Chapter 9

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Not only Regina, Emma and Ingrid enjoyed the arrival of Robin and Killian, Mary Margaret and David had befriended Killian's parents as well and the four of them craved an evening without the kids, so they'd forced them to spend the night in Robin and Killian's cottage.

The five of them were walking on the dusty road and Regina looked at Emma. She was so genuinely proud of the way Emma had grown these past few weeks. If they were to do this the first day, Emma either wouldn't have come along or she'd have walked far behind them, making sure she'd be separated from the rest.

"I wonder how they're going to spend this evening," Regina muttered. Fortunately, the sky was cooling off, but she was still sweating.

"Swinging, probably," Killian said with a shrug, "why else would they need the night?"

"Ew. Oh, my God, stop talking. Those are our parents," Ingrid replied and moved closer to Robin's side, away from Killian.

"How are we going to spend the night?" Emma asked. "That's what I'm curious about."

"We're going to convince these two to go on a date," Regina said and gestured at Robin and Ingrid. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned aside to see Killian looking at her, with his lower lip between his teeth.

"Double date, I suppose?" he asked and Regina removed his hand from her shoulder.

"You can't take a hint, can you?" Regina asked and chuckled softly. "You and I? Never going to happen."

"Hmm," Killian said. "You'll see. Everyone falls for me eve.."

"I'm a lesbian, dear. You can try all you want, but it's not going to work," she interrupted him and she saw his face fall. He gritted his teeth, muttered a soft "sorry", and then turned to Emma.

"You available?"

"No," Emma said and Regina looked confused at her. "I'm in a serious, long term relationship with "I'm not interested"," she deadpanned and flashed him a fake smile.

Killian accepted his defeat and groaned softly. Next to him, Robin and Ingrid chuckled softly and he flashed them an annoyed look. "At least, I tried, okay? Not my fault one's gay and the other doesn't have taste. You'll know where to find me, though," he said and winked at Emma. "So, no double date, then."

"No," Regina replied, "but we can organize their first date. Oh, that'd be fun, honestly. We can like, pretend to be a restaurant and cook and stuff."

"How old are you? Playing pretend restaurant, that's really lame." Killian rolled his eyes and Regina cocked her head. Overall, she didn't like Killian's attitude, but she loved bickering with someone, so that made up for it.

"Okay, genius, you come up with something then," she replied.

"Let's play spin the bottle," he said with a sly smirk.

"Spin the bottle? What are you, twelve? How dare you shame my idea and the best you can come up with is spin the bottle? Literally everything is better than that, even truth or dare and that's saying a lot."

Killian shrugged. They arrived at their cottage and Killian had the key. "Truth or dare, then. Regina, how many girls have you made out with?"

"That's not even how it works. I swear to God, Killian, you are so f.."

"Regina, let it go," Emma interrupted her and grabbed her hand. "He's only doing this to annoy you."

They entered the house and sat down on the couch. Robin and Ingrid were leaning against each other and Emma was still loosely holding Regina's hand. Killian was searching for something in a cabinet, he'd turned his back to the rest, but when Regina saw what he'd grabbed, she groaned softly.

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