Dirt VS Purity!

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She is pure and kind but her past is covering her with someone else's dirt...

~next day, noon, Blue River Pack~

Hayley's pov

I keep on walking the fastest I can with my head bended and do my best to ignore or even forget the pain! In a while I will be at the pack house and the torture will be over, I won't have to move, I will just lie down but first I need to walk up the stairs and I am already scared of the pain I am about to feel...

This time it was worse than any other in the past and I don't know when I am going to get healed enough in order to stop being in pain. I think it's burning me, I was sitting with difficulty before, I can't even breathe normally because it hurts like hell and the more time passes the more I think it is increasing!

I was walking with less effort before, now I am forcing myself because I need to make it till my room the sooner, the last thing I want is to find myself in front of...

"Oh, look! The slut, Hayley!" I listen to a man yelling from behind me and I try to speed up even more.

My heart tightens from pain and fear as more men start laughing and I take the scent of three males. I will probably have to stand more abuse today, it wasn't enough the boys that hit me at school and I will have to face the fighters from the pack...

I hold back a painful cry as I start almost running and my heartbeat gets faster and stronger. I don't even know how this happens when I am so weak and I am standing on my feet with great amends.

Haven, my wolf makes her appearance after days of being silent and nowhere to be found and howls for me to go faster but I just can't, my feet was shaking! She doesn't like me either I guess and she is right but I don't know what happened and she came now... Maybe she won't take more and she is worried about it although she can just block me and leave me suffering like every other time...

"Where do you think you are going bitch?" another man screams from too close behind me this time and before I realize it I am being grabbed from my arm and scream in pain.

This is the bruised one and now I feel like I'm being pierced with needles, like electricity is hitting me.

"When we talk, you listen whore!" the third one growls and they circle me with the one still holding me and even tighten than before.

I stiffen panicked with my head still bended and don't reply or move. I know they are just trying to find a good excuse to hit me, they had done it again in the past. Well, they are going to hit me no matter what but if I talk, they will get even angrier! Six months ago when I had just turned 16 I had tried to talk and ask from some other men to leave me alone but the second I said the first word I was beaten and I was spitting blood for days. So I am staying silent and pray this torture to end the sooner in either way... Or with me dead or not so heavily injured, I mean more than I already am!

"Aren't you going to talk you cow?" the one in front of me asks outraged through his teeth and I close my eyes preparing myself for his hit.

We got straight to the point, usually they are telling me worse, they are reviling me for a while before they decide to release their anger on me but now I don't know why they are rushing to just hit me.

Alright Hayley, the sooner, the better!

"Okay slut! Let's give you a lesson for not obeying us!" the same man states and I think I feel him raising his hand to slap me with the others laughing.

I stiffen even more gasping terrified although I shouldn't because I am used to the pain and all these and get ready to stand the abuse for one more time but nothing happens.

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