Chapter 7

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Emma was picking the grass. The sky was dark and cloudy, but a few stars peeked through. Regina was sitting beside her and they were just enjoying the tranquility. Neither had said a word since they'd arrived at the lake.

"Can't believe we've been here for a three weeks already," Regina said. "Time's flying."

Emma looked at her and nodded in agreement. She'd grown to love these evenings with Regina. It'd been the peak of her days, in the past few weeks, though she didn't even know what the hell they were doing.

Everything was okay when they were talking, but they always ended up kissing. Not even with tongue, just connecting their lips and savoring the other person's touches.

It didn't mean anything, though, she figured. She wasn't sure what it meant, not at all, but Regina always managed to act so casually the day afterwards, that she figured it couldn't be a big deal to her.

They'd been sharing a lot of stories. Emma had learned all about Regina's relationship with Mal, she'd told all about the stories of her being bullied and she'd learned about Regina's best friend when she was just adopted, who died when she was seven.

Emma didn't think there was very much to tell anymore. She'd shared all the times she'd been sent to different foster homes and the traumatic events that had occured during those times, like when her hair had caught fire, because she'd been forced to cook dinner when she was six years old. After tonight, Regina would know everything about her.

"Do you have anything else to share?" she asked and she saw Regina ponder. Emma could always see when Regina was lost in thought, because she would get a wrinkle between her eyebrows. It was very cute.

"I think I've told you everything," Regina confessed. "I.. I don't think there's anything left to tell. Do you have something?"

Emma nodded curtly and got up. She grabbed Regina's hand and pulled her up as well. Regina didn't ask any questions and just observed. Emma inhaled deeply and looked at the lake.

"I'm going for a swim," she said, "in my bikini."

Surprise was evident on Regina's face and she saw her lips form a smile. She didn't say anything though, which Emma for some reason really appreciated. It was a big deal for her and Regina knew that.

She took off her shirt and gulped. "Do you want to join?"

Regina nodded and took off her shirt as well. She wasn't wearing a bikini, but she didn't seem to care about that. A bra and panties functioned just as well.

Emma grabbed her hand and pulled Regina with her into the water. Regina squeezed her hand shortly. "I'm really proud of you, Emma. That you're doing this."

The blonde didn't respond, because she didn't want to have Regina be proud of her. She wanted this to be normal, to not feel incredibly ugly and like she was a failure.

When they'd gone far enough into the water for it to reach their waists, Emma stopped walking. She looked at Regina and though she knew Regina was trying her best not to notice her ruined skin, she could sense her eyes everywhere.

She inhaled deeply and grabbed Regina's hand. She moved closer to the girl and moved her hand to her wrinkled shoulder. "You can touch and look, I don't mind," Emma said. "I know it looks horrible and I hate my body, but I can't do anything about it."

Regina gently touched her abused skin. The brunette swallowed and shook her head. "You're a fucking goddess, Emma. I know tons of people that would kill for a body like yours. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"You don't have to say that," Emma said, though it did make her feel slightly better. Even though it wasn't true. She was physically broken and there was nothing she could do about it.

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