All genders are the same as the original story blah blah blah anyways I got bored and I posted an announcement asking about what zodiac pairings yall would like to see and the lovely EvangelicaMisanami came and gifted me a pairing I actually haven't seen much. So thank you so much and hope I do this pairing proud
ROS stands for random one shots
Context:Aquarius and Scorpio have been dating for a couple months and Capricorn is still helping Pisces out with her issues. Context over.
=====Capricorn was sat in Pisces' room with a stack of drawings she had made over the month. He looked at her as she awkwardly looked away blushing. He sighed,"Pisces?"
"Ye?" Pisces responded.
"Please tell me these aren't drawings of Scorpio." Capricorn pleaded.
"They aren't drawi-" "Actually nevermind! Just follow me and bring the paintings." Capricorn cut her off and left the room.
Pisces grabbed all the drawings and followed him out the room. They made their way downstairs and walked by Aquarius.
Aquarius waved happily at Pisces who cheerfully waved back. She then greeted Capricorn,"Hey Capricorn what's up?"
Capricorn glanced at Aquarius for a good two seconds before he sternly ordered Pisces,"Let's go."
He then walked out into the backyard, making his way towards the firepit. Aquarius was slightly offended and Pisces apologetically said,"It's my fault, I've been bothering him all month so he's in a bad mood. Don't mind him."
Pisces then followed Capricorn out into the backyard while Aquarius stood there stunned. What the hell did she do?
Scorpio saw Aquarius in her confused state and hugged her from behind. "You okay?"
She shook her head and responded,"Yeah...yeah. I'm fine."
Capricorn stood in front of the fire pit with Pisces looking at the lighter fluid soaked drawings. He pulled out a box of matches and passed it to Pisces.
She hesitantly took it from him and he said,"Well, you know what to do."
Pisces nodded and lit a match, throwing it into the fire pit causing the drawings to burst into flames. Pisces was sad but Capricorn was casually roasting marshmallows over the fire.
He offered her one and she accepted. He thought to himself,"Wow, here I am making her burn drawings of her crush. And yet I feel so much joy. Guess it's nice to see the emo burst into flames but there's something else..."
Pisces looked over at Capricorn,"This felt relieving, but I still love him."
Capricorn took a second to think as he ate the marshmallows,"Ah, just confess to him. Get rejected. And get over him!"
Pisces looked at him confused,"Will that work?"
Capricorn shrugged,"It's worth a shot. Worst comes to worst I'll have to explain to Aquarius you know their dating."
For the rest of the afternoon they sat at the fire pit making smores and had hotdogs for lunch.
That night during dinner, Pisces pulled Scorpio aside. Capricorn sat beside Aquarius as she happily ate her food. Her messy blue hair tied up into a ponytail.
He saw that everyone else wrre talking with each other. Cancer was talking to Taurus, Leo and Libra, Sagittarius was talking to Virgo and Gemini, Aries was talking yo Pegasus and Orion.
He wanted to talk to Aquarius but for some reason he always broke out into a cold sweat and got a lump in his throat. He did not know why.
"So Capricorn, how's life?"

zodiac house ver2
Randomcancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to eh?