-With Orion and Pegasus-
Orion put on his favourite jacket and stared at the ceiling as he laid in bed waiting for Pegasus to finish showering. He didn't trust her to not do anything funny if he fell asleep before her. He sighed as he thought about maybe texting Cath for a bit. He was quite bored and wanted to do something to take his mind of sleeping.
He then heard the door open. He looked up and saw Pegasus in a towel and he assumed that she had forgotten her clothes again. He was about to throw her a random set of clothing since Orion was okay with Pegasus sharing his clothes.
To his surprise Pegasus pulled out a neatly folded set of pyjamas as she gave him the side eye, a smirk growing on her face. Orion immediately ducked his head under the covers before Pegasus could show him anything. He heard giggling as Pegasus lifted the covers from him and reveales herself in her underwear.
Orion heaved a sigh of relief and said,"Put on your clothes and get in bed already. I wanna end this nightmare."
Pegasus, instead of doing as she was told, lifted the covers and joined Orion in his bed. My, my. Things are steaming up.
Orion instantly shifted away from Pegasus and put his back to the wall where one side of the bed was backed against. Pegasus kept getting closer and eventually had her almost bare back pressed up against Orion's chest. He was contemplating whether he should tied her up again when she spoke,"Hug me."
Orion was confused,"What?" "I said hug me, I'm kinda cold and the covers aren't warm enough. You have a jacket on so you could warm me up."
Orion shook his head,"Um, no. I'm good. How about you go put on some more layers like a shirt, or pants for that matter!"
Pegasus crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks,"Hmph! If you don't do it, then I wont sleep. Just put your arms around my waist or something."
Orion rolled his eyes. Well you heard her! Just do it! Come on, I've seen you do worse! You guys made out for heaven's sake!
Orion thought,"I will end you Ophiuchus!"
He then awkwardly put his arms around Pegasus, making sure not to violate any areas. He asked,"Can you sleep now?"
Pegasus asked,"Can you whisper into my ear?"
Orion moved his face closer to her ear and whispered, "Like this?"
Pegasus blushed as she felt the warm air from Orion's mouth,"Y-yeah! Let's sleep!"
Orion whispered,"Goodnight."
Pegasus responded,"G-goodnight."
-With Libra and Leo-
Libra was in a plain shirt with shorts and was now stressing about how he was going to be able to sleep in peace when Leo was with him. He did not know what to do and was laying face first into his pillow.
He heard Leo enter his room. He looked up and saw she had brought her own pillows and bolsters. The beds in each room were all big enough to accommodate two people except for the beds in Orion and Pegasus' room. They have two seperate beds that are still big for one person but not neccessarily meant for two. So Libra appreciated the fact Orion must be having just as hard of a time if not worse.
Libra moved to the far end of the bed, making space for Leo. Leo scoffed, "Am I that fat?" "No, wait I just-" "Kidding!"
Leo threw her pillows onto the bed and slid under the covers. She saw Libra face away from her trying to sleep. She then shifted closer to Libra on the bed, closing the distance between them. Libra felt Leo's leg carress his, giving him chills.

zodiac house ver2
Sonstigescancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to eh?