they were going to do, whether to sleep or start their day.
A/N:NOW, Kyu here and I know it is messy as heck but know this, I have no idea how I would introduce Orion and Pegasus to the story so yeah I went the RWBY route where there' a separate soul in someone's body. I just wanted more characters and there they are. Anyways 2 chapters in a day!? Wow this is the most I've written for a story ever so yay. I hope ye enjoyed, Seeya and Buh bye!

zodiac house ver2
Sonstigescancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to eh?