Libra woke up to a loud blaring alarm. At first he thought it was his alarm and tried to turn it off. He opened his eyes to realize that his alarm was shut off and there was a mobile speaker in his room playing the loud noise.
He rubbed his eyes as he took the speaker and threw it out the window. He then heard the door being knocked down. He saw Leo standing on the broken door and she shook him as she yelled,"GET OFF THE BED, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!!!"
Libra pushed Leo off him as she jumped up and down in excitement. Libra groaned as he stood up and cracked his back. Libra spoke in a rough morning voice,"Jesus Leo, can't let a guy have his sleep eh?"
Leo said,"Nope! I have it all planned out! We need to be out of here in an hour so I timed the speakers to play in 10 minute intervals so everyone can shower and the next person can immediately use the bathroom. Look if you get your butt into the shower and do your thing we can follow the schedule and be ready in 30 minutes."
Libra asked,"And if I don't?"
Leo smirked,"Then I'll stick both you AND Gemini into the bathroom naked so that you guys will be ready in time. You damn well know I'll do it."
Libra yawned as he decided to just follow Leo's orders and go take a shower.
He finished his shower and made his way downstairs as Leo saw him and made her way to Gemini's room. He sat down next to Aries and Sagittarius who was staring at Taurus. Libra asked,"Hey Sagittarius, stop staring before you go to sleep."
Sagittarius seemed to be shocked and recoiled slightly before he said,"Jesus Libra, you scared me.""yeah yeah."
Taurus was eating a blueberry muffin she had finished baking the day before and shared with the rest. She was talking to Aries and Virgo about how school was about to start. Aquarius was cuddling with Scorpio on one of the chairs laughing about whatever. They had started dating each other the night of the meteor shower and have been like this since.
Leo came downstairs with Gemini coming out the bathroom and Capricorn who was reading a book. Leo said,"Okay that's everyone that's ready."Libra pointed out,"Cancer isn't here."
Leo shrugged and said,"Cancer told me he wasn't feeling well so he wanted to stay."
Sagittarius said,"Well if that's all it takes then-"
Gemini cut him off,"Dude you look fine and can still come up with excuses." "Why have you forsaken me!?" "Because I'm tired and if I'm gonna suffer you are too."
Everyone laughed and Orion said,"You know if Cancer isn't feeling well someone should stay and take care of him." Everyone then went quiet.
Then Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Orion and Aries raised their hands saying,"I'll do it!"
Virgo said,"Well we all know Sagittarius and Gemini are out, they wouldn't know how to take care of him without doing something stupid."
Leo said,"And Libra has a weak immune system and he'll probably catch whatever Cancer has."
"HEY! I'm a strong boy!" Libra yelled.
"Well we all know we can't leave Orion alone unless we want weapons and explosives so guess that leaves Aries." Pegasus stated.
Orion said,"You know what, I can't say that's false."
Aquarius said,"Yeah but don't you think she would just get pissed off and injure him?"
Leo shrugged well she's our only viable option so Aries I am going to need you to promise me you won't hurt Cancer no matter what."
Aries held up her three middle fingers and said,"To escape shopping, I'll promise not to hurt anyone."

zodiac house ver2
Sonstigescancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to eh?