Cancer heard his phone ring and ring and ring again. He took his eyes of the blank wall for a moment to see a string of text all in capital letters from Leo. Such as 'HALP' and 'ANSWER YOU SICK CRAB!!!'
He picked to phone up and texted back
Crab:Yes Leo?
Crab:Look Leo I would love to help but like I said I'm not feeling well
Nala:Oh, you know what we can call!
*incoming call from Leo🖤💔*
Cancer looked at the incoming call and he sighed. He decided to answer since he did say he would help her. He answered,"Yes Leo?" "Cancer you have got to help me, what do I do!?"
Cancer squeezed the bridge of his nose before politely saying,"Okay Leo what are you doing now?" "Um I'm sitting in the toilet trying to get advice from you?" "Oh god okay. Okay how about you just act natural and just stay calm."
Cancer laid on his bed and put the call on speaker before placing the phone on his desk. He groaned quietly as he heard Leo reply,"B-but how can I act natural around him!?" "Just act like he's me I don't know!"
Leo then started to ramble,"But he's not like you at all! He has those beautiful blue eyes, sexy blonde hair, a lovely smile that brightens my day and he's just so nice and cute."
Leo then sighed as she started to daydream as she sat in the stall of the toilet. She didn't hear back from Cancer for a bit.
Cancer had taken his phone and thrown it down the stairs. Aries heard a thud next to her and saw Cancer standing behind the railings from upstairs looking down at his phone which was downstairs. She heard Leo's voice come from the phone,"Cancer, Cancer? Hey answer m-"
Aries shrieked as a brick smashed the phone to bits and Aries looked up trembling from the shock. She saw Cancer emotionlessly looking down at the broken pieces. He made his way downstairs and Aries saw he was making his way towards her. She readied her fist but looked into his eyes and saw nothing.
She stared into Cancer's cold empty dark brown eyes as he reached a hand towards her. She couldn't move and closed her eyes before she felt a hand on her shoulder and opened her eyes to see Cancer smiling with closed eyes,"Nothing you saw happened."
He held Aries' shoulder and opened his eyes and stared at her as she sat on the couch before she nodded slowly. He thanked her before walking away. She was about to asked what happened and saw Cancer sweeping up the broken pieces of his phone. She followed him to the garage where he started up a car.
He threw the pieces of his phone onto the roadside and ran over them repeatedly before parking the car back into the garage as Aries watched silently. As Cancer walked past her she grabbed his arm firmly and asked,"Okay what the hell was that!?"
Cancer didn't even look at her and said,"It's none of your business."
He snatched his arm away from Aries and walked back into the house and went straight to the kitchen. Aries watched as Cancer took a stick of butter out the fridge and unwrapped it. He sat on the couch and took a bite out if the stick of butter. Aries groaned in disgust and shook her head and sat next to Cancer.
Cancer took no notice of her until she said,"Okay so your obviously not sick, want to explain what the heck happened to you?" "No." "Okay this is just going too far, you destroyed your phone and now your eating a stick of butter."
Cancer swallowed another bite and looked at her with a blank face,"So?"
Aries snatched the butter away from him and said,"Okay what did Leo say to piss you off?"

zodiac house ver2
Randomcancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to eh?