Chapter 8

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"Any development between you and Robin?" Regina looked at her friend, who was sitting cross-legged on her bed throwing M&M's up in the air and catching it with her mouth. Well, at least she's trying, but they were flying all over the place.

She noticed Ingrid slightly blushing and the girl tensed her shoulders. "Nothing special," she said.

"Did you kiss yet?" Regina asked as she popped an M&M in her mouth. She was actually rooting for Ingrid. They'd found out that Robin and Killian didn't even live that far away from them. It was a coincidence, but a happy coincidence. For Ingrid, mostly, because Regina still didn't care much about Killian for a friend.

"Perhaps," she said with an innocent smile. "That's all, though.".

"Ingrid, that's great!" Regina exclaimed happily. "Really. Robin's a nice guy. His friend is not. Emma and I are stuck with him now. Boy, can he brag."

Ingrid laughed softly. "Well, his cousin is coming to visit them in three days, perhaps she's something for you. That way we can triple date if we force Emma and Killian together."

Regina nodded enthusiastically. She could use some romance in her life and after Emma had emphasized that that wasn't going to happen between them, yesterday, she figured she might as well look for other people.

"Unless you and Emma are already something? What's going on between you two?" Ingrid asked. Regina wasn't sure whether to tell Ingrid they'd been kissing every night. After all, Ingrid had made her promise not to fall in love with Emma and though she definitely wasn't falling in love with her, Ingrid might see it that way.

"We're just talking," Regina replied with a shrug. Ingrid cocked her head and raised her eyebrows, she clearly didn't believe Regina. "And we may have kissed a few times, but it was purely platonic. There aren't any romantic feelings involved, it's just.. you know, we're both horny and vulnerable and.. well, yeah, that."

"My, God," Ingrid muttered and chewed some M&M's. "You could've told me sooner, you know? We always share this kind of stuff."

"You didn't tell me either about Robin."

"Okay, that's true, but.. okay, well, yeah you're right," Ingrid said and before Regina could respond, she heard a soft knock on the door. Killian and Robin came in, wearing their swimming trunks.

"We're going for a swim, do you want to join?" Killian asked. Regina had to stifle a chuckle when she saw the way Robin and Ingrid looked at each other. It was but a summer romance, probably, but they got it bad for each other.

"Sure, I'd like to go," Ingrid said and Regina nodded. They got off the bed.

"Who's asking Emma?" Killian questioned, though everyone was aware Emma never went along with them. They all still tried to include her and Regina figured things might have changed after the night before. "Or are we not even gonna bother?"

"I'll ask her," Regina said. "You guys go ahead, we'll follow you." She hurried to Emma's room and knocked on the door. After Emma had allowed her inside, she entered and found the girl drawing something at her desk.

"What's up?" Emma asked as Regina closed the door. The brunette approached her and looked at her drawing.

"Damn, you're good," she said, when she saw Emma's drawn bouquet. The contrasts and fine lines were well worked out and Regina bit her lower lip. She didn't know Emma could draw so well.

"Thanks," Emma said. "What are you doing here?"

Regina grabbed her hand and pulled her out of her chair. Emma frowned. "Killian, Robin and Ingrid are down by the lake to go for swim and I thought maybe you'd like to join as well."

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