Love And 'War'.

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If you don't express yourself and avoid the conflict to keep the peace for those you love, you start a war inside yourself, or not?

~next day, morning, airport~

Gabriel's pov

"Come sweetheart!" I say as I wrap one arm around Hayley and we start walking to the airport.

We parked the car and we are just in time as Kaitlyn's flight is going to land too soon! It had no delay and it is about 9 o'clock in the morning, it's quite early and we are going to have all the time we want to make some necessary things after we talk to my parents and closest friends.

I thought about it more last night and I decided to tell them all together, I can't repeat the same things twice and I feel better as I won't be alone... As you know, Kaitlyn is going to be on my side and help me, but we are going to have Hayley as well!

Yes, it looks like we made a pretty good start with Hayley yesterday and I am more relieved and happier than ever!

Not only 24 hours after our talk and our bond is way too strong and I find it completely logical, because we have too many things in common and it was a huge surprise for me, I wasn't expecting anything like this! It's like Hayley is my biological daughter for real, there is no other explanation I can give for what is happening between us!

To be more specific, let me tell you what we had been doing and talking about since yesterday after she accepted to give me a chance.

First of all, I am proud to say I managed to explain to her everything that happened between Becky, Michelle and me and about what happened at Evan's, about Claire and Ryker and my offer to him to become the pack's next alpha! I don't know why or how I was so calm and I had the courage to tell her everything, but I did and I realized how mature Hayley is! I mean, this kid has nothing to do with her mother, she has a completely different personality, she got angry when I told her more details as she knew very general things before and I have to admit I feel quite guilty she took my side for not wanting her!

She found it logical for me to avoid her and keep her away from me and this killed me, but this is also one reason I am more determined than ever to become a real father for her! This is what I am trying to do from that moment and the result is very pleasing, I feel her barriers falling gradually, she is smiling more than before, she is looking at me in the eyes and she is not lowering her gaze, she is getting more comfortable with me and I feel she enjoys my company.

Not that we have left each other from yesterday at the restaurant! We got separated only for sleep and it was too late at night, I put her to bed, but stayed for a while in order to talk and I left only when she fell asleep.

Before that we were out, I mean it, we are out all day and we had been walking around the city, we went to buy books (for both of us) and it was then that I found out we have many things in common like reading books, having the same preferences as for food, way of thinking, favorite colors and habits.

Also, I had the opportunity to ask her what she would like to do in the future, because my mother told me she is an excellent student! The truth is she would be a great Alpha although she is not my biological daughter, as she is clever and kind, she has the basics and she could be trained (as for the fighting I mean) and I felt awful when I announced her that I asked from Ryker to take my title, but...

She was way too relieved about him becoming the next Alpha saying that she can't do this when the pack knows everything and she has other plans and I am very excited for her dream to become a doctor! I find it amazing and I am sure she can make it, I have no doubt, she is a genius and I am going to support her the most I can! I have already told her that we are going to study some lessons together even if she doesn't need my help and she agreed, she got enthusiastic!

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