Chapter 19

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Emma groaned as she kicked off her heels. Her hand touched her stomach and the only thing she craved right now was a hot bath and a glass of wine. But she couldn't drink wine, because of the creature growing inside her uterus. God, did she hate some things about being pregnant.

Especially the hormones that made her want to hump everything around her. She could see even Regina was at times getting tired of her peaking sex drive.

She'd seen her wife's car parked on the driveway, so she knew Regina was home. She barged into the kitchen and bit her lower lip when she watched her wife move elegantly through the room to set the table.

Regina was wearing a tight, black dress that highlighted her curves and let Emma peek at her breasts. Emma was nearing the end of her first trimester and she was already showing some stomach, which made her jealous of Regina's small waist. Though, she couldn't be too upset knowing there was a little addition to the family growing inside of her.

They'd been talking about and searching for a sperm donor for quite some time and a few months ago, they'd finally decided to take the leap and go for it. Both their jobs were steady at this point. Regina had followed her mother's example and was now the mayor of Storybrooke and Emma spent her days teaching children all kinds of things. She loved being a teacher, but on days like these, she hated being away from Regina for so many hours.

"Happy ten year anniversary," Regina said and turned around to look at Emma. Her makeup was done impeccably, like always, and Emma felt her heart pound louder when she heard Regina speak. Still, after all these years, she couldn't get enough of that voice.

"No time," she said and rushed over to her wife to kiss her lips passionately. She grabbed Regina's hips and pulled her close to herself, while tasting Regina's tongue with her own.

"Gracious, the hormones still flowing, aren't they?" Regina said, after she'd pulled back. Emma swallowed and nodded apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I know this is.."

"Don't say another word," Regina said and kissed Emma's forehead. "I love you, I love having sex with you and I love our baby. Don't you dare apologize for having a high sex drive. I'm absolutely loving it."

"I do tire you out, though."

"No, you don't."

"Liar." Emma smirked and pressed her lips against Regina's nose.

"I was a little sore Tuesday, but I loved it," Regina said. "Anyway, I first wanted to get something to eat, because I'm starving."

"And eating me out isn't an option?"

"Not yet," Regina replied seductively with a wink. Emma groaned in disapproval but nodded and sat down at the table.

"Happy anniversary," she said and grabbed Regina's hand. "Can't believe it's ten years ago that we were on the top of the mountain. It's only gotten better since then."

They'd gotten married three years ago. It was a small gathering with just family and Emma still considered it the happiest day of her life. Many people had doubted their relationship in the past, because they'd been so young when they got in a relationship, but here they were, ten years later, still happier than ever.

Emma put her feet up the chair next to her and hissed when her sore heels touched the wood. "Did you wear your heels again?" Regina asked and looked sceptically at Emma's feet on the chair. "I told you, you shouldn't. Especially now."

She sat down opposite Emma and looked concerned at her. "My colleagues are so tall," Emma said. "When I wear heels, I'm just as tall as them."

"At least buy proper heels that don't give you blisters all the time. This is just upsetting, Emma."

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