All the characters are the same genders as in the main story unless stated. Also tell me what you think of this sub section of the book since I get bored and want to write these. Should I make a seperate book or just leave it as one book.
Aslo ROS stands for random oneshots.
context:At this time the zodiacs are now in school and Aries may or may not have a tiny crush on Scorpio so thats the context
=====Aries woke up late that day. She got out of bed and saw the broken alarm clock on the floor next to her dresser. She shrugged and moved her disheveled hair out of her face before jumping out of bed.
She took a quick look in the mirror and saw that she looked like the defenition of a mess with her hair all tangled and her whole sleeping attire was crumpled and messy.
She wouldn't usually care about how she looked but this was too far. She grabbed a set of clothes and underwear to change into after her shower. She left the room to see Scorpio about to knock on the door. She suddenly felt extremely consious of her looks and closed the door leaving a crack for her to see him.
She asked shyly,"U-um Scorpio, what's up?"
Scorpio said,"We're gonna be late soon thats what! The rest are all ready, hurry up and change you have 6 minutes!"
Aries took a look at her watch that she had on its stand on top her dresser and saw that Scorpio was nit joking. This got her to burst out of the room almost knocking into Scorpio to take a shower so that she wasn't late.
She had actually been late before but another time and she would be put in detention which is worse than it sounds.
Once she was done she ran out of the bathroom to see that all of her friends were awake and ready to go while she looked like she was running from someone who was about to kill her.
Virgo asked,"Aries didn't I gift you an alarm clock the last time you were late?"
Aries nervously chuckled,"Hehe ye about that, I may have broke it already."
Virgo face palmed and told her that she had an extra she could lend her. Everyone started making their way to school which was a few minutes away thankfully.
In the school they let the students wear what they wanted which was a great upside if you ignored the strict dress code. Aries was in a simple dry fit shirt and jeans which was her usual get up. Sh was still trying to figure out why she felt so nervous and self consious when Scorpio came to wake her up when Leo came up to her,"Hey Aries whatcha thinking about?" "Nothing why?"
Leo smirked and said,"Well because you made the face you make when your taking a test. Tell me about it."
Aries sighed and said,"I don't know but when I saw Scorpio this morning I felt so nervous I think I'm dying!"
Leo laughed,"Aww Aries that's not death, that's called a crush...unless the Scorpio was a teacher or a test but he is neither so. You. Like. Scorpio."
Aries was now thinking about what Leo said,"Maybe I do. Then what should I do to get rid of it."
Leo deadpanned,"Um, okay just tell him I guess. Or you could just accept it, anyways school is near so we can talk about this later."
They had reached school and went off on their different classes. Scorpio had gone to his class but he was filled with one strange thought,"Aries was really cute."
All he could think about was the image of the just awakened red head staring at him and nervously shutting the door. He wondered why Pisces had offered him to be the one to wake her up since they all knew waking Aries up was risky business.

zodiac house ver2
Randomcancer just moved into a mansion with his friends and now they live together, let's see what they get up to eh?