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Pegasus groggily opened her eyes and slowly sat up in her bed. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She looked down and saw a large wound seemed to be wrapped on her stomach. She tried to massage her head and felt a fabric plaster. She must have fallen and hit her head.

She noticed a black haired boy enter the room holding rags, a bottle and some cloth of sorts. He saw her looking at him after he slowly closed the door. He introduced himself,"Orion and your name is?" "Pegasus. Where am I? What happened?"

Orion sat on a chair next to the bed as he spoke,"Take off your shirt." Pegasus froze and stuttered,"W-wait w-why take off my shirt!?" She went red faced.

Orion sighed obviously annoyed,"I need to treat the giant wound that you somehow got, unless you want me to leave it up to fate whether you get an infection or whether the wound opens or whether you have internal bleeding so on so forth."

Pegasus rolled her eyes and tried to move her arms but felt a numb pain in her shoulders. Orion saw this and groaned in annoyance,"The pain you feel now, yeah thats normal from being in a bed for three days straight. You just have to stretch it out."

Orion looked at her with a blink stare which slightly scared Pegasus. She tried to lift her arms after grabbing the hem of her shirt but just couldn't. She sighed in defeat and looked towards Orion who had started fidgeting with his fingers.

Orion looked at her and asked,"So you gonna do it or am I gonna have to do it for you?" He had said that sarcastically but then heard her response,"You might have to." Orion was slightly shocked but didn't show it.

He stood up hoping to get one of the girls to help Pegasus but then Pegasus called out to him. "Wait where are you going?" "I'm off to get a female to help you out with that problem." "I think you should do it, I mean your going to see everything whether you take it off or someone else since your treating me."

Orion saw the logic in that sentence and went to her side and instructed her,"Okay just relax cause tensing your muscles with just hurt you more." Pegasus nodded and Orion began.

He lifted both her arms and put both her wrists into his left hand. He used his right one to pull the shirt up slowly to as he also had to reach around her back to pull up her shirt further. Pegasus looked away with a blush that Orion was oblivious of. He pulled her shirt off her arms revealing her large wound covered by the makeshift bandage that he fashioned.

Orion was totally calm and immediately went to work on slowly cutting off the bandage which was totally different to how Pegasus was, an embarrassed mess. Orion opened the bandage to reveal a large scar that had many small lines criss crossing each other holding the flesh together.

Orion noticed it was almost healed and the string was no longer needed. He looked at pegasus who was still looking away and stated,"I will warn you, this is gonna hurt and I feel no sympathy nor will I be sorry."

"Wait what? AAAHHH!!!" Orion had pulled the string and put the bloodied string into a trashcan. He quickly poured anti-septic onto a cloth and pressed it against the wound which was bleeding slightly.

Pegasus, with anger evident, said,"Okay what the hell man that hurt like a-" "I did tell you right? your wound no longer needs the string so I took it out so you don't get a nasty scar. Stop wriggling."

Pegasus leaned back into her pillow and folded her arms across her chest. Orion finished bandaging her wound and helped her put her shirt back on. He moved on to the head injury, slowly peeling back the plaster and quickly putting on a new plaster that he had applied medical ointment on.

Pegasus sucked her teeth in pain and looked back at Orion who gave her the bottle,"Drink, it's tea. This shoulg clear up that taste in your mouth."

Pegasus slowly took the bottle from him as he helped her to lift her arms as she drank from the bottle. Orion took the bottle back and packed up the stuff he brought and made his way out off the room and was reaching for the doorknob when,"Um, what happened?"

Orion said,"I would love to tell you but, I don't know either. Rest up, if anyone else comes don't worry, your wound is healing nicely and I think your fine now so I don't nee to come."

Orion left the room leaving Pegasus alone. Orion went to the living room where Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Capricorn who asked him,"How's the girl?" "Pegasus is no awake and fine which means I don't need to take care of her wound any further."

Capricorn nodded and went back to watching the show on the TV. Cancer and Taurus made their way downstairs and said hi to Orion who waved at them. Orion grabbed his backpack and went to Leo and asked,"Hey Leo, I appreciated the hospitality seeing as how I broke in. But I should not over stay but I do need to ask, do you know where Dromia High is? I need to resgister for a dorm there."

Leo suddenly jumped up and asked,"Wait! Your going there too!?" "Um yeah...I'm a transfer and starting half way through the first year. I mean i did score a perfect grade in the entrance exam."

Gemini burst out laughing,"AHAHA HEY CAPRICORN! Your can't flaunt your 96% score anymore!!!" "Wait how did you get a perfect score!?"

Orion shrugged as Leo offered,"Hey we're your seniors why don't you stay? We have extra rooms so you don't need to sleep on the couch every night and you are a fellow constellation."

Orion saw the rest of the zodiacs who had been downstairs listening as they went about their daily routines. He thought about it for a moment, You know you want to, I say take it.

Orion internally sighed as he knew Ophiuchus was right. He put his backpack down and looked to check whether the rest of them agreed,"Any objections?"

No one said anything and Orion shrugged and said,"Welp, guess you guys have a new housemate."

A/N:Hey guys it's Kyu. Yup Orion's staying so yay. I know he would obviously staying but I wanted to make it at least logical? I don't know anymore it 1.30am for me and my third chapter within twenty-four hours so I have no mind to explain the chapter. Anyways, Seeya and Buh BYE!

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